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Boy, I feel like I'm condemned to be the bearer of bad news. Much as this seems like an excellent idea to me, it won't work. If you try to trigger an event from a random event the game will crash to desktop.

What you could do is have an event A (not random) that fires when venice own Mantua. Then random events that require this event could provide CBs to other Italian countries. Not as effective obviously.

event = {
id = a
random = no
country = VEN
trigger = {
OR = {
owned = { province = 390 data = -1 }
date = { year = 1419}
offset = 250
deathdate = {year = 1700}

name = "Italian balance is broken"
desc = "Italian countries political system is based on balance. We have broken the

balance by trying to conquer this province. Now we have to bear the effects of our policy"
style = 2

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 31 month = december year = 1819 }

action_a ={ name = "woops"

command = { type = vp value  = 1 } # filler


event = {
id = b
random = no
country = MLO
trigger = {
NOT = {
alliance = { country = MLO country = VEN }
relation = { country = VEN value = 125 
owned = { province = 390 data = VEN }
event = a
name = "Let's react to Venice struggle to broke italian balance? "
desc = " Venice is trying to get power over all italy and the conquest of mantova

is a big step toward this direction. Do we want to stop them? "
style = 2

action_a ={ name = " We are against Venice struggle to italian domination "

command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 84 }
command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -75 }
action_b ={ name = " We will swallow up this bitter pill this time"

command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }

The second event could be generic, triggered on cores (for instance) so that only Italian countries that are not Venice could get it.
Sure that will work fine, BUT you can only check for that flag in an event for the SAME country. So if your Venetian random event set the flag you could have a follow up, non-random Veentian event that checked for that flag and triggered the events for other countries, but you cannot simply trigger the other countries events on that flag. All flags are set on a country by country basis.
Ok here is the revisited italian balancer. I'm going trough a set flag to get the last events and i removed from trigger list the minors like mantua, parma, savoia and genova.

event = {
id = a
random = yes
country = VEN
trigger = {
OR = {
control = { province = 390 data = -1 }
owned = { province = 390 data = -1 }
name = "Italian balance is broken"
desc = "Italian countries political system is based on balance. We have broken the
balance by trying to conquer this province. Now we have to bear the effects of our politic"
style = 2

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 31 month = december year = 1819 }

action_a ={ name = "Let's see how italy will react to our conquest "

command = { type = setflag which = venice_took_mantova }


event = {
id = b
random = no
country = VEN
trigger = { flag = venice_took_mantova }

name = "Italian balance is broken"
desc = "Italian countries political system is based on balance. We have broken the
balance by trying to conquer this province. Now we have to bear the effects of our politic"
style = 2

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 31 month = december year = 1819 }

action_a ={ name = "Let's see how italy will react to our conquest "

command = { type = trigger which = c } # MLO CB
command = { type = trigger which = d } # TOS CB
command = { type = trigger which = e } # PAP CB
command = { type = trigger which = h } # NAP CB

event = {
id = c
random = no
country = MLO
trigger = {
NOT = {
alliance = { country = MLO country = VEN }
relation = { country = VEN value = 125 }
name = "Let's react to Venice struggle to broke italian balance? "
desc = " Venice is trying to get power over all italy and the conquest of mantova

is a big step toward this direction. Do we want to stop them? "
style = 2

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 31 month = december year = 1819 }

action_a ={ name = " We are against Venice struggle to italian domination "

command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 120 }
command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -75 }
action_b ={ name = " We will swallow up this bitter pill this time"

command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }

martin asked me for a summary of the ideas as they stood here when we last were thinking about it:

the thought was that any total italian unification event schema shd be in several steps. the first step wd depend on whether or not the state in question was a principality of the Kingdom of Italy, a merchant republic, or the papal states.

if the candidate state was a principality w/i the Kingdom of Italy, it was thought that the first step ought to be claiming the crown of the KoI. the three paths imagined for this are thus:

a) the guelf option -- this path imagines a situation where a considerable force forms in the KoI that is politically tied to the papacy (or a member, so to speak, of the guelf faction.) the pope, seeing another way to reduce the emperor's influence in italy & therefore upon himself, decides that he will simply proclaim that this candidate is the rightful king of italy. since the friction b/tw the pope & the emperor predates the beginnings of the eu2 timespan, it was thought that this cd happen from 1419 on.

