@Revanchist thx for feedback.
@Bitter peace: Each 10 days it has 35% chance to trigger, so you can wait forever if you're out of luck. It triggered for me just after loading your save.
@Todt: All right, I forgot about one stupid bug - if you sleep minister with given name by event, it sleeps all other ministers with the same name... I'll come with solution for that.
@HSUB: I'll take a look at that, though in game files it seems that icon for HSUB is properly assigned. Maybe there is a problem with its resolution or extension.
@US factories: I didn't notice their problems with resources in my games, nor in your save.
@Leaders exp: I didn't change it, REP uses values from DH Full here. I've raised only influence of experience on combat (from .2 to .5).
@Oil etc: I want to lower stockpile limits for all resources in the next version, as it's too easy to hoard enough of them to survive Barbarossa. Countries in Latin America would probably give more oil as concessions for USA/UK/Netherlands than now (or maybe they just need update of their trade deals after researching mining techs).
Mexico is special case here, as from ~1938 it has full control over their oil fields, so Germany can easily build pretty big reserve by trading with Mexico. Lower stockpile limits should solve this issue.
@Overall difficulty: and that's one of the most important feedback for me, though remember, that I didn't touch balance for GER-SOV war. So for now you can play on higher difficulty only. Anyway, this is an important clue for me in which direction I should change the balance.
I noticed you conquered UK, but you have rather small navy. Did you use paratroopers to get port for panzers or...?