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that's it then. more to come, umm soon. really.

This Protestant pope series ends with either Pope Luther and most of the italian and germanic states as protestant. A rump of Bavaria, TO and Hungary ramain catholic, and eventually form an anti-pope, timed with the start of the IRL counter-reformation.

The other Series is the Germania series, in which a powerful and rich Bavaria build on their success in the Crusade to form Germania, a (probably) short lived Reich which is torn apart during the Reformation. In this stream, the church remain very catholic.

So not even half finished. Refer to the Bavarian thread for my anticipated delivery dates.
Last edited:
Right, I have added them to the papal sates and Epochal Iberian files.

Great material, Mike. It is just what I hoped you were going to produce. I knew you had it in you and it has been worth the wait.

very sleepy, going to bed now.

# Reuchlin
event = {
id = 464421
trigger = {
flag = humanist
random = no
province = 399
name = " Johannes Reuchlin "
desc = " In 1506, Johann Reuchlin, a translator and educator based in Stuttgart, published a Hebrew lexicon enabling christians to benefit from the original hebrew texts, and vice versa. This inflamed the Dominicans who felt the first step in the conversion of the Jews was to take away their literature, and threatened the clerics, who felt that they should control the interpretation of the Old Testament. In 1510 the Emperor extracted him from Swabia and sent him to Rome for judgement, expecting him to be banned. "
date = { day = 16 month = september year = 1510 }

action_a = {
name = " Allow his work to flourish "
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = " Suppress his writings "
command = { type = stability value = -1
action_c = {
name = " Excommunicate him "
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = 1 }
command = { type = clrflag which = humanist }
command = { type = setflag which = traditional }

event = {
id = 464422
trigger = {
NOT = {
flag = humanist
random = no
province = 399
name = " Johannes Reuchlin "
desc = " In 1506, Johann Reuchlin, a translator and educator based in Stuttgart, published a Hebrew lexicon enabling christians to benefit from the original hebrew texts, and vice versa. This inflamed the Dominicans who felt the first step in the conversion of the Jews was to take away their literature, and threatened the clerics, who felt that they should control the interpretation of the Old Testament. In 1510 the Emperor extracted him from Swabia and sent him to Rome for judgement, expecting him to be banned. "
date = { day = 16 month = september year = 1510 }

action_a = {
name = " Suppress his writings "
command = { type = stability value = 1
action_b = {
name = " Excommunicate him "
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = 1 }
action_c = {
name = " Allow his work to flourish "
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = clrflag which = traditional }
command = { type = setflag which = humanist }

# Erasmus

event = {
id = 464431
trigger = {
flag = humanist
random = no
province = 399
name = " Erasmus "
desc = " Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam was a scholar and humanist, and while he was a staunch Roman Catholic, he was extremely critical of the church, even turning down the offer of a cardinalship. Erasmus's best-known work was The Praise of Folly, (Latin: Moriae Encomium or sometimes Laus Stultitiae) a satirical attack on the traditions of the Catholic Church and popular superstitions, written in 1509 and published in 1511. This did not sit well with the church, and his writings came to the attention of the pope. "
date = { day = 16 month = september year = 1512 }

action_a = {
name = " Allow his work to flourish "
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = " Suppress his writings "
command = { type = stability value = -1
action_c = {
name = " Excommunicate him "
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = 1 }
command = { type = clrflag which = humanist }
command = { type = setflag which = traditional }

event = {
id = 464432
trigger = {
NOT = {
flag = humanist
random = no
province = 399
name = " Erasmus "
desc = " Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam was a scholar and humanist, and while he was a staunch Roman Catholic, he was extremely critical of the church, even turning down the offer of a cardinalship. Erasmus's best-known work was The Praise of Folly, (Latin: Moriae Encomium or sometimes Laus Stultitiae) a satirical attack on the traditions of the Catholic Church and popular superstitions, written in 1509 and published in 1511. This did not sit well with the church, and his writings came to the attention of the pope. "
date = { day = 16 month = september year = 1512 }

action_a = {
name = " Suppress his writings "
command = { type = stability value = 1
action_b = {
name = " Excommunicate him "
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = 1 }
action_c = {
name = " Allow his work to flourish "
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = clrflag which = traditional }
command = { type = setflag which = humanist }

