Given PDX's recent takes on simplifying their newer games and making them more alt-history based i'm genuinely afraid of a potential EU5 just being a worse game with graphic improvements.
CK2 was my favorite game for so long but CK3 just doesn't have the same magic and while HOI4 is ok, even today I still prefer HOI3. Given the recent updates about Vicky3, i'm afraid that realism and complexity are being thrown out the window and left for modders to fix. Even now while I love EU4 and is my favorite game of all time with 8,544 hours played I still wish it had a bit more historic feasibility.
For example, the whole Iran situation as it stands is 9/10 Qara Qoyunlu is never taken out by Aq Qoyunlu so that the later can then go on to form Persia, The Mughals never get to form how they did historically instead rather it's usually by an uncollapsed Timurids just blobbing into India, and then even still they just get ganked by a Bahmanis/Jaunpur/Bengal mega hugbox. Also with the whole "Qing China" thing, I get it that they want to make it a scenario based challenge to give it some "fun" points but honestly something like a "Historic outcomes" option rather than just "Historical Lucky Nations" would be really fun for dealing with situations like they did in History.
The Manchu tribes are either just too weak or the AI is too stupid to actually use the mechanics as they should be used for the sake of conquering China and I know that Korea got a bit of a nerf in the last patch but you can't even tell. They just blob into Manchuria like they always do which is ridiculous. Another stupid thing that seems to happen every game is the lack of Oda ever getting to a position where they can actually "Beat" Ashikaga. For whatever reason the devs failed to realize that 12 Ashikaga troops will always beat Oda's 2.
I could literally go on and on about the lack of scaling control for OP nations like Spain or Ottomans where once they get to their world dominating position, they never fall off like they would have historically. The AI colonizes way too quick and in places that usually wouldn't had even been considered for at least another hundred years, and my God, the USA is such an unloved joke of a nation that even when it does form it somehow just gets eaten up by other colonial nations like "Florida".
The transfer of colonies between european nations is also really poorly represented since to even take the stupid colonies you pretty much need to go to an all out war with the colonial power due to the low amount of war score that sieging them brings. Something as easy as a colonial war casus belli with overseas provinces counting for 5x more warscore would make this so much more feasible.
I am sick and tired of seeing "Spanish Alaska" and "Spanish Australia" by 1650 and frankly it wouldn't even be that bad if Spain was just able to fall off like they did in history but no. Instead we have a huge quirky funny alt history deathstack simulator and while some people love that, the whole reason why I switched over to EU4 from CK2 is the later's ridiculous lack of historicallity ESPECIALLY in Iberia.
I'm almost certain that people are just gonna post the "hur hur just use this mod bro" response or "EU4 can't be historic because blah blah processing memory data also it game so it can't be railroady" I just want the option. The later start dates are a nightmare and it shows how little attention they've been given because nobody plays them but nobody plays them because they've never been given any attention.
Iv'e tried the mods. Voltaires's Nightmare, Meiou and Taxes, 1356, extended timeline, etc. My whole point is that while I know that EU4 isn't perfect, it's still the best thing out there for being at least somewhat plausable as a history simulator.
PDX's recent games have made me realize that it's probably gonna be the last; and while i'm still gonna play EU4 and i'll probably try out EU5 till I shelf it, I at least wanted to write this post to vent my feelings on my favorite game of all time and my favorite developers of all time before the ship sails off over the horizon for the last time. I am excited for this new DLC but I do have to say, i'm anxious about the fact that it is probably gonna be one of it's last.
CK2 was my favorite game for so long but CK3 just doesn't have the same magic and while HOI4 is ok, even today I still prefer HOI3. Given the recent updates about Vicky3, i'm afraid that realism and complexity are being thrown out the window and left for modders to fix. Even now while I love EU4 and is my favorite game of all time with 8,544 hours played I still wish it had a bit more historic feasibility.
For example, the whole Iran situation as it stands is 9/10 Qara Qoyunlu is never taken out by Aq Qoyunlu so that the later can then go on to form Persia, The Mughals never get to form how they did historically instead rather it's usually by an uncollapsed Timurids just blobbing into India, and then even still they just get ganked by a Bahmanis/Jaunpur/Bengal mega hugbox. Also with the whole "Qing China" thing, I get it that they want to make it a scenario based challenge to give it some "fun" points but honestly something like a "Historic outcomes" option rather than just "Historical Lucky Nations" would be really fun for dealing with situations like they did in History.
The Manchu tribes are either just too weak or the AI is too stupid to actually use the mechanics as they should be used for the sake of conquering China and I know that Korea got a bit of a nerf in the last patch but you can't even tell. They just blob into Manchuria like they always do which is ridiculous. Another stupid thing that seems to happen every game is the lack of Oda ever getting to a position where they can actually "Beat" Ashikaga. For whatever reason the devs failed to realize that 12 Ashikaga troops will always beat Oda's 2.
I could literally go on and on about the lack of scaling control for OP nations like Spain or Ottomans where once they get to their world dominating position, they never fall off like they would have historically. The AI colonizes way too quick and in places that usually wouldn't had even been considered for at least another hundred years, and my God, the USA is such an unloved joke of a nation that even when it does form it somehow just gets eaten up by other colonial nations like "Florida".
The transfer of colonies between european nations is also really poorly represented since to even take the stupid colonies you pretty much need to go to an all out war with the colonial power due to the low amount of war score that sieging them brings. Something as easy as a colonial war casus belli with overseas provinces counting for 5x more warscore would make this so much more feasible.
I am sick and tired of seeing "Spanish Alaska" and "Spanish Australia" by 1650 and frankly it wouldn't even be that bad if Spain was just able to fall off like they did in history but no. Instead we have a huge quirky funny alt history deathstack simulator and while some people love that, the whole reason why I switched over to EU4 from CK2 is the later's ridiculous lack of historicallity ESPECIALLY in Iberia.
I'm almost certain that people are just gonna post the "hur hur just use this mod bro" response or "EU4 can't be historic because blah blah processing memory data also it game so it can't be railroady" I just want the option. The later start dates are a nightmare and it shows how little attention they've been given because nobody plays them but nobody plays them because they've never been given any attention.
Iv'e tried the mods. Voltaires's Nightmare, Meiou and Taxes, 1356, extended timeline, etc. My whole point is that while I know that EU4 isn't perfect, it's still the best thing out there for being at least somewhat plausable as a history simulator.
PDX's recent games have made me realize that it's probably gonna be the last; and while i'm still gonna play EU4 and i'll probably try out EU5 till I shelf it, I at least wanted to write this post to vent my feelings on my favorite game of all time and my favorite developers of all time before the ship sails off over the horizon for the last time. I am excited for this new DLC but I do have to say, i'm anxious about the fact that it is probably gonna be one of it's last.
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