Thanks again, now that I'm awake I'll make a list of the AARs I'm following. I'm still following any AAR I mentioned the last time that is still active.
The new AARs I have been following since then are:
The Leading Spirits (the Victoria 3 portion of
@Revan86's megacampaign)
A whole bunch of CK3 AARs - Blood of the North; Six Hundred Years of History - From 867 to 1453 with (Almost) Historical Characters; The English Exile; Legatum Gentis Gothorum; The Red Heart of Europe; The Sword of Virtanen; Dreams of House Batatzes; The Legacy of Eadmund; Taurica Part II.
In CK2, most of the AARs I follow are my own, but these are ones by other authAARs I follow: History of Mazovia and its people - Part I: First Steps (867-1410); Road of Queens; Siberian Prosperity; The Sunset from the West.
In EU4, the AARs I've followed since my last nomination are: The lost tribe of Asher: Humble Origins + Idea Guys run; New Era, Old Gods; True Tsar, Triple Faith: Triple the Rome as Orthodox (1.37); Jak's Game Guide; Growing Tall: Minor to Great Power adding just 1 province per decade.
In Stellaris: Mandate of Heaven; Dreams of a Better Future - Tales of the Roccan Resistance; Unsung Paragons of the Forgotten War.
In HOI4: The Patriots; American Caesar; The Empire Strikes Back - Part 4; Imperial Cheese Part 2: The Historical Run; Destiny! Destiny! No Escaping That For Me! - The Historical Sweden Challenge.
Finally, in Imperator: Ex Roma ad Stellas; Rise of Albion; Germanic Steel, part 1: The Great Migrations; Dreams of Ptolemaios.
Also, apparently there is this awAARd called the YAYAs that is currently taking voting. I haven't yet (the voting doesn't close until the New Year) but intend to around Christmas, probably using this post and the previous one I did about AARs I'm following to help fill out the ballot. (For my own memory, the pages are 629 and 618)
Finally, I need to finish watching some YouTube videos I had queued up before I went to sleep, then I can get back to my AARs. House Uí Seid shall return soon!