# Nicholas Copernicus

event = {
id = 464441
trigger = {
NOT = {
flag = humanist
random = no
province = 399
name = " Copernicus "
desc = " Johann Albrecht Widmannstetter delivered a series of lectures in Rome, outlining Copernicus' private theories. These lectures were heard with interest by several Catholic cardinals and Pope Clement VII. While the Heliocentric theory was new, it was not outright herecy. "
date = { day = 16 month = september year = 1543 }

action_a = {
name = " Allow his work to flourish "
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
action_b = {
name = " Discourage his writings "
command = { type = stability value = -1

# Martin Luther

event = {
id = 464451
trigger = { }
random = no
province = 331
name = " Martin Luther, Bachelor "
desc = " A young monk teaching at the University of Wittenberg, Martin Luther has some intense ideas, but has proved himself worthy of the title of Bachelor of the University of Wittenberg. "
date = { day = 9 month = march year = 1508 }

action_a = {
name = " Allow his Bachelor "
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -20 }
action_b = {
name = " He is too dangerous "
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = -1 }
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = 20 }

event = {
id = 464452
trigger = { }
random = no
province = 331
name = " Martin Luther, Doctor of Theology "
desc = " Martin Luther began to teach that salvation is a gift of God's grace through Christ received by faith alone, and not controlled by the church of Rome. These anticipated the direction of the church, and the conferring of his Doctorate was widely anticipated. "
date = { day = 19 month = october year = 1512 }

action_a = {
name = " Confer this honour "
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -20 }
action_b = {
name = " He is still too dangerous "
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464453 } #Bishop Martin Luther
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = 20 }

event = {
id = 464453
trigger = {
flag = humanist
domestic = { type = innovative value = 7 }
infra = 3
NOT = {
domestic = { type = serfdom value = 5 }
random = no
province = 399
name = " Bishop Martin Luther "
desc = " The Saxon educator Martin Luther had shown remarkable intelligence and personal will in collecting a large following for ideas that once would have been heretical. Now the Leo X saw an opportunity to increase his allies in germany, and capture ( and perhaps control) the power of the ideas expressed by this german monk. Pope Leo X made him a Bishop and advisor. This tacit allowance of the firebrand teachers ideas sent a strong messgae throught germany. "
date = { day = 30 month = september year = 1517 }

action_a = {
name = " Make him a Bishop "
command = { type = relation which = SAC value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -50 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 100 } #Reformation
action_b = {
name = " The time if not right for these ideas "
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464453 } #Cardinal Martin Luther
command = { type = relation which = SAC value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = 20 }

event = {
id = 464454
trigger = {
NOT = {
event = 464453
random = no
province = 399
name = " Bishop Martin Luther "
desc = " The Saxon educator Martin Luther had shown remarkable intelligence and personal will in collecting a large following for ideas that were still verging on heretical. Pope Leo X saw this as a challenge to his authority, and when his name was suggested as a bishop in Saxony, he refused it. "
date = { day = 15 month = october year = 1517 }

action_a = {
name = " The time if not right for these ideas "
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464453 } #Cardinal Martin Luther
command = { type = relation which = SAC value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = 20 }
action_b = {
name = " Make him a Bishop "
command = { type = relation which = SAC value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -50 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 101 } #Reformation

event = {
id = 464455
trigger = {
flag = humanist
NOT = { event = 100 }
random = no
province = 399
name = " Cardinal Martin Luther "
desc = " Pope Leo X's advisor Luther had quickly become his strongest advisor and proponent. Out of gratitude, Leo elevated him to Cardinal shortly before his death. For many, this was God's approval for a change in the emphasis of the church and it's influence, and clergy throughout northern germany began to speak out against excess and indulgence. "
date = { day = 30 month = october year = 1517 }

