Anyone know when the new stable version will be released?
I'm started to get very curious.
I'm started to get very curious.
If you're taking over Westeros as the Iron Isles, why not rule in Harrenhal?
How do you tutor your children for church/sept education?
Has there been any thought given to nerfing proselytizing? I know there's no other way to change a character's religion short of guardianship, but I have a hard time believing that the North or Iron Islands would stand for intentional proselytizing by the Iron Throne in there territory, or that the Blackwoods would be okay with their lords trying to turn them away from the old gods. Seems like a breach of the Westerosi feudal contract. And since the only characters we've seen convert are to either the Red God or occasionally ironborn who were tutored in the south, it seems that the Faith of the Seven and (especially) the Old Gods don't have any serious missionary programs.
edit: Maybe an event where you can send your lords missionary away, but with a serious opinion hit / a chance for your lord to imprison you (although still gaining tyranny)?
Well, converting a lord isn't the same as a county. I had several lords following Cthulhu but upon their deaths the next leaders were Seven followers. Heh, I actually love the missionary potential, since it's a bitch finding good wives for my little reavers. Thank goodness for salt wives, though you can't give them to your sons.
My "you little bastard!" moment was when my Ironborn king suddenly died. The next ruler had great stats, a good amount of prestige--I was pumped. Then I realize all my oldest vassals hated him. "Ah, well, a reaving will help matters!" Except no reaving was available. Nor raiding. I gave a closer look at my treacherous son...the little punk converted to the Seven when I wasn't looking.
Give us update/fix, I'm dying
You force me to buy Rome 2 Total War:rofl:
And take back Mya Stone Iron Throne claim. It's "unhistorical" No one i real Westoros support the muleteer:laugh:
Man, what's so unstable for you guys? I'm 50 years into a game and I'm doing fine. Even got my Bolton a Dragon.