Harry Turtledove
In the 1st book, The Great War:American Front , Woodrow Wilson is the president of the CSA, Teddy Roosevelt is president of the USA. The CSA declares war on US, and quickly captures Washington D.C, at the end of the book, the US has made good gains in Canada, is in the middle of putting down a Mormon Rebellion in Utah, and the CSA has made some good gains. The USA captures and occupies the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii)
In the 2nd Book, The Great War: A Walk in Hell, Gabrial Semmes is now president of the CSA, the Socalists have gained seats in the US congress. The Mormon Rebellion is crushed, Canada is no longer a threat. The USA is deploying a new weapon called a "barrel." The Tide has turned on the Confederates, President Semmes is trying to get congress to approve putting guns in the hands of blacks so they can hold their lines aganst the superior numbers of the USA.
In the 3rd book, The Great War:Breakthroughs, The USA recaptures Washington D.C., General George Armstrong Custer deploys his "barrels" enmass on the Kentucky front and breaks the Confederate lines, Kentucky is Re-addmitted to the Union. In Texas the USA also makes conciderable gains and creates the state of Houston. In Canada the state of Quebec is formed. The war ends with the USA controlling large portions of Virginia and Canada. Germany has defeated the English and French, England grants independance to Ireland. Harsh war reperations are forced on the CSA.
The Allies: United States of America, and Germany
The Enemies: Confederate States of America, Brazil, Argentina, England, France, Russia, and Japan.
I would really like this mod to be made.