I'm sorry, I don't understand your question.
If you are talking about "Hearts of Iron 2" or a variant, what do you mean about you "don't have any scenarios"?
In HOI2, if you look at the left side of the screen when you turn the game on, there is a list of scenarios to choose from.
Click on one to choose it, and choose a country flag to click on to play to start it.
(You can also scroll down on one of the country flags to get a list of other countries to choose.
If you scroll down further on the left, there are also other, more limited scenarios for specific battles.
I assume you know all of this.
I am probably telling you things you already know.
If you want to know which scenario is the best, it depends on what you're looking for.
Do you want a good introduction to the game, an easy game, or one where you stand a good chance of winning, or a really tough campaign?
I can't really advise on which would be the best choice for those.
Or are you talking about a problem you are having with the game itself and it's files?
What precisely is your specific problem with the game or the copy you have?
Somebody who knows more than me may be able to help.