action_a = {
name = " Make him a Cardinal "
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = serfdom value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = " The time if not right for these ideas "
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 464461 } #Pope Martin Luther

event = {
id = 464456
trigger = { }
random = no
province = 399
name = " Pope Leo X dies "
desc = " Leo died with Cardinal Luther by his side. "
date = { day = 2 month = december year = 1521 }

action_a = {
name = " Pope Adrianus VI "
command = { type = stability value = 1 }

event = {
id = 464461
trigger = {
NOT = {
event = 100
random = no
name = " Pope Adrianus VI dies "
desc = " At the death of Adrianus VI, the Conclave of Rome elected a young Cardinal Martin Luther to the highest representative of the church before God. After his election as Pope Leo XI he spoke on 95 items relating to formal reform that the church would undergo and advocated a return to a purer former of Christianity. This was the a pivotal moment in the catholic church, and for most of religious Europe, life would not be the same again. "
date = { day = 14 month = september year = 1523 }

action_a = {
name = " Pope Martin Luther "
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 38420 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 38419 }
command = { type = flag which = 1 }
Awesome stuff, mikl.

A few points.

1. In event 464454 the last command is to sleep event 101. Don't you mean event 100?

2. There are a lot of DP slider changes that happen to the Papacy or whomever controls rome. Should these be toned down a little?

3. I have added the trigger { event = 464455 } to events 464456 and event 464461, so that otherwise they won't just trigger as well.

4. For event 464461 I think I'd like to see a couple of changes. First, can we please place it into Epochal_Religious and make it event 200? Secondly, I'd like to remove the wake and sleep monarchg commands from it, making those for a Papal States only event that triggers off event 200.

Otherwise, this is so huge. Now we just have to work out how to run the counter-reformation and the anti pope cycle .... and then all the events for all the countries that revolt against the reformed catholic church, and then the resolution of that . Arrrggghhhh!
MattyG said:
Awesome stuff, mikl.

A few points.

1. In event 464454 the last command is to sleep event 101. Don't you mean event 100?

Yep. I have corrected this in my file.

MattyG said:
2. There are a lot of DP slider changes that happen to the Papacy or whomever controls rome. Should these be toned down a little?


MattyG said:
3. I have added the trigger { event = 464455 } to events 464456 and event 464461, so that otherwise they won't just trigger as well.

Aahh, good idea. I will make this change also in my version.

MattyG said:
4. For event 464461 I think I'd like to see a couple of changes. First, can we please place it into Epochal_Religious and make it event 200? Secondly, I'd like to remove the wake and sleep monarchg commands from it, making those for a Papal States only event that triggers off event 200.

Saw that also when I woke this morning, and have done it already in my version.

MattyG said:
Otherwise, this is so huge. Now we just have to work out how to run the counter-reformation and the anti pope cycle .... and then all the events for all the countries that revolt against the reformed catholic church, and then the resolution of that . Arrrggghhhh!

Yes. hugely daunting. Glad you liked it.
A four day long weekend, and while the bathroom cupboards are in, I've had approximately 20mins on Interregnum.

Anyway, the individual states reformations are written, and there are two versions, one for the traditional reformation, and another set should Luther become Pope.

Under the Reformation, the states choose Protestantism, and demand it of their provinces, whatever those provinces might be. My reasoning is that different states have different abilities to influence their holdings, and those provinces have different reactions to those demands, but essentially all provinces under a particular duke or prince are intended to follow his religion, whether they be in germany, or iberia.

When Luther becomes Pope, more states than just the northern / western germanic states go Prot. All of catholic Europe goes Protestant, except for the following states:

Bavaria, which hangs onto it's conservative catholicism, and eventually supports an antipope for the countereformed church.

Eire, far away, ahngs onto it's former ways, along with the western iberian states.

Croatia, Hungary, TO, Poland, and Danzig.

I ams ending the file to MattyG for inclusion in the next Beta. Might make it.

