Chapter 20: Desperate Love
24th March, 1776
Poplar Ridge, Quebec province
(Canadian occupied New York)
Sergeant Daniels frowned, confused at Master Rafferty's statement. "You're mistaken, sir. I don't know this man," he said flatly.
John thought quickly. An escape would be…problematic, not to mention unexplainable to Cassie. That left bluffing. He stared into Daniels' distant but intelligent gaze: He was no fool either. There was one saving grace though, and that was Fort Niagara itself.
Niagara was huge. It had originally been built by the French to control river traffic, and the English used it for the same. The French and Indian war was the only time the fortress had fallen, and that because the French commander was a fool. Her garrison ranged between three and five hundred; more than enough room to get lost in. He hoped.
"I'm not surprised we haven't met," John replied. "I'm not there very often. I also go to Oswego as well as the towns on the other side of Lake Ontario." It was a plausible enough lie. Fort Niagara was the main defense in the area, and her colonel would need to coordinate with everyone.
Daniels' gaze narrowed and he frowned. "I thought I knew all the runners. Where's your uniform, Mister Preston? Or your horse, for that matter."
"The horse is at the stables," John answered evenly, trying to sound slightly insulted. "And the colonel indulges me in not having to wear the uniform while off base. The Americans have snipers in the woods with no sense of honor. Shooting a lob…. shooting one of us from the trees would no doubt please them, especially if it interrupts the flow of communications."
"He's right, sir," Rafferty interrupted enthusiastically. "Just last autumn some rebel butchers…."
"So you are indulged in skulking about like a bandit," Daniels commented, undeterred. "How very irregular."
"Bandit?" John echoed. He didn't need to feign insult this time. "Let's instead say that the good of the service trumps such an open display of arms."
"You wish to counsel me on the good of the service, sir? I am a sergeant in His Majesty's service, I think I have a somewhat more clear idea than you. I just came from Fort Niagara, in full uniform, without incident."
"I find it odd that the colonel entrusted me with a message for Captain McArthur, when he could have just as easily given to you. What regiment are you with?" He lifted his chin, a large, imposing figure.
"Headquarters company," John retorted, looking about wildly for anything to help.
"2nd Foot? 94th? 119th?"
"Oh." Daniels seemed to relax abruptly. "That's fine then. How is Colonel Carter?"
"He's….fine sir." What was this man's game?
Oh, Christ.
Daniels smiled icily. "The 94th and Colonel Carter are based in Montreal. There's only one regiment here, sir - the same one with a detachment at Fort Carleton. The 101st."
"John? What's he saying?" Cassie asked, eyes wide.
'John?'," Rafferty blinked.
"You lie," Preston growled. There was no way out now, but he still might be able to convince her…
"Perhaps we should go to Fort Niagara and clear up this misunderstanding then," Daniels smirked. He drew his sword.
Cassie screamed.
Preston leapt up and grabbed her. He pinned one arm behind her back while the other clamped around her throat. "Back away!" he roared.
"Let her go, you villian!" Rafferty surged forward, then stopped as Cassie shook her head desperately.
"You cannot take us both," Daniels sneered. He moved to flank the pair. John backed away.
"Maybe, but I'm betting you can't kill me before I break her neck. She'll be released at the edge of town. Now move!" The last was directed at the frightened girl, who stumbled towards the door.
"Oh, I think I can." Daniels strode forward, determined, cold.
"Stop, sergeant."
"Out of my way!"
"She's my daughter." Rafferty folded his arms, and sidestepped into the sergeant's path again. "I won't let you risk her life."
"What makes you think he won't kill her anyway!"
"I won't," John retorted from the door. "Unlike you lobster bastards I don't kill for sport!" Then he grabbed Cassie's wrist and they ran into the woods. Daniels started after them, then yelled for the guards.
"Where are you taking me?" Cassie was breathless, scared and excited at the same time. It was nearly noon and, contrary to his word, they were several miles from town.
John shook his head for silence.
"You can't keep me here," she told him softly. "The entire garrison is after us. They'll comb these woods until they find us. They…"
He suddenly darted behind a rock outcropping, pulling her with him. She stumbled and crashed into him, and he instinctively put his arm around her. Cassie was warm and soft, her heart fluttering against his hand like a hummingbird. Preston did his best not to notice - it was hard, despite the danger. Two soldiers passed no more than ten feet away.
"You have to let me go sometime," she whispered once they'd past.
John stared at her. He hadn't covered her mouth, why hadn't she screamed? She read the shock in his eyes and smirked. "If I wanted you caught, you would have been. You still have to let me go."
"You're not angry?" He stood slowly.
Cassie stood next to him, dusting her dress off. "I know you wouldn't hurt me. I think I'm entitled to an explanation though. Where are we going?"
"To the river," John muttered. He looked around to make sure they were alone. "I thought you could find your way back from there."
"Fine. It's this way." She walked off.
"You know where you are!?"
"Not exactly, but the sun rose in that direction." She pointed. "We need to head east to catch the river. Now, care to explain why you kidnapped me?"
"I….I'm sorry."
"If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it. Papa will have you flayed if he finds you, you know." She kept walking.
"I'm sorry."
"You're not a runner from Fort Niagara."
"No….Cassie, I…"
"You're an American."
He caught up with her and spun her about. "How did you know that!?" he demanded angrily.
Cassie slapped him across the face, hard. "I forgave you at the house because you were in trouble," she snapped as he reeled. "Don't touch me like that again!"
"I'm sorry," he mumbled.
She sighed and touched his flaming cheek gently. "It was fairly obvious. You were always sneaking about town. You never went to the captain. You avoided talking about the fort or to the other soldiers. And Sergeant Daniels is right: Riders wear uniforms."
"Why didn't you say anything?" John asked softly.
"I wanted to know why an American kept coming to visit," she replied, taking his hands.
"You can't guess that too?" he asked ruefully.
"Oh, I have an idea," Cassie tossed her head. "I must be wrong though, as it would be thoroughly dishonorable."
John's heart hammered as he lifted her hands to his lips. "I don't know what's honorable anymore, I just know…."
"Shush," she commanded gently. "Don't say anything you can't withdraw…" Cassie lifted her head, and abruptly pulled back. "They're coming. Run."
"Go, John Preston! I know where I am, and they won't hurt me. Live so we can meet again!"