Are airports still placed randomly?If you mean, "Do focuses that award buildings to random states still sometimes put them in non-core states?", then yes.
Are airports still placed randomly?If you mean, "Do focuses that award buildings to random states still sometimes put them in non-core states?", then yes.
Are airports still placed randomly?
Are airports still places randomly within a state?
No. Each state has only one pre-defined province assigned for an airport. Since there are 969 states, there are 969 pre-assigned provinces for these airports. These assigned provinces can be found in game file Hearts of Iron IV\map\airports.txt.Are airports still places randomly within a state?
At its root, the word means deceptive, false, tricky -- as an illusion normally is. "Not real" or "illusory" are common definitions, but that's one narrow sense of the word. The Old French meaning of "illusion" from which the English word comes is mocking, a deceit, or deception.Can somebody explain the "illusive" in "Illusive Gentleman" to me?
I'm sure you read all Naval articles of wiki before asking so what does it say there?What is the needed ratio of escorts to capital ships? I see different advice saying 3 x, or 4 x. Thanks.
3x. But the Wiki includes a disclaimer and I have seen recent advice saying 4x, so I'm hoping someone here knowns something. Or maybe whether there is a line in a file.
I haven't read anything about land mines in the DDs and I doubt that they silently make their appearence as a special project. Maybe the anti-mine tanks give some kind of abstract bonus when dealing with fortifications (assuming that land mines are subsumed as a part of them)?Hello, just asking, out of curiosity;
what's the porpoise of anti mines tanks, in the new upcoming DLC, if there are no in land mines to be deployed? Or have I lost this piece of information in some DD?
Thanks to however will be capable of providing some answers on that.
Naval "supremacy" is really just an arbitrary gate for initiating naval invasion. It serves no other purpose than allowing your army divisions to launch off heading to land onto enemy shore. How they travel along the path is regulated by normal mechanics, and depends on actual task forces from the both sides doing their duties.I am trying to move some divisions across the Atlantic. Along one route I have 100% supremacy in all the zones. Along the other, 100% in the first three, 99% in the 4th, 78% in the last, where I outnumber enemy ships ~ 16:1 (in surface ships ~ 6:1, with 13 capitals to 0) and in AC 2:1. I am getting the "you are almost certain to be intercepted" message for all movements on both routes. What am I not understanding?