- snip -
. . . did you just copy/paste the entire text from the harrenhall_events.txt file, without even using tags?
Also as has been pointed out, there are several ways to avoid the curse or at least lessen it's impact.
- snip -
. . . did you just copy/paste the entire text from the harrenhall_events.txt file, without even using tags?
Also as has been pointed out, there are several ways to avoid the curse or at least lessen it's impact.
It makes sense because it reflects the lore. Sailing into the Smoking Sea can kill you to 95 percent of the time. It's WAD, it's not broken, broken implies it is not working as designed too.
Huh? I don't get ya, but short answer? No.
The point is that your one post takes up 90% of the first page of this thread. If you're going to post entire files of text, you should put it behind spoiler tags.
yeah sorry about that, I was just really salty to have 50 years of gameplay anticlimactically end like that
Thanks for the help though, I appreciate it! I'm just going to delete the penalties to health and fertility and, keeping the mostly harmless events, so Harrenhall still has a little bit of a 'spooky' flair(that part about removing tall and turning you into a dwarf, what?)
Sorry I broke an etiquette I knew absolutely nothing about until now, instead of passive aggressive snobbery just could have told me to begin with what's up. I didn't think about it because I was just trying to help and I had to google spoiler tags to even know what you were talking about. I'm not on any forum that much so had no idea what they are or how to do them. <spoiler> Until now, maybe. </spoiler> edit: Ya see still can't do them. If you want to explain I don't mind that.
tags though.
Pretty sure fractions can be done using decimals.Small question for those with a little more modding experience than I do: Can health be added or removed fractionally by events just like fertility, or does it have to be an integer? I don't mind still having the event itself, I just think that the Curse kills children just a little too quickly.
So if you rebuild the castle it removes the curse?
Sorry I broke an etiquette I knew absolutely nothing about until now, instead of passive aggressive snobbery just could have told me to begin with what's up. I didn't think about it because I was just trying to help and I had to google spoiler tags to even know what you were talking about. I'm not on any forum that much so had no idea what they are or how to do them. <spoiler> Until now, maybe. </spoiler> edit: Ya see still can't do them. If you want to explain I don't mind that.
There... is no curse though. Like... the "curse" is that Harrenhal is a strategic position in the riverlands and people end fighting over it, and the looser gets offed. That's the curse.
Every house that has held Harrenhal has met nasty ends and been cursed with bad luck. Seems like a curse to me.
Give Harrenhal to the Freys! (I do agree that the curse is a bit much though)
Every house that hold's king's klanding meets with a nasty end.
Not a one house holding harenhal has died because "Durr... you turned into an idiot dwarf lisping maniac". They all die because Harenhal is a strategic position, and people kill each other over it. Or the occasional targaryan going mad.