MattyG said:
Ukrainian provinces:
Podolia (convertable to Ruthenian)
i can suggest some more historical provinces:
Volynia(borders with Poland and Belarussia) with a political economical and moilitary center in Dubno and Lutsk(they changed from time to time)(bordered with lands of Poland,Lithuania borders,Chernigiv,Podolia(originaly called Podilia Podolia is russian interpretation of origianal name of region) and Halychyna with Poland)
Halychyna(bordred with Poland,Hungary, Bukov'yna,Volynia,Podolia)
Bukovyna(bordered with Huungary and Moldavia,Podolia,Halychyna now borders with Romania) Center in Chernivtsi
Chernigiv(bordered with lands of Novgorod Siversky and lands of Lithuania noe borders with Belarussia and Russia) center Cernigiv
Slobodgan Ukraine(now borders with russia)
Kyiv province(bordered with Chernigiv,Podolia,Zaporizhia and Slobodgan Ukraine) center in :wacko: Kyiv
also there was a hostorical province of Zaporizhia(bordered with Turkey(Osman) empire and lans of different tatar khans Podolia(Podilia),Kyiv and Slobodgan Ukraine)
this provinces are considered to exist in 1430(+/-5)-1750(+/-5)
then after russian conquered weak after endless wars with Poland and Osman Empire Ukrainian lands provinces were reorganised and renamed to include more territory.