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For @Znail, the very good idea on merging does seriously tempt, yet I'm in the middle of a production bottleneck;
1] A basic 9/0[+arty] , (140+) ;
2] A stopgap 9/1[+arty, eng, AA] , (152) ; and
3] A 'go to' template 9/2[arty, eng, AA] to get to 27 width; but about 27-29 arty/day in production ...

Men and Sup.Eq. are manageable, artillery is the limiting factor *damn it* .
As I stumble through BBA, I do try to get things done right . Army, I dig it; Navy, my timing sucks ; Air is opaque mud .
My major goal in WFs is to get artillery up to 36/day on L2 arty, and Support Eq. up to 10 WFs during Barbarossa (now 1st September'41) .
Vast numbers of arty WILL stop Infantry, however, 27/day gets 1 BN [36]/2 days ,,, and 163 Grunt 1s to convert to Grunt 2s; that'll take 326 days, at current rate ... AND I'm building Grunt 2s as well
Level 1 artillery is good enough for mass infantry division and don't change it until you have several thousand artillery surplus. Keep the level 2 rifle too.
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For @Znail and @Cavalry,
1] I have the Grunt 3 template ready to go, but not yet used ;
2] Using incremental upgrades ( G1>G2>G3) has always been my plan ;
3] Rifles 1 had a 5 round clip, but Rifles 2 has a 75 round DRUM, and I'm producing 400+/day ! ;
4] The divisional merge is a good idea, for units in spots you've GOT to hold onto; and those partial XXs can go to your Training Centers [TCs] to rebuild/heal up, and rack some more XP .
5] I would dearly LOVE to get to 72 arty2/day, but I'll settle for 40+arty2/day, ditto for Sup.Eq. going up to 50+/day !!
Right now I'm on MASS ASSAULT, just getting the Positive Heroism [and Zhukov] focus in 5 days ... I'm doing historical path, would rather do Superior Firepower instead .
Do I take it that "WF" means Military Factories, a.k.a. MILs? Why have they now become WFs, please? Just curious about the new vocabulary.
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and those partial XXs can go to your Training Centers [TCs] to rebuild/heal up
the way reinforcements work in the game, you're unlikely to be taking losses so great that they won't be replaced the next time the division goes into combat (unless of course you're going long periods without supply but then the division's useless anyway). if you do manage to drop below 90% strength just standing a tile behind the line is plenty.
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PROBLEM : As USSR, I'm preparing for Barbarossa on 20 September'40, with 186 Grunt 1s [9/1(+arty)], and 36 Grunt 2s [9/1 (+arty, eng, AA)] ; spread out along the old Russian border and the Dnepr line ... while having 40 XXs lined up to grow to L2 {trained} .
At the moment, I'm showing a -1.15K lack of Inf Eq. [4 days worth] ... BUT I've also been setting up 10 states for Tankograd, and have filled 15 WFs of the 30 WFs required, so far, I've 31 of 40 WFs done .

So IF I chop off the most recent XX replacements [under 10% training], will the Game REFUND the excess Inf Eq. that those 'chopped' XXs would have otherwise spent ??
If it DOES, I've got a lot eager Grunt 1s to grow into Grunt 2s !!, and only 'chopping' 4 or 6 XXs to do so .
I'll be honest, I assume that "XX" means "division" but I have no idea what "WF" stands for, and I've been playing this game a long time.
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I'll be honest, I assume that "XX" means "division" but I have no idea what "WF" stands for, and I've been playing this game a long time.
Yes, XX is part of the way NATO symbology works. X would be brigade, XXX would be corps. Smaller units follow a cimilar pattern with lines and circles.

WF meaning war factory could be a translation/localization issue, or a hold over from a different game. I know that in the earlier command and conquer games, war factories were buildings you built in order to produce vehicles from. It could also be because the military factories are the factories you use for war material (asode from boats).
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For @SeekTruthFromFx , @blahmaster6k , @pro_gamer, and @Corpse Fool, welcome !
I usually type one handed because I have a big, hungry puppy that I want to keep away from the keyboard .

WF does indeed mean Weapons Factory, and is much easier to type one handed ... CF = Civilian Factory .

Those Germans are pushing hard, and I want my wounded to escape to safety ... like 3 or more tiles, or across the Dnepr, or to a TC . With some 30-odd wounded, and 200-odd units still on the Kiev side of Dnepr, I'd like the space cleared for retreating troops .

As ex-military, I understand NATO symbols, I won't use them; because I need to be able to see the differences and types of units in a tile [armor, motor/mech, cav, light, medium, heavy, etc.] . For example INF: Cheap stuff direct builds (L1s, L2s) get hats, built up units (L3+) get fancy helms [Roman crested helms] .
Other types use similar logics {L1s=pawn, L2s=knight, L3s= rook, etc.} .
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Odessa is long lost to Italians and minor Axis

Minsk is so far safe as of 14 September'41

KIEV faces a major battle, with 2 tiles of Germans adjacent, but Soviet units are in town, with more on the way, including Our 1st Lt tank XX committed so far .
We have yet to see any German armor, but how long that'll last, We don't know .
Current Status, 14 September'41 :
AA 2112, 15 WFs, 28/day ;
Arty 14 23/26 WFs, 30/day ;
INF.Eq. 11,863, 42/46 WFs, 421/day ;
Trucks 8265. 3 WFs, 9.50/day ;
SUP.Eq. 281, 23/30 WFs, 25/day ;
L tanks 44?/[-256], 3 WFs, 2.71/day ;
M tanks 24, 8/25 WFs, 2.22/day ;
FTR 117, 1 WF, 1.50/day ;
Getting 3 WFs this next month .

