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Basileus Romaion
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Jun 17, 2001
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So I started a new 1.2 campaign tonight.
And it was fun.
And I wanted to share.
So I wrote something down.

The Stellaris AAR will not suffer though, I promise. :)
Chapter I
Once, there was Macedon. Macedon the mighty, Macedon the free. Led by great men, like Phillip. Like Alexander.

Phillip made an Empire in Greece.

Alexander made an Empire of the known world.

Then he died.

His realm was divided between his men, the diadochi.

These men vied for control of the Hellenic world.

Persia was dominated by the Seleukid Empire.

Asia by Phrygia, but she shared this province with lesser realms.

Egypt and her vast riches were taken by Ptolemaios.

Macedon was again a small, if powerful, kingdom in her old core region of Greece.

But the southern parts were split into many small kingdoms, some under the protection of Phrygia.

In Epirus, a young king thirsted for power.

Kassandros I Antipatrid knew he had a long way ahead of himself, if his kingdom of Macedon were to again become a world power.


He struck at some of the weaker Greek kingdoms. He won.

He took out Epirus and killed the would be conqueror, making his realm a province of his own kingdom.

He conquered Rhodes and her allies, securing his grip of most of Crete and the ancient stronghold of Rhodes.

He vanquished Illyria Graeca and several Greek kingdoms in a bloody war that could have broken his might once and for all.

He prevailed.


In Phrygia, the old guard died.

Same, in Egypt.

In the Seleukid Empire, the old fox refused to die.

Kassandros, for his part, were getting senile.

But he lived on.


His heir was a leper, his other sons preparing their bid for power.


But Kassandros was not done.

Another war, this time draining both the coffers of state and Macedon’s manpower.

The man was senile, stubborn and increasingly incompetent.

Then he died.

His second son raised an army but did not yet strike.

Instead, he helped win the war.

But now, controlling the strongest army, as his brother the king lost his men, but won the war.


Phillippos IV Antipatrid was a dead man walking, and Macedon held their breath as he lingered on, closer and closer to Hades.

His son and heir, a 17-year-old whelp – yet untried.


Interesting approach - good way to do a ‘short-form’ AAR. will follow. :)
Interesting approach - good way to do a ‘short-form’ AAR. will follow. :)
Yeah, I am afraid I don't have the energy to do heavy AARs these days, too much RL to deal with. But I love writing these short form AARs. :)
Sounds like an "exciting" time to be an Antipatrid. :D
Chapter II
With time, we all pass away.

Some pass early.

Philippos IV did not last long, only a year.


Then his son Kassandros II rose to the throne.

Kassandros deftly maneuvered the intrigues of court and avoided civil war.

A war here, a war there, and soon Macedon was considered a great power in her own right!


Phrygia was soon looked upon with hungry eyes.

Egypt and the Seleukids offered alliance, in addition to Thrace. The spears were sharpened.


Kassandros had no son of his own, and his daughters could not inherit according to the law. His consort wished the change that.



But Kassandros loved his able brother and refused. Until he got his own son, his brother was to remain heir.

Ever popular, Macedon was offered another alliance, this time by the budding power of Rome.


Even Phrygia offered an alliance, but this was politely declined, of course.


War was finally on the horizon. But first the threat of civil war had to go. Prepalaos Prepelaid, a mighty general, got to think himself of royal stature. This had to be stopped!


In the end, he was convicted and sent to jail.


The war could finally start!


Thrace soon joined in.


So did Rome.


The war went well for a good while.

However, Phrygia was still mighty. During some decisive battles, all of Macedon’s armies perished, as well as her entire navy!


Her allies still fought, though.

And soon Phrygia was ready to negotiate. Macedon and her allies won the war and gained plentiful lands.


