Boy, I feel like I'm condemned to be the bearer of bad news. Much as this seems like an excellent idea to me, it won't work. If you try to trigger an event from a random event the game will crash to desktop.
What you could do is have an event A (not random) that fires when venice own Mantua. Then random events that require this event could provide CBs to other Italian countries. Not as effective obviously.
The second event could be generic, triggered on cores (for instance) so that only Italian countries that are not Venice could get it.
What you could do is have an event A (not random) that fires when venice own Mantua. Then random events that require this event could provide CBs to other Italian countries. Not as effective obviously.
event = {
id = a
random = no
country = VEN
trigger = {
OR = {
owned = { province = 390 data = -1 }
date = { year = 1419}
offset = 250
deathdate = {year = 1700}
name = "Italian balance is broken"
desc = "Italian countries political system is based on balance. We have broken the
balance by trying to conquer this province. Now we have to bear the effects of our policy"
style = 2
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 31 month = december year = 1819 }
action_a ={ name = "woops"
command = { type = vp value = 1 } # filler
event = {
id = b
random = no
country = MLO
trigger = {
NOT = {
alliance = { country = MLO country = VEN }
relation = { country = VEN value = 125
owned = { province = 390 data = VEN }
event = a
name = "Let's react to Venice struggle to broke italian balance? "
desc = " Venice is trying to get power over all italy and the conquest of mantova
is a big step toward this direction. Do we want to stop them? "
style = 2
action_a ={ name = " We are against Venice struggle to italian domination "
command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 84 }
command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -75 }
action_b ={ name = " We will swallow up this bitter pill this time"
command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }
The second event could be generic, triggered on cores (for instance) so that only Italian countries that are not Venice could get it.