# State Religions - Traditional Reformation

event = {
id = 880101
trigger = {
religion = catholic
flag = 1
atwar = no
event = 100
random = no
country = BAY
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "Thanks to the information technology of the printing press, the ideas of Martin Luther spread quickly, and the strength of those ideas struck a chord in the germanic states, firstly among the bishops who saw a more humanist religion developing, and then among the princes and dukes who resented clerical control over their estates and peoples. None of this sat well with Wilhelm IV and hhis advisors."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " Reinforce catholicism! "
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
command = { type = stability value = 1 }

event = {
id = 880102
trigger = {
religion = catholic
flag = 1
atwar = no
event = 100
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "Thanks to the information technology of the printing press, the ideas of Martin Luther spread quickly, and the strength of those ideas struck a chord in the germanic states, firstly among the bishops who saw a more humanist religion developing, and then among the princes and dukes who resented clerical control over their estates and peoples."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = religion which = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -2 value = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = revolt which = -1 }
command = { type = revolt which = -1 } command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -50 }
# The Provinces Shall Share our Religion!

event = {
id = 880301
trigger = {
religion = protestant
flag = 1
atwar = no
random = yes
name = "Share Our Faith"
desc = "The People shall share our Faith."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " The people shall share our Faith "
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = revolt which = -1 }
...and after Pope Leo XI's election...

event = {
id = 464462
trigger {
event = 464455
monarch = 38420
random = no
province = 399
name = " Pope Leo's Bible"
desc = " Leo insisted upon the writing of a holy bible in german, and personally supervised it's creation. This work socialised the faith in germany more than any other measure, as it allowed the faithful a direct access to liturgy for the first time, and standardised a 'high' german language. "
date = { day = 12 month = may year = 1534 }

action_a = {
name = "Print the german Bible"
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = infra value = 1000 }

event = {
id = 464463
trigger {
event = 464455
monarch = 38419
random = no
province = 399
name = " Cardinal Luther's Bible"
desc = " Leo insisted upon the writing of a holy bible in german, and personally supervised it's creation. This work socialised the faith in germany more than any other measure, as it allowed the faithful a direct access to liturgy for the first time, and standardised a 'high' german language. "
date = { day = 12 month = may year = 1534 }

action_a = {
name = "Print the german Bible"
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = infra value = 1000 }

In relation to the Protestant events and the Provinces Shall Share our Religion I have some suggestions.

First, don't use the -1 commands. use instead the province numbers for all of the provinces likely to be held by that country. If you then want to add additional triggers (to cover, say, Scotland controlling parts of Spain or something) then use the conversion command.

The problem with -1 is that it is random and could affect the same province twice or more rather than always targetting a distinct province, so it isn't so efficient.

Next, for the random event, it will currently not fire or will fire whether this cycle has played out or the normal one has, as you are using only flag = 1 as a key trigger. I actually think that flag = 1 (2, 3, & 4) do NOT work, they are for internal use only to toggle on and off Protestantism. Better instead to use event = LutherAsPope.

MattyG said:

In relation to the Protestant events and the Provinces Shall Share our Religion I have some suggestions.

First, don't use the -1 commands. use instead the province numbers for all of the provinces likely to be held by that country. If you then want to add additional triggers (to cover, say, Scotland controlling parts of Spain or something) then use the conversion command.

The problem with -1 is that it is random and could affect the same province twice or more rather than always targetting a distinct province, so it isn't so efficient.

Next, for the random event, it will currently not fire or will fire whether this cycle has played out or the normal one has, as you are using only flag = 1 as a key trigger. I actually think that flag = 1 (2, 3, & 4) do NOT work, they are for internal use only to toggle on and off Protestantism. Better instead to use event = LutherAsPope.


Sound advice. I am okay with this.

I am happy to convert a distant province (ruled by Prince's eager cousin...etc...) but I certainly don't want to convert the same province twice. I will also abandon the random event, and oput another cycle of events when Calvin pops up, and just before the Thirty Years War and Counter-Reformation.

Should be finished in November 2007.


The more I think about it, the more this is the wrong structure.

It should be done by province. One event for each province which would go protestant.