All of armies and navies?
That is one mighty costly war you had there. Heh, though the problem of a disloyal general would have solved itself. No loyal troops left :p
All of armies and navies?
That is one mighty costly war you had there. Heh, though the problem of a disloyal general would have solved itself. No loyal troops left :p
They suddenly swarmed me. :eek: And when I tried to ship over my last two armies to save the day, their so far nowhere to be seen navy swooped in. Had I not had the allies, I would've been toast. But then the enemy offered me lots of land I didn't control, so who was I to refuse. :p
I might be wrong, but ever since that Rhodian game I have the inkling you have a dislike of Phrygia :D
I might be wrong, but ever since that Rhodian game I have the inkling you have a dislike of Phrygia :D
This is total and utter propaganda. :D
  • 1Like
That’s a bloody war for Macedonia indeed, but certainly showed the value of having allies. Egypt got a big share of the spoils - I suppose they must have done much of the fighting? Or at least occupying? Could be helping to create a monster there for the future ...
That’s a bloody war for Macedonia indeed, but certainly showed the value of having allies. Egypt got a big share of the spoils - I suppose they must have done much of the fighting? Or at least occupying? Could be helping to create a monster there for the future ...
Those are settlements, not provinces though. :) So it's much less than you'd think. But yeah, they are pretty powerful. Thrice my army and slighlty better navy once I have rebuilt it a couple years down the line from where I am here. :)
Chapter III
With the war over, it was time to rebuild. From scratch in Macedon’s case.

The problems wouldn’t leave Kassandros alone though, soon after the war was over he got word that Pausanias Alexandrid had fled captivity and was plotting to get his new allies in Kerkouane Macedonian land.


Kerkouane was small fish though, and Kassandros had plans for his kingdom. He had allies, even though Egypt was getting uppity and sending him insults now and then.

Egypt still was on his side though, for the time being. And Rome and the Seleukids as well as Thrace also was answering his calls.


Kassandros wanted to control all of Greece, and Athens was only allied to Phrygia. With the allies on his side, Kassandros was ready to strike. He had no navy, but he had built up a good army.


It was time.

As the war went on, however, the brother of Kassandros fled his captors (not me) and gave Delmatia claims on Macedon lands!


Worrying as that was, Delmatia was small fish too. And Phryiga was ready to sue for peace. Four provinces to Macedon and two provinces to Egypt.



The Seleukids was getting stronger in the east and rose to great power status, thus ending their alliance with Macedon and issuing a guarantee for Macedon’s independence instead.

Cute. They would soon be back as allies though.


Philippos, the primary heir, had been constantly sick for some time, and the doctors were not doing their job. Their last treatment made him permanently brain damaged.


This made the boy somewhat crazy it seems, and he began to feel neglected and wanted more fatherly love. Thus, the son began to see the father as a rival.

Aren't family politics wonderful.
Brain damaged and blind and hates his father?
True heir to Antipatrid legacy for sure!
Chapter IV
Being a most devoted dad deep down, Kassandros placed his son at the head of an army and sent him to war to prove himself.


The goal war both Peleponnes and Thrace, especially the latter as Kassandros wanted a land bridge to Asia as soon as possible, but Thrace were allied to big and powerful Moesia, and the Greek city states to each other. The decision was to take on the city states and Thrace and leave Moesia out of the equation.


The war in Peleponnes was a disaster, the terrain and wealth of the city states meaning the Macedon army met stiff resistance and many mercenary companies. However, Thrace fell easily enough, and a province was taken from them and them alone. Peleponnes was safe for now…


Another escape from captivity meant Lemovia now had claims on Macedon. Kassandros laughed and said they would never be able to press them in war.


Then Egypt broke their alliance with Macedon, after sending insults for years and despite Macedon trying to remain friends.


Kassandros himself was getting old and soon after the Egyptian missive was diagnosed with cancer.


He wanted to be reminded of something great and ordered the elevation of Pella the capital to a metropolis. Soon construction was starting.


But Kassandros was not the only one ill, his heir was also feeling under the weather.



The cancer on its part made Kassandros prone to infection. He was not long for this world now.

Another prisoner escape made Kassandros wonder what was wrong with prison guards these days.


That was his last thought as he went to bed and never woke up again.

Kassandros certainly left his mark on Macedon, but I am not so sure about Philippos - do I take it he is blind?
You know, there are things that make prison prison. Like walls, and doors that are locked and mean guards. You should probably invest in some of these.

And since when has good brain damage and blindness stopped from being a ruler?