Demanding territory is a reasonable request now? Would any of these neighboring powers have been willing to give up their territory in exchange for peace?
Who were these Velutarians? Did humanity have a space empire that they don't remember or something?
I'm sure that giving the military total control over the state won't come back to bite the Imperium at all...
As long as the enemy is weaker than you... you can call them savages and demand systems in exchange for peace, like the good generous invading force you are. The League will be a torn in the Imperium's side for a very long time... (When I was writting the next chapter, I was left astonished by how much of a baboon I was. I played like a bumbling fool. I don't remember if I did it for rp reasons or I was tired or drunk or god knows what else. I made some pretty terrible choices and those choices let to ugly borders. So I decided to replay from the earliest date after the last chapter and see if I can play properly.
I had a test run in another game where I was left with one system after losing war after war after but in the end thanks to spy networks, diplomacy and some intense micro, I managed to become a feared superpower. I learned a thing or two in the process. Needless to say... yes, I managed to drag the war waaaay longer than it was worth it. Casualties on both sides or any sides, were getting out of control. I won't spoiler much, but I think, I created two monsters. All I can say is that I had a massive strategic defeat and a pyrrhic victory and that's putting nicely. To my own surprise, I did not manage to defeat both my enemies, in the end as in the previous run, I had to lose a war in order to win another one and... it wasn't worth it, no matter how you look at it. I lost in both cases.
At the same time I dropped a lot of hints about the UNE invading me and they will invade me, that's the only thing in the AAR that simply cannot be avoided it will simply happen a bit later, despite of my very early hints. And honestly, seeing how much more powerful my enemies have become, I wonder if I can end those wars before the UNE comes and then... then another era in the existence of the Imperium will come and those will be dark times with a lot of dead pops and endless war once things spiral down for a lot of states and not just the Imperium.
This AAR so far is war, war and nothing else but war. I wonder, will the Imperium ever experience a golden age, maybe a half century of peace instead of war... One war lasted more than a half century. The next chapters will be purely war focused. Peace... is something I can only dream of...
As for the Velutarians, well, it's a mystery, nobody knows why Humans, Khell'Zen and Velutarians are alike... truly a mistery. To make things even more hilarious, take a look at this map, notice a silly pattern?
We have the holy trinity: humans, dwarfs and elves and then cyclops as a FE (the Imperium still doesn't know they exist), also space demons too. All in the same region of the space sector, what a silly coincidence.
(Lore intesifies.)
For some weird reason, the Humans of CoM (now long dead) are seen as same species as the humans inside the Imperium, while the humans in UNE are seen as another species. (I might want to do some console command and merge them or maybe just replace them all, have to see. It doesn't make sense for them to be another species.)
Well, the God-Emperor did a great mistake, same as the Belmacosa emperor, fortunately they both changed their mind later, wink wink, after a few defeats. So the military dictatorship was ended, for time being of course, you never know when it might return again.
edit: change decade to century, the war was more than 50 years not 5.