Interregnum: The Papal States
These are the first events, triggered if neither Bavaria or Savoy take up the challenge to defend the catholics of Iberia during the Crusade
# Conciliar Theory
event = {
id = 464201 #milder version, when the pope agrees with the Emperor not to go on Crusade
trigger = {
domestic = { type = centralization value = 5 }
random = no
country = PAP
name = "Conciliar Theorists"
desc = " Conciliar Theory had raged for more then 60 years, as a battle over control over liturgical and spiritual interpretation. When it was clear that neither Emperor Albrecht nor King Louis would be answering Felix's vain call to Crusade, Nicholaus realised his predeccesor Felix had made a crucial political error in calling for the Crusade. He had given strength to the bishops who embraced Conciliar Theory, which sought to weaken papal authority and have ecclesiastical thought controlled by a Council rather than a single figure. With his authority already weak, Nicholaus chose a path of least resistance, which would most likely preserve his own power. He allowed a looming Laternan council on liturgy to include a debate on ecclesiastical leadership. It was a Council Nicholaus would not live to see. "
date = { day = 1 month = december year = 1454 }
action_a = {
name = " Allow the debate "
command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 24 }
action_b = {
name = " Papal Authority is absolute! "
command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 24 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464211 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464212 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464213 }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
event = {
id = 464202 #harsher version, when the pope is rebuffed by both Bavaria and Savoy
trigger = {
domestic = { type = centralization value = 5 }
random = no
country = PAP
name = "Conciliar Theorists"
desc = " Conciliar Theory had raged for more then 60 years, as a battle over control over liturgical and spiritual interpretation. When it was clear that neither Emperor Albrecht nor King Louis would be answering Felix's vain call to Crusade, Nicholaus realised his predeccesor Felix had made a crucial political error in calling for the Crusade. He had given strength to the bishops who embraced Conciliar Theory, which sought to weaken papal authority and have ecclesiastical thought controlled by a Council rather than a single figure. With his authority already weak, Nicholaus chose a path of least resistance, which would most likely preserve his own power. He allowed a looming Laternan council on the East/West Schism to include a debate on ecclesiastical leadership. It was a Council Nicholaus would not live to see. "
date = { day = 1 month = december year = 1454 }
action_a = {
name = " Allow the debate "
command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 48 }
These are the first events, triggered if neither Bavaria or Savoy take up the challenge to defend the catholics of Iberia during the Crusade
# Conciliar Theory
event = {
id = 464201 #milder version, when the pope agrees with the Emperor not to go on Crusade
trigger = {
domestic = { type = centralization value = 5 }
random = no
country = PAP
name = "Conciliar Theorists"
desc = " Conciliar Theory had raged for more then 60 years, as a battle over control over liturgical and spiritual interpretation. When it was clear that neither Emperor Albrecht nor King Louis would be answering Felix's vain call to Crusade, Nicholaus realised his predeccesor Felix had made a crucial political error in calling for the Crusade. He had given strength to the bishops who embraced Conciliar Theory, which sought to weaken papal authority and have ecclesiastical thought controlled by a Council rather than a single figure. With his authority already weak, Nicholaus chose a path of least resistance, which would most likely preserve his own power. He allowed a looming Laternan council on liturgy to include a debate on ecclesiastical leadership. It was a Council Nicholaus would not live to see. "
date = { day = 1 month = december year = 1454 }
action_a = {
name = " Allow the debate "
command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 24 }
action_b = {
name = " Papal Authority is absolute! "
command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 24 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464211 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464212 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464213 }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
event = {
id = 464202 #harsher version, when the pope is rebuffed by both Bavaria and Savoy
trigger = {
domestic = { type = centralization value = 5 }
random = no
country = PAP
name = "Conciliar Theorists"
desc = " Conciliar Theory had raged for more then 60 years, as a battle over control over liturgical and spiritual interpretation. When it was clear that neither Emperor Albrecht nor King Louis would be answering Felix's vain call to Crusade, Nicholaus realised his predeccesor Felix had made a crucial political error in calling for the Crusade. He had given strength to the bishops who embraced Conciliar Theory, which sought to weaken papal authority and have ecclesiastical thought controlled by a Council rather than a single figure. With his authority already weak, Nicholaus chose a path of least resistance, which would most likely preserve his own power. He allowed a looming Laternan council on the East/West Schism to include a debate on ecclesiastical leadership. It was a Council Nicholaus would not live to see. "
date = { day = 1 month = december year = 1454 }
action_a = {
name = " Allow the debate "
command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 48 }
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