-- principality, i.e. savoy, tuscany, milan, modena, mantua
-- owns 5 contiguous provinces in the KoI (KoI is defined as piemonte, lombardia, firenze, siena, romagna, mantua, romagna, & emilia)
-- pope's relationship w/ candidate state => 125
-- alliance b/tw candidate state & papal states

consequences of claiming the crown:
-- permanent CB on candidate state for HAB & remaining KoI states, plus genoa & venice
-- relationship w/ HAB, venice, genoa & remaining KoI states - 200
-- relationship w/ papal states + 75
-- relationship w/ spain & france - 100
-- revolt risk +4 for 10 years
-- - 300 ducats
-- cores on all KoI provinces
-- +x bad boy (right amount not entirely determined)
-- set flag for claiming the mantle of the italians event

b) the ghibelline option -- this path imagines a situation where an large force in KoI emerges that is part of the ghibelline, or pro-imperial, faction. the emperor, seeing a way to vicariously increase his influence in italy & strengthen his position vis-a-vis the pope, decides to hand the crown to the candidate state (as had happened in medieval times.) since it was thought unlikely that the archdukes of austria wd give up title to a kingdom prior to having a "real" kingdom of their own, i.e. the kingdom of bohemia, this option wd remain unavailable until 1526. it was also thought that the emperor wd especially be more receptive to the idea following the advent of protestantism among the electors of the HRE.

-- principality, i.e. savoy, tuscany, milan, modena, mantua
-- owns 5 contiguous provinces in the KoI (KoI is defined as piemonte, lombardia, firenze, siena, romagna, mantua, romagna, & emilia)
-- candidate relationship w/ HAB + 125
-- candidate in royal marriage w/ HAB
-- candidate in alliance w/ HAB

-- permanent CB on candidate state for PAP & remaining KoI states, plus genoa & venice
-- relationship w/ papal states, venice, genoa & remaining KoI states - 200
-- relationship w/ spain & france - 100
-- relationship w/ HAB + 75
-- revolt risk +4 for 10 years
-- - 1000 ducats
-- cores on all KoI provinces
-- +x bad boy (right amount not entirely determined)
-- set flag for claiming the mantle of the italians event

c) the force majeur option -- this path imagines a situation where a principality wrests by force the title of king from HAB & PAP. available at any time.

-- principality, i.e. savoy, tuscany, milan, modena, mantua
-- owns 5 contiguous provinces in the KoI (KoI is defined as piemonte, lombardia, firenze, siena, romagna, mantua, romagna, & emilia)
-- PAP is a vassal
-- HAB is a vassal
-- royal marriage w/ HAB

-- - 1000 ducats
-- revolt risk + 6 for 30 years
-- permanent CB for HAB, PAP, genoa, venice, & remaining KoI states on candidate
-- relationship w/ spain & france - 100
-- relationship w/ PAP, HAB, genoa, venice, & remaining KoI states - 200
-- reduction of all fortresses minus capital province by one
-- cores on all KoI provinces
-- +x bad boy (right amount not entirely determined)
-- set flag for claiming the mantle of the italians event

it was also thought that there shd be events in the case of large penninsular merchant republics (siena, genoa, venice) & an ascendant papal states. however we put aside the discussion of those until these had been worked out. i have the loose idea that the papal states shd be able to claim suzerainity over italy following pope julius ii's "fuori i barbari" justification in 1510 -- which machiavelli echoes in several works. however, making those work w/ malodini's events wd take some time.

the claiming the mantle of the italy or uniting all italy events were to work as follows:

starting in 1562, or 30 years after the publication of "the prince" and well after the idea of italian unification (as we understand italy today) was current amongst the elites in italy, those states for whom either having claimed the KoI (as in the events outlined above) or met the conditions for events based on large penninsular holdings in italy had set the flag for italian unification events, wd get the option to try and unite the italians.

preconditions (for states w/o militias, not including PAP):
-- 5 contiguous italian provinces owned, if rome is not one of them, the PAP must be vassalized
-- at peace
-- 100 ducats on hand
-- not an ally of HAB

if those conditions are met, an event fires which gives you the option to "claim the mantle of italy", which does the following:

-- stability - 3
-- revolt risk + 3 for 5 years
-- reduces fortresses by one in all provinces owned in italy, except for capital, corsica or sardinia
-- breaks royal marriages w/ all remaining italian states
-- grants a permanent cb to all remaining italian states on candidate
-- grants a permanent cb to candidate on all remaining italian states
-- relations - 200 for all remaing italian states
-- relations - 200 for austria, spain & france
-- - 100 ducats
-- inflation + 10%
-- + x bad boy (exact amount yet decided)
-- sets event to check whether or not you own all italian provinces every year

if you manage to possess every italian culture province, an event fires which:

a) gives you cores on all italian provinces
b) allows you to move to rome

if you move to rome, you get:

a) change tag to ITA
b) all remaining leaders from italian states, minus monarchs & those around which events are scripted
c) all flavor events from italian states

if you are a state w/ a militia-based army, all the above is the same except for that the consequences for claiming the mantle of all italians is changed in the following way:

a) stability - 6 instead of -3
b) revolt risk + 6 for 10 yrs instead of +3 for 5 years
c) base manpower in all italian culture provinces + 2

lele had some further intermediate steps that he was thinking about &, i believe, he intended to craft events by which claiming the mantle of italians made other state's provinces revolt to your cause, but i have not yet seen them.

hope this helps,