Different regions of Westeros and Essos have different levels of technological development, but it's debateable if these regions change to any great extent, or how it can be implemented.
The North has worse castle architecture than the southern lands.
Some parts of the Reach and Westerlands seem to have sanitation like sewers but it does not appear to be universal.
The Free Cities have better city planning than Westeros, able to sustain much higher populations without plague outbreaks.
Braavos has more robust banking institutions than anywhere else in the world.
Qohor has perhaps the best metalworking in the world, with smiths even able to reforge Valyrian steel.
The Ironborn have a level of seamanship and ship technology virtually unmatched. They can sail far outsight of land with confidence, their ships can survive terrible conditions, and they can be found across the known world.
If you include knowledge of magic to be a 'technology' group, then Wildlings are more advanced than the rest of Westeros. They actually have magical traditions such as Warging that the rest of the world considers myth. The followers of R'hllor also seem to know their own magic, let alone the Warlocks of Qarth.
However in virtually all cases this advanced knowledge seems to be limited to select groups of indivuals rather than have it widespread throughout the population. So it may be better represented through traits and high characteristics (learning, stewardship, etc) rather than technology.