OK, I'll put down some ideas here which don't seem to have attracted too much criticism. I've put in italics the ones which will probably get a name change:
Catholic = in communion with Rome (note: not necessarily Latin Rites)
Orthodox = Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, other Christians who split off from Rome long before 1419
Protestant = Medieval or Reformation breakaways from the Catholic church who are still in favour of a strong Church organisation (likely under state control)
Reformed = Medieval or Reformation breakaways from the Catholic church who are opposed to the state etc taking over where Rome left off
Sunni = The default religion of the Caliphate, along with such variations as would be tolerated by such a Caliphate (eg some Sufi orders)
Mutazelite = Islamic sect originating in Cordoba, considered heretical by the Sunnis. More innovative and philosophical than Sunni Islam on the whole. Also sects which would be seen as 'closer' to the Mutazelites than the Sunnis (eg the Maya may not end up purely Mutazelite, but if they became broadly Muslim it would be a Cordoban kind of Islam they'd adopt).
Hinduism = Vedic religions
Buddhism = what it says
(I don't know enough about these to say more)
Confucianism = generic religion, but fairly resilient
Pagan = generic proto-religion, one step above whatever Natives go in for in terms of resilience to assimilation
As for the bonuses:
Diplomats: +2 for Catholic; +0 for Confucian and Pagan, as their lack of an international religious community means they are somewhat isolated diplomatically; +1 for everyone else
Colonists: Depends how fast we want various countries to colonise
Tech speed: Don't know, but the current Pagan penalty is probably excessive
Taxes: Good taxes for Protestant (church is controlled by the state); fairly good taxes for Orthodox (similar reason); bad taxes for Catholic and Reformed (church is independent of the state to a large extent); decent taxes for Muslims (religiously mandated taxation); don't know about the rest.
Trade/Production: bad production/trade if religion interfered a lot in these areas, or discouraged them.
Missionaries: big bonus for all Christians and Muslims (Sunni and Catholic especially); moderate bonus for Buddhists; 0 or even negative for Hindu and Pagan, as these are not evangelical; don't know for Confucian
Stability: Very good stab for Catholic and Orthodox; quite good for Sunni and Protestant; bad stab for Pagan and Reformed; don't know about the rest
Catholic = in communion with Rome (note: not necessarily Latin Rites)
Orthodox = Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, other Christians who split off from Rome long before 1419
Protestant = Medieval or Reformation breakaways from the Catholic church who are still in favour of a strong Church organisation (likely under state control)
Reformed = Medieval or Reformation breakaways from the Catholic church who are opposed to the state etc taking over where Rome left off
Sunni = The default religion of the Caliphate, along with such variations as would be tolerated by such a Caliphate (eg some Sufi orders)
Mutazelite = Islamic sect originating in Cordoba, considered heretical by the Sunnis. More innovative and philosophical than Sunni Islam on the whole. Also sects which would be seen as 'closer' to the Mutazelites than the Sunnis (eg the Maya may not end up purely Mutazelite, but if they became broadly Muslim it would be a Cordoban kind of Islam they'd adopt).
Hinduism = Vedic religions
Buddhism = what it says
(I don't know enough about these to say more)
Confucianism = generic religion, but fairly resilient
Pagan = generic proto-religion, one step above whatever Natives go in for in terms of resilience to assimilation
As for the bonuses:
Diplomats: +2 for Catholic; +0 for Confucian and Pagan, as their lack of an international religious community means they are somewhat isolated diplomatically; +1 for everyone else
Colonists: Depends how fast we want various countries to colonise
Tech speed: Don't know, but the current Pagan penalty is probably excessive
Taxes: Good taxes for Protestant (church is controlled by the state); fairly good taxes for Orthodox (similar reason); bad taxes for Catholic and Reformed (church is independent of the state to a large extent); decent taxes for Muslims (religiously mandated taxation); don't know about the rest.
Trade/Production: bad production/trade if religion interfered a lot in these areas, or discouraged them.
Missionaries: big bonus for all Christians and Muslims (Sunni and Catholic especially); moderate bonus for Buddhists; 0 or even negative for Hindu and Pagan, as these are not evangelical; don't know for Confucian
Stability: Very good stab for Catholic and Orthodox; quite good for Sunni and Protestant; bad stab for Pagan and Reformed; don't know about the rest
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