The period covered by EU4 saw some of the greatest rulers of all times. In my opinion, these rulers (such as Soliman, Elizabeth, Gustavus Adolphus, Napoleon, etc.) deserve to be represented in the game and I would love to play with them and have them appearing.
Therefore an event could make these "Truly divine rulers" heirs, or directly rulers in case of republics, of their country if some conditions are met (conditions like country, year, dynasty, government form, etc.). These rulers should have very good stats, from 4/4/4 to 6/6/6. Any county cannot have more than one historical ruler.
For the ones who don't want them, an option should be included in the event giving the choice to refuse the ruler.
I think that such a simple thing like this would greatly improve the experience for players that like to have a more historical feeling with the game, while it won't change the game for people who want a more sandbox experience.
Therefore an event could make these "Truly divine rulers" heirs, or directly rulers in case of republics, of their country if some conditions are met (conditions like country, year, dynasty, government form, etc.). These rulers should have very good stats, from 4/4/4 to 6/6/6. Any county cannot have more than one historical ruler.
For the ones who don't want them, an option should be included in the event giving the choice to refuse the ruler.
I think that such a simple thing like this would greatly improve the experience for players that like to have a more historical feeling with the game, while it won't change the game for people who want a more sandbox experience.
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