Units on ground ;
Grunt 1s 145 [10 coming by end of October'41] .
Grunt 2s 155
L tank 12 [#13 deploys on 7th December'41] .
M tank 1 [#2-6 deploy in March'42 (Stilettos = 6 trucks/1 T-44) *nasty !*

My T-44s ['43 Medium] have 12 KPH, to keep up with trucks and decent to damn good stats versus Panzers .
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The 7/2 infantry would be better in defend. The 7/2 used to be very good, now it is good again because of the recent changes to spreading attack. So total defense in each division is not needed too high and we can add artillery for attack stats or use smaller divsion to boost total Org instead.

For hot spots try 6 inf 2 art (it is the new version of the good 9/3), for anti tank or MP try 6 inf - 1 AT.
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{** DRALM damn it !! **} . I hate it when they drop a new update on us players; at least I've already got the '43 medium tank (T-44) into production !
5 stilleto XXs will deploy in March'42 [ha ha], (1 BN T-44/ 6 trucks); these are stopgap XXs, until I can boost T-44 numbers by a lot .
Additional BNs can start new XXs, or be added to existent XXs, right I'm up to 2,10/day ... so a new BN takes about 25 days ... if I can do 3/day = 17 days per BN, 4/day = 13 days, 5/day =10-ish days, etc.
That's without doing something to my BT-7 line of WFs .

Once I straighten up my Arty [to 36/day] and Sup.Eq. [to 30+/day], it's tanks and AIR . Fuel is taken are of; Rubber is being built (Resource Factories mod), and LaGG 3s are growing to L3s .

IF I can hold the Dnepr line, there are a number if states that can be blessed with Infra-, WFs; while in the "Dogpatch" states [0-2 construction sites] get Infra-, CFs, and resource factories . Sure, even under Closed Economy all this will take time ... but once We get it rolling ...
63 days into Barbarossa [17 September'41], the Germans have reached Kiev, which We still hold .
Around the Romanian front, we are now across the river north of Odessa, while the forces by the Rom/Russ corner are moving to Kiev's relief to push the SE tile that the Germans took 3 days ago .

West of Minsk, We are holding ... the Rescue Army is beefing up units and returning them to the fronts; I may not put specific XXs into the army they came from, but a full strength XX goes to the army that NEEDS one .

Small troop movements are forming reserves [12-16 XXs Grunt 2s] closer to the Front for faster deployment .

At tis point, what should I do with the 3 WFs on my BT-7 line ? Artillery? Sup.Eq. ?
I know where and how many Italian tanks are, but no German tanks have been seen ... yet .
Even though I'm trying to plow my way slowly to effectively understand BBA's new thoughts and systems, the INF and Navy seem pretty clear; BUT Air is as clear as optically #4 Drilling MUD .
1] The idea of an Air Wing consisting of exactly 100 birds (any type) may sound good for sending Wings overseas, but not when you're wanting to use PARTIAL Wings for smaller uses [volunteers, replacements, workups] FLATLY DOESN'T WORK .
When I started the Game in 1.3 'era' 11,400+ hours ago, controlling my 'bird farms' let me put low level birds ON THE MAP at small airstrips, in monthly or quarterly batches, and let them 'grow up' to L3 .
Once these birds hit L3, send them to a common airstrip where this type's Group of L3s can be merged into ... forming a larger [100+ to 500-sh birds] Groups that you can slice off a Wing or 2 to go elsewhere {size: VARIABLE} .
2] BBA's idea of "wait until you've got 100 [THIS type] birds", and ONLY THEN ALLOW these birds to exercise to L3 ,,, costs valuable LEAD TIME, I need these birds NOW, not in 12-18 MONTHS from now !!
Minor nations fare worse [screwed over] under this
scheme .
3] I'd love to see what TYPES of birds I'm building; I"M doing LaGG 3s, not I-15s, or I-16s (damn it); LaGG 3s are 1940 class birds, NOT INTERWAR birds !!
If possible, Id like a guide to show me in BBA how to upgrade birds (I-16s > LaGG 3s) .
1 October'41, the 1 1/2 month siege Kiev of continues, and We now see 2 motorized XXs and 3 medium tank XXs the Germans have contributed to Barbarossa so far .
Kiev may not last too much longer, but We will see . The Dnepr line "V" east of Kiev can take wounded reinforcements, while those units that already have entrenchments could protect wounded troops .
Meanwhile, the R&R ( Minsk) army is doing a land office business, being almost ready to send units back to 'owning' armies ... a 2nd R&R (Dnepr) army is being set up .

Apparently the arrival of Panzers allowed the Game to insert AT BNs into my INF templates; I sure as hell didn't !

I may have to rewind this game back to '38 !!