Might I suggest a Kingsguard, small council and dragon (rider) society. Even though most of them would be landless. It would make it easier to see all of them in one list, as they would be famous for everybody in westeros and seeing who their members would be would be far more easier than using the event system.
For the Kingsguard society:
It would also remove the necessity of having a holding for the Kingsguard. The members could be part of the royal court of the king himself or be distributed as guardsmen of the royal family. The king could have special abilities due to this. Like sending a member to deal with robbers in a holding, sending a member to a household (like sending them to the court of the reach so they can use them in their battles) or recalling them from said household, fire a member, promote Commander, etc.
The ranks would be:
Kingsguard members
(Family members of the king, so they can demand protection)
Small council society:
Hand of the king/queen
High ranking members
Low ranking members
This would make sure that the members would still be a member of the small councill during a war, it would also make sure you can promote a person like littlefinger to the small councill. The king could per example have a power to make a vassal of that member so they can be part of their court. During a war within their dominion they could flip back, participate in the war and then flip back to the iron throne.
Dragon/ dragon rider society:
This society would have a list of the dragons and/or their riders. The higher they are within their ranks. The more powerfull a dragon is. It wouldn't really be a society but a overview of the dragons ranking them from least to most powerfull.