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Will there be a provincial connection between Atlantic/Indian Central Africa?
as shown in the sketch in the post above, there is no such plan right now. Although there is evidence, of a trade between Igbo-Ukwu near the Niger delta and China., I have to admit that I have zero knowledge about the areas in between. And I don't plan to research it any time soon... at this moment, I would prefer to review at least half a dozen other areas (Persia, Germany, Low Countries, Poland/Baltic area, Kaabu and Egypt/Nubia).

I am actually not even sure how many provinces I can even get to the area between Swahili coast and the Great Lakes to connect the Swahili coast with the area of Kitara empire. Although we can get some information about its historical inhabitants, I still need to do a lot of research to find actual historical settlements.
That said, if anyone can help me provide good sources, which could help fill the gap, or - even better - share a well sourced suggestion about what could be added there, I might move it up my to-do list. Although it won't get above Persia, Germany, Poland/Baltics and Kaabu, I'd love to learn more
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IBL compatch with Rajas of Asia are getting an alpha release https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3168671020
IBL on RoA map.jpg

Here is a province, kingdom and terrain view of Africa and the Levant, although you all know that this also affects Iberia and parts of Central Europe...



This is meant to be the ultimate map mod for all who want to play ourside Europe.It adds the entire Asia, as done by Rajas of Asia mod, and merges it with reworked and improved map of Africa, Middle East and parts of Europe as done by Ibn Battuta's Legacy.This mod is also intended to bridge the main obstacle in joining Rajas of Asia with Community Mods for Historicity.

Please note that this is yet an alpha version, which still has some issues. I will try to tackle them one by one,please feel free to report them when you notice anything, either here in the comments section, or - ideally - on my discord server.

Features added for original Ibn Battuta's Legacy:
  • Better map projection
  • Fully added Asia, as done by Rajas of Asia
  • more detailed Hausaland, Kanem and Ghana
Features new to Rajas of Asia users:
  • new terrains added by Ibn Battuta's Legacy - Dry Hills, Boreal Highlands and Savanna
  • more detailed map of Africa
  • improved parts of Europe (currently Iberia, Bohemia, Slovakia and northern Hungary)
Planned features
  • adding the Swahili coast of East Africa
  • Overhaul of Persia, Egypt and Nubia
  • overhaul of more regions of Europe and Africa (Bavaria, Kaabu already in development)
Known Issues or things to be done for full version:
  • add all the new IBL terrains to Asia
  • some locators might be little out of place, please report if anything feels wrong
  • the 936 bookmark needs to be adapted to the western parts of the map, especially Africa
  • Empires and special kingdoms are for some reason dissolved right now. Will be fixed in the final version
Thanks and credits:
  • special thanks to Nezaros and the Rajas of Asia team
  • Deimos (for thumbnail pic)
  • Kaepora Gaebora and TheNunnceler
  • Cybrxkhan
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Love what the mod does for North African titles (especially new Counties that connect lands), but I wanted to ask a few things about Terrain Bonuses. For reference, I only ran this mod for the first three screenshots, and IBL, RICE, and the compatch (in that order) for the fourth and fifth ones.
  1. Why does the Himalayan Settlers Tradition give bonuses to Boreal Highlands instead of Arid Hills? I think there's a mismatch with the terrains here, since the Mountaineers Men-at-Arms does have the Arid Hills positive terrain modifier.
  2. Highland Warriors doesn't boost Boreal Highlands, which have entirely replaced Hills in the Scottish Highlands. This Tradition does nothings for the very culture it was designed for.
  3. This one's just a personal nitpick, but I wish Mountain Herding gave bonuses to Arid Hills, since the mod reduces the Desert Mountains and Drlands terrain available to the cultures that have the Tradition like the Baranis.
  4. If not, I hope it's at least possible to incorporate it to the Granary of Africa Tradition provided by RICE using the compatch, since Baranis culture is barely on any Drylands terrain since most are replaced by Arid Hills.
  5. The Desert Warrior trait gives no advantage in Arid Hills, despite giving +5 to Savanna (which is a new terrain type added by the mod) and Desert Mountains (which I assume would be harsher than hills?).

Sorry if these have been addressed in the previous 13 pages, I don't know where Paradox hid the "Search in Thread" function. Do tell if there's something wrong on my part and the mod shouldn't have these issues in its current version, but it's been like this since Legacy of Persia iirc.
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Love what the mod does for North African titles (especially new Counties that connect lands), but I wanted to ask a few things about Terrain Bonuses. For reference, I only ran this mod for the first three screenshots, and IBL, RICE, and the compatch (in that order) for the fourth and fifth ones.
  1. Why does the Himalayan Settlers Tradition give bonuses to Boreal Highlands instead of Arid Hills? I think there's a mismatch with the terrains here, since the Mountaineers Men-at-Arms does have the Arid Hills positive terrain modifier.
  2. Highland Warriors doesn't boost Boreal Highlands, which have entirely replaced Hills in the Scottish Highlands. This Tradition does nothings for the very culture it was designed for.
  3. This one's just a personal nitpick, but I wish Mountain Herding gave bonuses to Arid Hills, since the mod reduces the Desert Mountains and Drlands terrain available to the cultures that have the Tradition like the Baranis.
  4. If not, I hope it's at least possible to incorporate it to the Granary of Africa Tradition provided by RICE using the compatch, since Baranis culture is barely on any Drylands terrain since most are replaced by Arid Hills.
  5. The Desert Warrior trait gives no advantage in Arid Hills, despite giving +5 to Savanna (which is a new terrain type added by the mod) and Desert Mountains (which I assume would be harsher than hills?).