Otherwise, a country like Bavaria might own parts of southern France which would definitely side with a reformed Pope. They don't change to protestant in your system.

So, we really need one event for each country and one for each non-Capital province.


MattyG said:
So, we really need one event for each country and one for each non-Capital province.

So something like these examples?

event = { #Traditional Reformation
id = 880102
trigger = {
religion = catholic
flag = 1
atwar = no
event = 100
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "Thanks to the information technology of the printing press, the ideas of Martin Luther spread quickly, and the strength of those ideas struck a chord in the germanic states, firstly among the bishops who saw a more humanist religion developing, and then among the princes and dukes who resented clerical control over their estates and peoples."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = religion which = protestant }
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -20 }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = trigger which = 880302 }

event = { #Humanist Papacy Reformation
id = 880202
trigger = {
religion = catholic
flag = 1
atwar = no
NOT = { event = 100 }
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "Thanks to the information technology of the printing press, the ideas of Cardinal Luther spread quickly, and the strength of those ideas struck a chord in the germanic states, firstly among the bishops who saw a more humanist religion developing, and then among the princes and dukes who resented clerical control over their estates and peoples."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = religion which = protestant }
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -50 }
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = trigger which = 880302 }

event = { #State Capital's Reformation event
id = 880302
trigger = { }
random = no
province = 371
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "The bishops had been directed to change their liturgy, and the Prince - Bishop of Tirol complied."

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = provincereligion which = 371 value = protestant }

event = { # Former Capital Province's Reformation event, for province which is protestant in Interregnum 'history'
id = 880352
trigger = {
religion = protestant
flag = 1
atwar = no
NOT = { event = 880302 }
random = no
province = 313
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "The bishops had been directed to change their liturgy, and the Bishop of Tirol complied."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us choose Lutherism "
command = { type = provincereligion which = 371 value = protestant }

event = { # Standard Province's Reformation event, for province which is catholic in Interregnum 'history'
id = 880312
trigger = {
religion = protestant
flag = 1
atwar = no
random = no
province = 313
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "The bishops had been directed to change their liturgy, and the Bishop of Normandie resisted, but after threats of beheading found solace in Lutherism."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = revolt which = -1 }
command = { type = provincereligion which = 313 value = protestant }

event = { # Standard Province's Reformation event, for province which is protestant in our Interregnum 'history'
id = 880327
trigger = {
religion = protestant
flag = 1
atwar = no
random = no
province = 334
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "The bishops had been directed to change their liturgy, and the Bishop of Munster complied."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1523 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1539 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = provincereligion which = 334 value = protestant }
For the standard reformation event, you can do it differently. That's because Interregnum already has a form of province-based events for provinces that are 'not normally part of country x'. These have not yet been drafted for the german culture regions, the only area still missing them. (I will include all of those provinces in the Province_religion file once we have determined which will go which way and who are the 'traditional owners' of each province. Check out that file so you are familiar with what I mean.)

So, for the traditional reformation event you can list all of the provinces that Swabia might normally be expected to control and have commands for each of those.

Secondly, as I said, don't use flag = 1 as a trigger, only event = 100.

Next, for the Non-traditional reformation, you need event = 200 in the trigger. And the event itself can include the command type = provincereligion which = -2 value = protestant, because this is always the capital, whatever province that is. This will alleviate the need for a capital-province-conversion event.

Then you need one event for each province in Europe that is a catholic province, or could potentially be so, such as much of central Iberia. Each of these events need the following triggers:, religion = catholic, event = 200 and provincereligion = { province = xxx data = catholic ). As the capital will have already converted, it won't trigger for any of those provinces. These events need to be random = no and to instead have an offset of, say 500. Otherwise, they might happen later in the game when a Capital province or one recently converted in Iberia, suddenly becomes catholic.

