-= 84 =-
11 April, 1781
Saint Petersburg, British East Florida
"Come Stewart, where the devil is their coffee!?" Hamm glared at his newest charge, fists on his hips. "You look bad, I look bad. I look bad, I beat you! You take my meaning?"
"Yes, sir." Henry rose from the hearth and turned, returning the steward's gaze coldly.
You are bigger, my friend, but a lancet to that double-folded throat of yours will still do the job I think. "The coffee's done now, sir."
Hamm didn't like his gaze at all. "What Stewart, you want to take a swing?" He thrust his face forward.
Maybe later. With a club. "No, sir." Stewart did his best to look cowed.
Hamm nodded. "Fine. Then come on, they're waiting. I have the food." They didn't know who owned this house a mile west of the American siege works, but the newly promoted General Allen wasn't shy about using it as his headquarters. No real surprise. This meeting, however, promised to be
very interesting. Interesting enough to play cook.
"At last, Hamm. What kept you?" The newly promoted General, his insignia still glistened in the morning light streaming in through wide windows, smiled.
"Beg pardon, sir." Hamm shot Stewart a furious glance. For his part the assassin began laying out cups.
"I must say this is highly irregular," General Steving in charge of the artillery leaned forward. "Where is General Heyward?"
"I thought it best if we talked among ourselves first, sir, so that we may discuss our concerns as one body. I only wish Colonel Preston was here. Despite his rank, he leads the cavalry detachment and has special insight into General Heyward's character."
"I would be sorry to hear you reflect on his character," Steving rumbled ominously.
"I agree." Benjamin Lincoln, now commanding half of the infantry, rapped his fork on the table to emphasize his point. "Further, excluding him may be considered a snub."
"No snub is intended, sir. Nor do I choose to reflect on the general's character. He proved himself at the Altamaha River,
as did we all. But cannot reasonable gentlemen disagree with a man's decisions, and having taken council with each other approach and offer alternatives?"
"He has looked uncommon hip lately," Lincoln agreed reluctantly. I almost sent for a surgeon once, see if one of his old wounds has gone bad."
Stewart lowered his gaze, lest someone spot the glowing pleasure in his eyes.
"He's fine, damn it. Does he seem tired lately? Sure. He's tired of this filthy swamp. Hell, I'm tired of this _______ swamp!"
"Which makes not assaulting Saint Augustine even more puzzling, General." Allen raised his hand. "No, sir. The walls are nearly breached, and despite the perpetual moisture we've established some decent breastworks leading us to within fifty yards. It would be nothing at night to move at least one or two of your cannon forward, and so batter them with fresh force."
"He's explained that. We know a fresh army is being raised in Mobile. The last thing we need is to so deplete our strength forcing this issue that they are able to defeat us, and Carolina's threatened again."
So, they know about General Arslan's army. Stewart watched as Hamm served their first course. At the steward's angry head jerk he headed towards Allen to begin pouring.
Good. Caution will be your downfall.
"Gentlemen, I think we all agree that while an assault does carry danger, it's now conceivable." Lincoln absently picked at his sausage, more to buy himself time to think than eat. "Should we choose to approach the general however, we must determine how."
Allen drank half his cup in one swallow. "We could point to his lack of vitae, his loss of essential spirit lately. Offer our assistance and best wishes of course, perhaps offer to take over the day-to-day duties while he recovers..."
"That sounds dangerously close to mutiny, sir." Steving held up his cup at Stewart's approach. "I do not think General Heyward - or anyone who can call themselves a man - would permit themselves to be superseded in this manner."
Lincoln jabbed viciously at his sausage. The Carolina Assembly had superseded him, thank you, and Congress' failure to reverse this only gave weight to their snub.
It's not Heyward's fault, he reminded himself, not for the first nor last time on this campaign.
"Not mutiny!" Allen protested, flushing. "I said offer to assist. This is General Heyward's first command, and only his second siege. I suggest perhaps he is puzzled. That coupled with his fatigue could easily answer for what has happened."
"If he is puzzled," Steving retorted, "then that is our failure as his assistants."
"Then it is time for us to
assist. I will say again, I offer no reflection on Thomas Heyward as a man nor a general, but the fact remains we have been here long enough. We should take the city, secure Florida, and move west. Do you truly disagree?"
"I don't." Lincoln sipped his coffee. "However, I believe your approach is out, General. You do not go to a man and say he seems dispirited and inattentive, no matter how altruistic your aims. He has a right to bear his private burdens as do we all, unless the entire campaign is at stake and that is not the case. No, should you gentlemen wish to approach him with a counterproposal I am your man, but unless he opens his mind to us that is the extent of my interest."
"Agreed," Steving nodded.
Allen signaled for another cup, studying the other two. "Very well, I can agree with that. Though we will then need to prepare a convincing counter plan and argument. And for this I may borrow a page from General Heyward's very guide. Do you gentlemen recall his attitude, his force of will at the beginning of the Georgia operation?"
"He seemed quite willing to take the fight to General Exeter then and there." Lincoln acceded. "If my memory is not out, he sent us right back across the Savannah River to harry his advance."
"Yes. What did General Heyward call it? Oh yes,
"Beg pardon, sir." Stewart rushed for a towel as Allen leapt to his feet, coffee streaming from his lap.
Hamm ran after the assassin into the kitchen. He gripped Stewart's elbow tightly and snatched the towel. "After this, you're mine!" He returned to the still cursing general.
"Oh, no my friend," Stewart whispered, fingering his knife. "In that you are mistaken. I have an appointment to keep."