orimazd said:
Some people find religion very important. Do you know what a pogrom is? Do you think they were not motivated by religion?
the only motivation religion gives , is spiritual motivation, it does not define who you are as a person, where you come from, what language you speak, and cannot make any nations from religion for example, take a 1000 people with a 1000 cultures who have have the same religion, they will never form a nation because their cultural traits will not entirley merge.
oops I forgot Israel, yea a nation formed by a "gift" from the English, enough said.
take the ancient Greeks, vikings and Romans they where religious, they had 100's of Gods, most likely the same God as we have today, same God as the christians, muslims etc.
Note: I am a religious person, but I believe its way down on my list of importance due to the fact that religion is for my own "spiritual" guidance, to pray when I want to pray, to attend mass when i want to attend and not to listen to someone who is attepting to drive me in one direction which would not suit me. "someones" who drive masses in one direction are basically militant people.
One believes who they want to believe, its the same God to me, regardless of religion.
Perhaps, but it would not take much for a jewish culture to arise.
jewish religion, Hebrew culture or now israeli culture. do we have a christian culture, buddhist culture etc or are you trying to say jewish religious practices?
Occasionally you would have a man claiming to be the messiah.
yea, i heard of them, salesmen , sometimes selling bad goods.
It happened quite a bit back in the EU2 days. Suppose a pogrom is called in a city...lets call the city it happens in
Râmnicu Sărat. Why? Because, according to Wikipedia, in 1900 it had a lot of Jews, and there was a battle at the town in 1434. I'll find a better more appropriate city later. Anyways, in most pogroms jews did not fight back. They ran for their lives and hid like citizens of a city which resisted Temur-e Lang and just lost the siege. Occasionally someone would proclaim himself the messiah and fight back at the murderous pogromites, but that didn't really ever work out.
these messiah's are called guerrilla fighters, rebels, freedom fighters. they are not religously based, but based on the masses who where trodden into the earth.
jews fought only for their religion to exist and not to form any semblence of forming a nation, they where happy to live in any society as long as they could practice their religious beliefs.
Nationalism wasn't an ideology until the 1700s-1800s. You are talking about Nationalism.
call it what you want, but ancient tribes, city states or whatever, would form a nation/country based on culture.
Take Spain, formed from basically 2 countries with the same cultural makeup but slightly different languages, where they a country or a nation, same thing in my eyes.
if the spartans existed till the middleages as a city state , they would have been called a nation based on their culture. Only time defines the use of the word Nationalism.
[/QUOTE]He won't be leading them to Israel/Palestine, either, which is kinda an action that the Messiah does. When the people realize that Kyle ben Gerald is not the real messiah, the people will either allow his chosen heir to rule, or they will be governed by the Sanhedrin. Or, potentially, both. Who knows. I have a capstone paper to work on, so I'll figure it out after I write 20 pages before Valentine's Day.[/QUOTE]
Ah, On palestine, a culture which had a nation prior to the Romans trying to achieve their own nation today based on their culture,
they will fight forever as a culture to achieve their own nation, while religion is slowly being ignored by the world masses and only used for oneself spiritual guidance.
religions come and go with time, while a person cultural identity will still around