Notice that all the current reformation events in each country's file AND the Province_religion use the trigger event = 100 (not flag = 1). So, none of these will occur in the alternative reformation process.
Last edited:
MattyG said:
For the standard reformation event, you can do it differently. That's because Interregnum already has a form of province-based events for provinces that are 'not normally part of country x'. These have not yet been drafted for the german culture regions, the only area still missing them. (I will include all of those provinces in the Province_religion file once we have determined which will go which way and who are the 'traditional owners' of each province. Check out that file so you are familiar with what I mean.)

Jesus, when did this happen? Great stuff, lotsa work. I see what you mean now. Shall I do the german ones?

MattyG said:
So, for the traditional reformation event you can list all of the provinces that Swabia might normally be expected to control and have commands for each of those.

Secondly, as I said, don't use flag = 1 as a trigger, only event = 100.

Yep, got the first time, but lost it as a cut/paste typo.

MattyG said:
Next, for the Non-traditional reformation, you need event = 200 in the trigger. And the event itself can include the command type = provincereligion which = -2 value = protestant, because this is always the capital, whatever province that is. This will alleviate the need for a capital-province-conversion event.

Then you need one event for each province in Europe that is a catholic province, or could potentially be so, such as much of central Iberia. Each of these events need the following triggers:, religion = catholic, event = 200 and provincereligion = { province = xxx data = catholic ). As the capital will have already converted, it won't trigger for any of those provinces. These events need to be random = no and to instead have an offset of, say 500. Otherwise, they might happen later in the game when a Capital province or one recently converted in Iberia, suddenly becomes catholic.

Notice that all the current reformation events in each country's file AND the Province_religion use the trigger event = 100 (not flag = 1). So, none of these will occur in the alternative reformation process.

Got it.

But just in case, I will be copying this text into a file I can find easily. I will begin rewriting this stuff, adding it to a version of the Province_Religion file.

Province_religion is about a year old now ... Christmas last year is when I began it and first uploaded that in early january. :rolleyes:

Please leave the province religion file to me. You don't have a lot of time. I just need to know the following:

1. Each German country that will have its own Reformation event (really, they all ought to have one )

2. In those events, which provinces will be effected by specific provincereligion commands.

3. In those events, which Protestant states might be granted Independence via such events, simulating their revolt against conservative catholic overlords.

4. Finally, which provinces will go protestant, which will go reformed as well. I can then deduce from 2. the nations for which each province event should NOT occur.

MattyG said:
Province_religion is about a year old now ... Christmas last year is when I began it and first uploaded that in early january. :rolleyes:

Please leave the province religion file to me. You don't have a lot of time. I just need to know the following:

1. Each German country that will have its own Reformation event (really, they all ought to have one )

Under the traditional Reformation, the following are...



Under the humanist Reformation, all initially go Protestant except the catholic states noted above.

After the council of Trent, Hungary, Poland, Bavaria and TO go Counterreformed, and vote an anti-pope.

MattyG said:
2. In those events, which provinces will be effected by specific provincereligion commands.

None come to mind at the moment. All should theoretically follow the Prince or liege. Wittenberg, Mainz, Venice, Koln, the Hansa city-states should go revolt if made to go catholic.

The Dutch and the Swiss will revolt if made to do anything.

MattyG said:
3. In those events, which Protestant states might be granted Independence via such events, simulating their revolt against conservative catholic overlords.

None. Since the Emperor is Catholic, there might only be support for catholic states which want to stay catholic despite protestant overlords. No list here yet.

MattyG said:
4. Finally, which provinces will go protestant, which will go reformed as well. I can then deduce from 2. the nations for which each province event should NOT occur.


Generally following notes above. Generally, provinces which don't want to follow their Prince's religion will revolt. If successful, then an event which gives them their own religion, generally following the borders noted above. For example, Mainze and Pfalz would rebel if still part of catholic Bavaria, but they stay catholic. If the rebellion holds, and the separate states are formed, then they go protestant.

That's all I ahve got for the moment, I am sorry. There is more, but the kids are waking....
OK, so it will basically need to be done differently for Germany.

Each german-culture state will need a reformation (and calvinism) event wherein the monarch choses whether to stay catholic or accept protestantism.

