For the next version, i would like to insert a new subroutine in the tools.
This subroutine could writte event with templates.
Example :
I would like to create an event for increase stability the 1/1/1450 for each country in the europe continent.
You create a template like this :
and the program writtes for you, every event for european country with a good id.
This subroutine could writte event with templates.
Example :
I would like to create an event for increase stability the 1/1/1450 for each country in the europe continent.
You create a template like this :
event = {
id = <id>
random = no
country = <alleuropeen>
name = "Gift"
desc = "Increase stability"
date = { day = 1 month = 1 year = 1450 }
action_a = {
name = "stability+1"
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
and the program writtes for you, every event for european country with a good id.