Sorry if these have been addressed in the previous 13 pages, I don't know where Paradox hid the "Search in Thread" function. Do tell if there's something wrong on my part and the mod shouldn't have these issues in its current version, but it's been like this since Legacy of Persia iirc.
thanks for this feedback!

I'll be honest - some of the changes clearly were not thought through enough - I know I edited some of the traditions before actually editing the terrain of the regions, and did them only mechanically, so this is exactly the kind of feedback that I needed and appreciate!

I will check these as soon as I have some more time and will come back to you. From the first glance, most are deffinitely oversights.
OTOH, those, which are tied to RICE traditions should best be treated by RICE somehow, although I'm not sure how
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where Paradox hid the "Search in Thread
Go to the top of the page, tap the search button, and change the search (in the field directly below “search in forums”) from “everywhere” to “this thread.”
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thanks for this feedback!

I'll be honest - some of the changes clearly were not thought through enough - I know I edited some of the traditions before actually editing the terrain of the regions, and did them only mechanically, so this is exactly the kind of feedback that I needed and appreciate!
Happy to help. I'll add a couple more nitpicks in case you'd like to take a second look at them. None of these are as urgent as the terrain mismatch on the Himalayas in my previous post, and might just be design choices and decisions. Think of this reply more like I'm bringing these up to better understand the way terrain modifiers are assigned than anything. I'll include why I think these points are the way they are as my attempts to understand the process.
  1. Base game bundles up Forest, Taiga, and Jungle together often. Since you've modified the bonuses of the Forest Fighter trait and terrain bonuses for the Metsänvartija MaA, I think it's possible to add Boreal Highlands bonuses to Forest Folk and/or Sacred Groves traditions. Boreal Highlands is already included in the terrain bonuses for the Forest Wardens tradition.
  2. The Bush Hunting tradition gives levy bonuses to Savanna but the Bush Hunters MaA it enables has terrain bonuses on Arid Hills, though I think this was a conscious balancing decision.
  3. The Desert Ribats tradition doesn't have any modifiers for Arid Hills, despite reducing danger for the other 4 terrains the Butr culture is spread across. The Dryland Dwellers and Desert Travellers traditions do reduce danger for Arid Hills, so I suspect this is also a conscious desgin choice.

Go to the top of the page, tap the search button, and change the search (in the field directly below “search in forums”) from “everywhere” to “this thread.”
Thank you!
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Persia overhaul preview no.1
Hello all,

It's been a while since my last update or even status update...
I have been quite busy with my personal life and after some very pleasant events, I have finally found some time to resume work on this mod... and arrived to a point where I can share some progress with you.

As I started working with Rajas of Asia team and - for compatch with their mod - adapted IBL also to Miller projection map, I started overhaul of the Persian empire, and here is finally something to show:

Persia overhaul preview
(Please don't forget this is yet a preview and this overhaul will first only be part of IBL compatch with Rajas of Asia, and only later be included back in the original IBL, which still uses Paradox projection)

First let's look at the new provinces:

In the south, the heaviest changes can be seen in the area of former kingdom of Makran, where I greatly increased granularity and got rid of those huge counties there.
You can see new counties of Biaban, Bint, Tiz on the coast, Rasak, Khwash and Sarhadd in the central area and Khawash in Sistan to the north,
to the west, new counties were added mainly to the marginal areas of Fars, such as Jannaba, Sabur, Bavvan and Jarhum, and I also increased granularity in areas between centers of political gravity, hence you can see Khabis and Nayband north of Kirman, as well as Abarquh and Jarmaq around Yazd.
And one county which remains invisible on this screenshot is Qeshm - the largest island in the Strait of Hormuz.

Even more provinces were added to the northern half of medieval Iran, especially in 2 larger clusters.

In the west lot more granularity was added to the area of Daylam kingdom, namely you can see new counties of
Khalkhal, Daylam, Lahij, Alamut, as well as to the central area of Jibal/Iraq-e-Ajjam, such as Kharraqan, Mazdaqan, Farrahan, Igharayn, Gulpaygan and Qashan.
The second large area is Khorasan in general. Firstly it was the Qohestan area, where counties of Tabas, Bejestan and Khusf were added. In the Nishapur area, you can see counties of Zawa, Torshiz, Biyar, Jajarm, Isfarain, Nasa and Asfand... and in the plains around Merv and to their south, there is Zam, Jiranj, Murghab, Karabil and Upper Guzgan. 2 last new counties are Hilmand east of Ghur, and Astarabad in Caspian Gurgan.