If they chose protestant, there will need to be a command for each and every german-culture province that changes it to protestant, as the prince leads the way and they all follow. naturally, only the provinces they own at that time will be effected by the event.

This needs to be done for all the german states, not just those that start the game, but the revolters as well.

And the events in the Province_religion file will each have in their triggers the following:
NOT = { owned = { province = xxx data = BAY } }
NOT = { owned = { province = xxx data = SWA } }
NOT = { owned = { province = xxx data = SAC } }
NOT = { owned = { province = xxx data = MAG } }

and so forth through the list of all the german-culture states, because each of the states has THAT province already covered in its own reformation event.


OK, I will write the events for all of the provinces (including all those exclusion triggers) and you can make certain that there are reformation events for each of the German states.

I realise that bavaria will not get the option to convert to protestant, but I think that every other state ought to, even if for some it is only action d, with actions a, b and c all being 'stay catholic'.

MattyG said:

OK, I will write the events for all of the provinces (including all those exclusion triggers) and you can make certain that there are reformation events for each of the German states.

I realise that bavaria will not get the option to convert to protestant, but I think that every other state ought to, even if for some it is only action d, with actions a, b and c all being 'stay catholic'.


Phew, alright.

Ok. If Pidgeon can take english wickets at 36, then I can write code at 42.

I am on it as we speak.
mikl said:
Phew, alright.

Ok. If Pidgeon can take english wickets at 36, then I can write code at 42.

I am on it as we speak.

I have done the province_religion events. Note that the states excluded form the events (which therefore require a Reformation choice event) are:

ALT Altmark
ANH Anhalt
BAD Baden
BAY Bavaria (needs an event to register that the Reformation is causing problems and include some stab hits I'd say)
BRA Brandenburg
DAN Danzig
FRC Franconia
HAN Hanover
HSA Hansa
HES Hesse
JUT Jutland
KLE Kleves
KOL Koln
KUS Kustrin
LUX Luxembourg
MAG Magdeburg
OLD Oldenburg
PFA Palatinat
SAC Saxony
SEI Styria
STT Stettin
SWA Swabia
THU Wurzburg
TYR Tyrolia
WUR Wurtemburg
Just before I do too much cut and paste error, does this work?

The first event revises the state religion, and sets a flag for lutheranism in the case of the traditional Reformation, and humanism in the case of the Protestant Rome variation.

There is one of these for all HRE nations.

Then a two generic events, which should only trigger for those who have the correct religion and flag. One for each type of Reformation.

Does it work?

# State Religions - Traditional Reformation

event = {
id = 880101
trigger = {
religion = catholic
event = 100
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The State Reformation"
desc = "Thanks to the information technology of the printing press, the ideas of Martin Luther spread quickly, and the strength of those ideas struck a chord in the Holy Roman Empire states and beyond, firstly among the bishops who saw a more humanist religion developing, and then among the princes and dukes who resented clerical control over their estates and peoples."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1517 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1525 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = religion which = protestant }
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -50 }
command = { type = flag which = lutherism }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = " Maintain the true catholic faith "
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = 50 }
command = { type = stability value = 1 }

