Main Set up for Iberia
Ive set up 5 main countries for Iberia : Al-Andalus(Instead of Cordoba, more appropriate), Porto, Leon, Galicia, and Navara.
There are several cultures, all of which have been named in Arabic pronounciations to give the feel of an Arabized Spain...
Andalusi(Mainly in the south from Lisbon to Almeria), Suqlubi (Not Suquli, it is basically a representation of the Slavic descendent populations who resided mainly in the Beleares, Barcelona, Valencia and Aragon - being brought in the early 8th and 9th centuries as slaves, they became the 'Syrians' of Spain....Muslims all of them), Julayqi (Galician), Qishtalli(Castillian) and Burtugali(Portuguese) all of which are cornered in the north with also the northern Andalusi provinces falling under one of these categories. I have changed most of the province names as well as some of the seas names to their more arabic oriented names....
Tulleytillah instead of Toledo for example... and Zaragoza instead of Aragon (The city was quite famous in Muslim times...anyone heard of El-Cid and Prince Mutamid of Zaragoza?)
The Almeria gulf is now the Gulf of Senior Badr (Sidi Badr - hes the African who transported the Abdul Rahman the Ummayed to Spain...long story), the Sea of the Arab Pearl for the Gulf of Mallorca and so forth...
Ive done the country advisors (But not the famous Iberian Advisors section yet) but its funny to see the mix of Arabic and Spanish names...Muahmmed de Brazgna - not that it wasnt uncommon.
Most of the flags were done by me....Al-Andalus one is appropriate and the writing is in Andalusi style. Give me feedback tarakan! Once you tell me your opinions, I'll get to North Africa and Ahem, the lovely Orient of Arabia!