Yeah, I guess I'm in...
We have to decide about religions.
Major religions in the Old World from 0 AD to 500 AD:
Chrisitianity, Enlightened Paganism, Arianism, Monophysitism, Zoroastrianism, Judaisim, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism
Christian family:
Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Reformed, (CRC)
Asian family:
Sunni, Shiite, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism
I suggest we'll leave pagan for the pagans... but what about the others?
What 0 AD religion would be best simulated in the same way as CRC is in EU2, as no provinces can be CRC-religion, only states...
What about this:
Christian family:
Catholic - Buddhism
Orthodox - Judaism
Protestant - Zoroastrianism/Mazdeism
Reformed - Hinduism
CRC - Confucianism (It might not be historical to give the Conf. a CB against Zoroastrianism/Mazdeism and Hinduism, but I could live with that)
Asian family:
Sunni, Shiite, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism
Should be divided among
Chrisitianity, Enlightened Paganism, Arianism, Monophysitism,
Is there something between any of these religions that could be simulated by the Shia/Sunni CB?