JRaup said:
Now we just need to get you to learn the event code so you can do these yourself!
I'm no hero when it comes to these things. I may be a WWII junkie, but I'm sure that I am in the company of far greater people than myself-- I could well be talking with WW2 vets or History Professors here. Better just stick to coming up with ideas.
Speaking of which, heres a few more:
France Threatens War over the Rhineland (Another HOI CORE personal favorite) Don't think we need to discuss this too much, but I'd love to see it make a comeback.
Germany historically wanted all Germans to live in Germany (such was the justification for Munich). Should there be an option to put claims on Switzerland (the whole thing would be fair) and Italy (Bolzano, I think, is the square Austria wants from Italy because its largely German) to try to make good on this principle, and maybe those claims are canceled with future events (Germany eventually said in both cases that they were exceptions to the stated principle, but in this game that need not be the case)
Please, if you can, try to find something that can be done about the negotiating for peace with allied nations. I have put the UK at -100% warscore and
it will not accept white peace. Same also goes for France. Maybe additional difficulty can be expected and deserved, but I still think that this is too far.
More Battle Scenarios please.
A lot of nations are lacking leader for appropriate factions, for example, Kurdistan and Algeria have NO LEADERS, and other nations, such as Soviet Puppeted Austria lack communist leaders. Shouldn't every nation have at least four sets of leaders? The only point to liberate those guys seems to be to get the dissent off your back and onto the next guys.
A victory celebration event for finishing off a major foe, (VE day, VJ day are the historical examples.), Maybe Germany gets such an event for finishing off the Soviets or the UK. Would knock down dissent quite a bit to have a victorious outcome in WW2.
A fourth reich event (this is largely true). To escape the clutches of the Allies for the Nuremburg Trials related offenses, many of the top German leadership fled to Argentina. Don't know the likelihood of it happening, but if Argentina is in the Axis when Germany is taken out, shouldn't they get some cool German Millitary leaders?
Historically, when nations ran out of manpower they simply found new people to serve in their ranks, they DIDN'T STOP MAKING ARMY DIVISIONS. The Soviet Union was conscripting women for "light duty" armed forces work, and the Germans at the end of the war were conscripting Hitler Youth and old men in their ranks. I think that if a major nation runs out of manpower, they would be faced with an event that would cause a major dissent hit (15-20%?) and create lots more manpower, or get no dissent and no manpower.
Kim Phillsby spying on the UK event
, where the Soviets get free blueprints at the expense of the UK. This is also historical, and while Phillsby himself may only have compromised UK intelligence agencies, there is no doubt that the Soviet Union was stealing western technology DURING WWII, need only to consider the short time it took the Soviets to make an A bomb after the Americans.
1936 Soviet Constitution (also historical) This was pretty much just a piece of paper, don't know if it had much effect, but it might have given the Soviets some better relations or something.
Another tidbit I found, the USA (In 1942) actually created the anti-Brazilian letter that infuriated the president and caused him to Join the Allies. I think it would be fitting if the USA had the opportunity to do it again.
Three days, three rounds of suggestions. Hope no ones sick of me yet.