Mini update: As usual I could not keep my hands to myself like every other normal person that writes AARs here and I made the decision to open the files of my mod again and add stuff. It all started from a small accident. I decided to originally not buff the marauders and FEs, and well, with how powerful empires can get with my mod, even with x5 tech cost, I felt the need to buff them. It happened a few weeks ago, the mod that was supposed to buff them kinda altered the fragile balance between grand admiral difficulty and scaling the bonuses for the AI. In a weird twist of a situation the AI got itself even more buffs than grand admiral. Needless to say I couldn't keep up. After I commited some minor genocides, things got spicy, very spicy, very quickly and I found myself in wars where I was hopelessly outnumbered. I fought for decades to no end. However I noticed two things, the AI having overwhelming presence was reluctant to just send their military to easily destroy me and I managed for better or worse do a guerilla style warfare for quite the decades before finally being put up to rest, only to have more devastating wars start just a few years later. As much as I like last stand and desperate fights, it did not happen the way I envisioned them to be. I will still be in future outnumbered but this time, the enemy AI won't hesitate anymore to tear [REDACTED]. Even much weaker AIs will still bite hard.
I did not understand how the AI was advancing so fast despite my best efforts in min maxing etc, in the limits of roleplay wise but still. Another thing was the AI reluctance to commit to wars. I play with 3.6.1 version so maybe in the updated version, the AI is more aggressive.
Another thing that kinda bothered me up, was how easily dictatorships, authoritarian slaver empires and similar states could befriend democracies akin to democratic crusaders or fanatic xenophiles and fanatic egalitarian states. In my case the whole UNE vs Imperium situation, it just felt wrong that they were so friendly. The Imperium in the lore but also gamewise should be viewed as an evil and oppressive regime, yet they would've even agreed to form a federation of me. Maybe for alien empire the UNE could've closed an eye or two to such attrocities but a fellow human empire, neighbouring them? Also the penalty between ethics in my opinion is just too weak. Making empires very easy to become friends between them creating a stale and boring setup not to speak how easily vassalisation is imposed and works.
Things I did not like and since I decided to scrap the old screenshots and saves and restart again from where I finished chapter V, for two simple reasons.
- The first being, readjusted AI bonuses.
- The second being, to keep things more realistic (I know a sci fi fantasy space game is not exactly realistic but I wanted more distrust between various civilisations in this space sector I play). If I already restart from there, why not change a bit more things?
For example, democracies should get along easier with each other and tend to dislike and despise monarchies and dictatorships and slightly be bothered oligarchies. The first step I took was towards the AI itself, I won't go into technical details since most people do not really care about them. In few words, I made the AI much more aggressive and willing to attack systems, take planets, lands armies, etc. I took reference from few existing AI mods and then adjusted the various values to make it work with my mod instead of vanilla, so an improved AI designed specifically for my mod. (I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing, I hope I did not create monster I will have to fight later. Who are we even kidding? The more ruthless the AI, the better.)
A good example is even with it being inferior in power the AI will fight until the last stand instead to choose to escape in hopeless wars and make things annoying. It will engage enemy fleets and will try to defend homeland systems with higher priority. In practice I made the AI more brave, since my mod allows for so many more fleets, there is no need for this much caution. Of course, add the random buffs during the engagement and the outcome is rather unpredictable and unluckly rolls for the superior force can easily make it suffer many more casualties and even be forced to retreat.
In a few words, the first step was to make the AI much more aggressive and proactive with its fleets and let me tell you, it works quite well.
The second thing I did was to make ethics hate each over. Spiritualists will absolutely despise machines, loathe synths and cyborgs and dislike (a lot) the materialists. At the same time they will have more positive opinions of fellow spiritualits, but not as much, because after all they are still heathens and pagans and need proper conversion to the true faith...
Same thing for the materialists, they hate the spiritualists but not as much. Some ethics hate more the opposite ethic while being hated a bit less by the counterpart. For example, the pacifists, absolutely despise militarists while the later do not even think about pacifists. They don't even hate them, seeing them as pitiful and weak and not even deserving that.
Another thing I did, was relantionship between various government types. They will also dislike each other, with oligarchies being the generally less hated government type by everyone else and democracies being despised by dictatorships as a threat to their regime and monarchies looking with distaste at the commoner rabble "self" governing itself. Each government type will have positive opinion of each other and some will like each other more than other types of governemnt.
The last thing, I buffed opinion negatives, for example for being at war, was at war and egalitarians and xenohpiles disliking slavery a lot more and some other minor changes. I noticed that vivisection had a massive penalty and the decay was kinda slow. I fixed that, the massive opinion penalty will remain but in a decade or so, sometimes even slower, will be gone. For example the UNE kept declaring war to the Velutarians and never vassalised them or became allies because of this massive opion hit that, despite the change of government did not go away. I decided to fix that. It's funny because a dude that was vivisectioned 20 years ago is carrying more negative effect than a pop being purged. Massive immediate hit that in a few decades will go away, that's my solution to this.
Enough now of this "mini update" that slowly became a wall of text. Rest assured I will show everything in the AARs screenshots, how the opinions will work etc. I will even ask other empires for active sensor link so I can simulate military observes and talk about other wars during periods of peace in the Imperium. The AI became very efficient at capturing systems and planets, which left me pleasantly surprised and very worried at the same time. After all, despite having less bonuses now, they are much more deadlier (I did some economy tinkering but not as efficient, for example as Starnet AI mod). And over time they will get more and more bonuses. A hyper aggressive AI with such powerful economies are now a real threat to me and I really need to plan well my wars. All I can say things will become very wild.
Mini update over and see you all in the next chapter.