This allowed and in some cases forced creation of several new duchies, although I still preferred to keep their numbers relatively low.
in the southeast a new duchy was created between Makran and Sistan and named Sarhadd. Although the name isn't ideal, something had to be added there and this name fits the area the best.
In the area of Fars, new duchies are named afer historical provinces of Fars: Darabjerd and Istakhr.
Daylam and Gilan were split into 2 separate duchies, Qumis got its own duchy and the historical province of Jowzjan was upgraded into a duchy.

The most debated and the hardest to make were changes in kingdom setup.

Firstly, already since painting the original map, I was unsure about status of the traditional Persian large provinces, which are:
Kerman, Fars, Jibal, Gilan and Daylam, Tabarestan/Mazandaran, Gurgan, Khorasan, Kohestan, Makran and Sistan.
The position of Khorasan was always unquestionable, but the others were always too large to be duchies, but I also considered them too small for kingdoms, at least most of them.
For this setup, I realized it is inevitable to split the center of north-western Persia from Fars - the Jibal area does indeed deserve its own kingdom.
As for Fars, I thought its 3 duchies would be 2 small for a kingdom, so I considered often shared political history with Kerman and Hormuz, and have them as kingdom of Persia.
Having learned that large parts of Makran, including its capital Tiz, were considered as start of India, I was convinced to move the duchy of Makran to be part of Indian kingdom of Sindh, which left the duchy of Jebel Qufs as part of Kerman-Fars kingdom, hence Persia.

Despite very intensive discussion, I have so far decided to keep Daylam as one kingdom, consisting of all Caspian provinces, but in the future, the western areas of Adharbaijan and Shirwan will split from it. All possible divisions were discussed and at some point even adopted, only to realize, that they would all look even weirder than this setup.
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I am genuinely thrilled to see the de jure update! Persia is one of my favorite regions, and I am glad to see that it's getting updated in this mod, I wanted ask a couple questions though:
1. should khuzuestan be its own kingdom due to its kurdish populations? I honestly don't know whether there was a significant kurdish population in the area in ck3's timeframe, but asking so I know
2. should the quite strongly persian-influenced arabian kingdoms like the kingdom of Jannabi and the less strongly influenced but rather isolated Sultanate of Oman get their own de jure kingdoms due to their contact with persia and adoption of persian versions of islam?
3. Should Jazira be part of the persian empire de jure because of its kurdish heritage (again, not sure if kurds lived in Jazira during ck3's timeframe, but asking so I know
Does this change the terrain in mountainous areas?
Does this change the terrain in mountainous areas?
Yes, it will include the terrains added by this mod and have some additional changes.... all in accord with the principles I outlined in 2 posts (post no.1, post no.2) earlier in this thread.
I am genuinely thrilled to see the de jure update! Persia is one of my favorite regions, and I am glad to see that it's getting updated in this mod, I wanted ask a couple questions though:
1. should khuzuestan be its own kingdom due to its kurdish populations? I honestly don't know whether there was a significant kurdish population in the area in ck3's timeframe, but asking so I know
2. should the quite strongly persian-influenced arabian kingdoms like the kingdom of Jannabi and the less strongly influenced but rather isolated Sultanate of Oman get their own de jure kingdoms due to their contact with persia and adoption of persian versions of islam?
3. Should Jazira be part of the persian empire de jure because of its kurdish heritage (again, not sure if kurds lived in Jazira during ck3's timeframe, but asking so I know
Thanks for your interest and good questions.
I'll try to answer as best as I can:

1. I fear that Khuzestan is little too small to be a kingdom on its own. It only has 6 counties and there isn't much space (and it doesn't make much sense) to add more. As far as I know it was specific for its Arab rather than Kurdish populations both during CK3 era and now, but I can be mistaken.

2. Yes, I am indeed considering a future rework of Arabia and that includes considerations to make Oman a separate kingdom at the least. But that will be part of later rework, not of Persia itself now.

3. Jazira is part of de jure Persian empire in this mod, and as far as I know also in the vanilla game. Parts of it did have Kurdish population, but generally there are several other more important reasons for it to be part of Persian empire.
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Ibn Battuta's Legacy gets updated. At last...Greetings everyone. The mod has finally been updated to the latest game version (1.14). Big thanks for your patience and even bigger apologies it took me so long. Apart from the update itself, another good news is that I made arrangements in order to prevent this from happening again. The sadder part of this news is, that - as mentioned in my previous announcements - the mod will no longer include the additional terrain types (Arid Hills, Boreal Highlands and Savanna). These will later be released in a separate pack.As for the update - it should now fully work with the latest game version. All histories are updated and adapted to the 1178 bookmark. If you notice some funky situations on political map, dynasty trees etc., please feel free to report these, as these may still occur.For now there is no new stuff added. It's just the update plus some minor fixes of bugs, that have been reported in the last months.

Will IBL still include some terrain improvements?
  • Yes, IBL still includes some terrain improvements I did, mainly to Maghreb, north Africa in general, as well as to Bohemia or Persia. But these improvements will only use the base game terrains. No new terrains will be in base IBL
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