loki1232 said:I don't really know much about the KoJ, but here goes:
The KoJ did best when it was either very supported by the church (crusade) or it was tolerant, open to muslims, and peaceful.
The church in interrergnum at this point is going to be very pre-occupied with Bavaria, cordoba, and the reformation. No help for the KoJ there.
So they will have to be accepting of muslims to keep the Caliphate from pwning them.
There are a couple of reasons why a tolerant KoJ would have peace with Caliphate. First is that neither KoJ nor Caliphate wants a very expensive and destructive war. Second, we could make it so mamelukes and Caliphate are contesting the red sea and KoJ gives sinai to Caliphate for easier access to Egypt. Third, Jerusalem not Iraq qould be the regional CoT, because it is the gathering place of Europeans and muslims. If caliphate took it then the europeans would stop coming, and they don't want that.
Finally, the KoJ has mediterranean navy, while the Caliphate doesn't, so the KoJ can really help them.
I think that with a few events this could turn into a plausible tolerance scenario.
Sometimes....just sometimes, it infuriarates me how little people know of the Middle East and it's history.
The Mamelukes are out either way - so you can rest assured the Ayyubids theyll be replaced with are firmly toadies of the Caliph.
The Crusaders in the Muslim mentalitiy are the most wicked scum to walk the earth - desecrating the Holy Mosque in Jeruslem and slaughter the whole Muslim and Jewish population - it still rings anger in our hearts today and stains the region I live in.
Whilst I appreciate your efforts to give the Latin Kingdom space in the region - your emphesizing too much on economic perspectives - leaving out religious as well as ethnic tension. The Muslims living in Damascus or Palestine would refuse Crusader rule, and would have continued to rebel and riot whenever the chance came up. The assumption that the Kingdom had suddenly become tolerant - even by the course of the centuries - is perposterous and an insult to the thousands who were vanquished by the swords of 'Christian' crusading.
Most Muslim Lords and Monarchs were united in opposition to the Latin Kindom - except for a select few, and mind you - heretics and mercenaries no more. You also have to remember that the Latin Kingdom maintained itself by building Massive forts and castles everywhere - maintained by small garrisons. That is how they survived in Acre, Tyre and other regions since the countryside was dominated by Muslims.
As for this talk of the importance of the 'Red Sea' - loki , the Caliphate already has the greatest acess every concieved at the time - through the Arab Sea and the Spice routes. Historically speaking, Baghdad was the depot of the Silk Road, the richest and most glorious city, and had acess to the Oriental goods appleanty. The Sultans of Egypt also had access through the Red Sea and transported Spice through Alexandria.
Rivalry between Cairo and Baghdad is silly and ignorant of the region's politics - the Caliph had always been seen - weither a puppet or a real one - as the head of the faith, and thusly, no Sultan - NO SULTAN, could ever consider revolting without implications.
Regarding Mecca and Medina - their fall would technically mean the end of the Muslim faith - as the Prophet promised no infidel army would capture them - even before the armies of the Anti-Christ and the coming of Jesus and the Awaited one - the Mahdi. I dont feel comfortable with the idea , and maybe since most of you arent Muslims you dont share my sentiment, but Id rather have the Latin Kindom crushed or quartered to it's current location.