Since lowlands are gonna be improved in 1.25 why not add option to form Belgium while at it? Lowlands have always been intreasting location in MP matches.Since none of the players would ever support you its best for 2 players to play in lowlands so they can beat burgundy alone(Holland and Brabant).After beating burgundy up with your ally holland gets to form netherlands,but brabant? Yeah they don't get to do anything unless they seek to take holland for themselfs.
Belgium should be formable the same way as netherlands,5-7 province requirement in southern lowlands.Hell there is even a mod that allows it so why not allow it in vanila game.Why am i not using that mod? Becose everyone uses vanila in MP.
You can form nations like hannover,westplhalia,egypt so whats wrong with forming belgium? Almost all nations in the game should have this so you have a goal when playing a nation. *cough* *0 formable nations in southern germany.*
If this is added maybe playing nations like flanders should be worth it instead of being compleatly unbalanced and always being one sided when it comes to playing in lowlands.
Becose right now,it's either holland or brabant,if you pick liege/flanders you are just making it harder for yourself becose the only thing you can do is expand north to form netherlands.
Belgium should be formable the same way as netherlands,5-7 province requirement in southern lowlands.Hell there is even a mod that allows it so why not allow it in vanila game.Why am i not using that mod? Becose everyone uses vanila in MP.
You can form nations like hannover,westplhalia,egypt so whats wrong with forming belgium? Almost all nations in the game should have this so you have a goal when playing a nation. *cough* *0 formable nations in southern germany.*
If this is added maybe playing nations like flanders should be worth it instead of being compleatly unbalanced and always being one sided when it comes to playing in lowlands.
Becose right now,it's either holland or brabant,if you pick liege/flanders you are just making it harder for yourself becose the only thing you can do is expand north to form netherlands.