event = {
id = 880151
trigger = {
religion = protestant
atwar = no
flag = lutherism
random = no
name = "The Provincial Reformation"
desc = "Having made public the intent to transform the religion of the nobility, it was time to force the hand of the provinces, to ensure that the poeple followed the directions of the clergy."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1520 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1530 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = provincereligion which = 374 value = protestant } #Alsace
command = { type = provincereligion which = 332 value = protestant } #Anhalt
command = { type = provincereligion which = 348 value = protestant } #Ansbach
command = { type = provincereligion which = 373 value = protestant } #Baden
command = { type = provincereligion which = 349 value = protestant } #Bayern
command = { type = provincereligion which = 312 value = protestant } #Brandenburg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 336 value = protestant } #Bremen
command = { type = provincereligion which = 301 value = protestant } #Danzig
command = { type = provincereligion which = 310 value = protestant } #Hannover
command = { type = provincereligion which = 333 value = protestant } #Hessen
command = { type = provincereligion which = 302 value = protestant } #Hinterpommern
command = { type = provincereligion which = 306 value = protestant } #Holstein
command = { type = provincereligion which = 343 value = protestant } #Kleves
command = { type = provincereligion which = 344 value = protestant } #Köln
command = { type = provincereligion which = 313 value = protestant } #Küstrin
command = { type = provincereligion which = 375 value = protestant } #Lorraine
command = { type = provincereligion which = 311 value = protestant } #Magdeburg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 346 value = protestant } #Mainz
command = { type = provincereligion which = 305 value = protestant } #Mecklemburg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 289 value = protestant } #Memel
command = { type = provincereligion which = 334 value = protestant } #Münster
command = { type = provincereligion which = 335 value = protestant } #Oldenburg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 345 value = protestant } #Pfalz
command = { type = provincereligion which = 303 value = protestant } #Poznan
command = { type = provincereligion which = 290 value = protestant } #Prussia
command = { type = provincereligion which = 331 value = protestant } #Sachsen
command = { type = provincereligion which = 314 value = protestant } #Silesia
command = { type = provincereligion which = 330 value = protestant } #Sudeten
command = { type = provincereligion which = 304 value = protestant } #Vorpommern
command = { type = provincereligion which = 372 value = protestant } #Württemberg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 347 value = protestant } #Würzburg
#central europe, german culture
command = { type = provincereligion which = 351 value = protestant } #Austria
command = { type = provincereligion which = 326 value = protestant } #Erz
command = { type = provincereligion which = 352 value = protestant } #Odenburg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 327 value = protestant } #Ostmarsh
command = { type = provincereligion which = 350 value = protestant } #Salzburg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 369 value = protestant } #Steiermark
command = { type = provincereligion which = 371 value = protestant} #Tirol
#western europe, german, dutch culture, or savoyard
command = { type = provincereligion which = 388 value = protestant } #Bern
command = { type = provincereligion which = 421 value = protestant } #Cévennes
command = { type = provincereligion which = 407 value = protestant } #Dauphiné
command = { type = provincereligion which = 380 value = protestant } #Flandern
command = { type = provincereligion which = 337 value = protestant } #Friesen
command = { type = provincereligion which = 338 value = protestant } #Gelre
command = { type = provincereligion which = 339 value = protestant } #Holland
command = { type = provincereligion which = 377 value = protestant } #Luxembourg
command = { type = provincereligion which = 406 value = protestant } #Provence
command = { type = provincereligion which = 1612 value = protestant } #Schwyz
command = { type = provincereligion which = 340 value = protestant } #Zeeland
#mercantile italy
command = { type = provincereligion which = 402 value = protestant } #Emilia
command = { type = provincereligion which = 401 value = protestant } #Firenze
command = { type = provincereligion which = 403 value = protestant } #Liguria
command = { type = provincereligion which = 389 value = protestant } #Lombardia
command = { type = provincereligion which = 390 value = protestant } #Mantua
command = { type = provincereligion which = 392 value = protestant } #Marche
command = { type = provincereligion which = 404 value = protestant } #Piemonte
command = { type = provincereligion which = 400 value = protestant } #Siena
command = { type = provincereligion which = 370 value = protestant } #Veneto
command = { type = stability value = -1 }

# State Religions - Humanist Reformation

event = {
id = 880201
trigger = {
religion = catholic
OR = {
event = 200
event = 201
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The Reformation"
desc = "Thanks to the information technology of the printing press, the ideas of Luther spread quickly, and the strength of those ideas struck a chord in the Holy Roman Empire states and beyond, firstly among the bishops who saw a more humanist religion developing, and then among the princes and dukes who resented clerical control over their estates and peoples."
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1517 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1525 }

action_a = {
name = " Let us control a state religion "
command = { type = religion which = protestant }
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = -50 }
command = { type = flag which = humanism }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = " Maintain the true catholic faith "
command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = BAY value = 50 }
command = { type = stability value = 1 }