I just have to stop.
I could keep on editing and changing and tweaking until I die. Actually, that's not the worst of it, it's all the little side projects I keep thinking up that lead to other side projects. And The Americas are pretty big. So enough is enough, time to get this thing tested out a little.
Plus I have a young son and get only 4-5 hours a week for this project.
So, I need some people to playtest this BETA version of Aberrated New World. This will eventually form a core of the Aberrated II we will make public in the not-so-distant-but-it-seems-a-long-way-off-future.
Please PM me you email address if you are interested and I will send you the .rar version ready-to-play. Thanks to jcain for the moddir.
Before you start using it and tearing it to shreds there are some important notes.
1. The focus of this part of the New World project is the Caribbean basin. Specifically there are two strong minors detailed, the Maya and the Dichali (the people we contemporraneously call the 'Pueblo' or 'Anasazi', both insults). There are also new files for the Aztecs and Zapotec, but the colonization history for these two is more difficult and most times will result in their destruction, so I have given it a little less attention. Zapotec will surely be a challenge, and have a good story, so feel free to give it a go.
2. I have also re-established the other Americas countries to a bit more of their former glory, but I have done nothing of real significance with any of them, even the Inca and Chimu (see the introduction ... ) I also have fewer great ideas for their particular Aberrated histories which would make them significantly different from their real world ones. And spending a lot of my very limited time shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic is irresponsible.
3. This beta also contains the Smallpox events, which will devestate any of the provinces the Europeans take and will eventually hit each native nation even if it survives.
4. Two major projects, the heavy redesign of the Colony file and the European-North America Trade War cycle of events remain in pieces on the cutting room floor. They are works in progress whose progress is holding up beta testing, so they will have to wait. But they add yet more intrigue to things and will be worthy additions.
5. The critical design ideas at work here are to beef up the Americas, and to explore more closely the cataclysmic changes that European invasion and colonisation bring to the New World. But also how people respond in adversity, and how cultures under pressure either collapse or change.
6. Remember that I have not altered the European files. In Aberrated II their will be fewer conquistadors and explorers who last shorter time spans and arrive later.
7. Finally, play the Europeans as well, to get a sense for the richness (or lack thereof) of the events and storylines, and to guage whether I have the power levels right. The Maya and Dichali should put up stiff resistence, but succumb to a concerted European effort. Alternatively, I hope I have made them complex enough that they can make viable allies in the new world, should the European player chose to take that route. Whichever way, they will enrich the MP experience by adding variety to an otherwise predictable affair.
As suggested by Incompetant, here is the link to the thread with the download.
I could keep on editing and changing and tweaking until I die. Actually, that's not the worst of it, it's all the little side projects I keep thinking up that lead to other side projects. And The Americas are pretty big. So enough is enough, time to get this thing tested out a little.
Plus I have a young son and get only 4-5 hours a week for this project.
So, I need some people to playtest this BETA version of Aberrated New World. This will eventually form a core of the Aberrated II we will make public in the not-so-distant-but-it-seems-a-long-way-off-future.
Please PM me you email address if you are interested and I will send you the .rar version ready-to-play. Thanks to jcain for the moddir.
Before you start using it and tearing it to shreds there are some important notes.
1. The focus of this part of the New World project is the Caribbean basin. Specifically there are two strong minors detailed, the Maya and the Dichali (the people we contemporraneously call the 'Pueblo' or 'Anasazi', both insults). There are also new files for the Aztecs and Zapotec, but the colonization history for these two is more difficult and most times will result in their destruction, so I have given it a little less attention. Zapotec will surely be a challenge, and have a good story, so feel free to give it a go.
2. I have also re-established the other Americas countries to a bit more of their former glory, but I have done nothing of real significance with any of them, even the Inca and Chimu (see the introduction ... ) I also have fewer great ideas for their particular Aberrated histories which would make them significantly different from their real world ones. And spending a lot of my very limited time shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic is irresponsible.
3. This beta also contains the Smallpox events, which will devestate any of the provinces the Europeans take and will eventually hit each native nation even if it survives.
4. Two major projects, the heavy redesign of the Colony file and the European-North America Trade War cycle of events remain in pieces on the cutting room floor. They are works in progress whose progress is holding up beta testing, so they will have to wait. But they add yet more intrigue to things and will be worthy additions.
5. The critical design ideas at work here are to beef up the Americas, and to explore more closely the cataclysmic changes that European invasion and colonisation bring to the New World. But also how people respond in adversity, and how cultures under pressure either collapse or change.
6. Remember that I have not altered the European files. In Aberrated II their will be fewer conquistadors and explorers who last shorter time spans and arrive later.
7. Finally, play the Europeans as well, to get a sense for the richness (or lack thereof) of the events and storylines, and to guage whether I have the power levels right. The Maya and Dichali should put up stiff resistence, but succumb to a concerted European effort. Alternatively, I hope I have made them complex enough that they can make viable allies in the new world, should the European player chose to take that route. Whichever way, they will enrich the MP experience by adding variety to an otherwise predictable affair.
As suggested by Incompetant, here is the link to the thread with the download.
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