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am I the only person who isn't wanting a crazy plague fucking up my playthrough?
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am I the only person who isn't wanting a crazy plague fucking up my playthrough?

Unfortunately, I think the Game of Thrones mod may need to include game rules to make everyone happy in this regard. CKII kind of set a precadent, and I feel like if Game of Thrones doesn't provide similar options, that people are going to cry about it.
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yeah once maybe twice in the whole lore "spring sickness" BUT greyscale didnt plague a whole continent. lol. I just feel the plagues are going to be wayyyyy to OP.
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Honestly outside of the Black Death I haven't had plagues in the base game wipe me out too hard unless I had a kingdom of Wales size or smaller when a plague hit. And even then my dynasty survived because I had some 3rd son marriages abroad.
Unfortunately, I think the Game of Thrones mod may need to include game rules to make everyone happy in this regard. CKII kind of set a precadent, and I feel like if Game of Thrones doesn't provide similar options, that people are going to cry about it.

It would definetely be nice if the GoT devs offered an option like this to non-experienced modders amongst the player base. I'll probably just tweak the severity of the diseases myself once the new patch is released if i feel like they're too harsh and interfering with my enjoyment of the mod
Obviously balance is going to be looked at and if the plagues are too deadly we will tone them down, but there is no point talking about the impacts of the plagues in the game and how much they already need to be nerfed before we have even released the next version lol
Question for the next patch, will playable Rhoynar character be available to play in the selection map when setting up a game? Even though most of the Rhoynar lands are ruins there are still three lords I think that can be played through the "play ##########" command. Is this because those lands don't have a specific dynasty associated with them and hence are random creations?
And to add more flavour playing as a kingdom of the Rhoynar ruler, is it possible to give them a specific holding upgrade type instead of the generic Essosi city/castle? Unlike most Essosi cultures, GRRM has given details on how their levies were armed. They could possibly be similar to the Dornish holdings, but with more emphasis on spearmen and no horse archers?
For the life of me I can't get the GOT mod to work. It is showing up on my mods list but when I click nothing happens. I switched the beta to 2.5.2 and am now trying 1.111.

In the properties folder, I put the GOT mod under CK2's mod folder and put the rest on the folder just in CK2.

Could someone please help me? I really want to play!

I am using a MacBook Pro
am I the only person who isn't wanting a crazy plague fucking up my playthrough?
Honestly with the plagues and epidemics I doubt the epidemics will have much of an impact on a game unless you get really unlucky. If you had a disease like Slow Fever (or the GOT equivalent) break out in Dorne, it might reach into the Stormlands for instance, but it would almost never spread far enough to reach the Crownlands, let alone swallow all of Westeros, and even then it won't be able to kill your entire court. On the other hand, the plagues (the major epidemics) probably could swallow the entire continent and perhaps spread to Essos, but would appear far more rarely than the minor epidemics and give you enough time to build up a large, powerful house that could hopefully survive the outbreak. It all really boils down to your luck and forward planning since a small dynasty that's located in a single court can easily be wiped out by a single epidemic (or an attack from Baleron) but a large dynasty spread over an entire kingdom can probably survive a plague, or a war where Dragonfire is everywhere.
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Plus if you have it set to where it doesn't have a full plague till at least 50 years in...well if you don't have a hospital and large dynasty by 50 years I kinda feel like you deserve it
Speaking of plagues, I'd suggest making sure the major epidemics can only spawn in Westeros or Essos in the nonhistoric options since diseases can only spread across a single water region to infect nonadjacent coastal provinces. If the plague spawns anywhere else it would have little to no impact on the bulk of the setting.
Speaking of plagues, I'd suggest making sure the major epidemics can only spawn in Westeros or Essos in the nonhistoric options since diseases can only spread across a single water region to infect nonadjacent coastal provinces. If the plague spawns anywhere else it would have little to no impact on the bulk of the setting.
Could it not be possible to mod Ruins "Characters" to be able to be affected by plagues without dying?

That would simulate both the issues of the Sorrows and the Shrouded Lord(/King? I forget.) being perpetually infected by supernatural plagues and simulate the spread of diseases via traders along the interior of Essos.

Then, eventually the Dothraki get it and become actual horsemen of the apocalypse...(or die in hilariously large numbers and seriously altering the balance of power of Essos, of course)