Back again for another round of suggestions.
I note, with some distaste, that PI kept the HOI color scheme for HOI2. I hope that, if nothing else, you continue to use the CORE Color scheme. I grumble about this as I discover that Finland and Germany have ALMOST THE SAME COLOR, and if they are allied, both nations units are running around in both nations.
The Alliance system in HOI2 could make some fun diplomatic mini-structures: Would be fun to see Danubian Pact (Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Puppet Ethiopia?), The East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere (Japan, Manuchko, Siam, and other J. Puppets), The Iberian Pact (Spain and Portugal) and the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg). Again, I don't know how tight these groups were, but a large coalition of little countries can be every bit as scary as one big country.
If a the use of a nuclear bomb can not be detected, what about just having one and making a "USA threatens weapon of unimaginable power against us!" event [same for any great power.]
Please make coup d'etats actually useable. I'm playing a game with Germany, and even with a +20% minister bonus, all nations have a 0% of being Cdted!
I actually didn't like the spheres of influence thing from Core1, can guarentees suffice for that?
I don't know if this just the game or not, but the AI seems to have gotten strategically smarter, along the lines of "Germany: I don't want to attack the Soviet Union, or the Allies will eat me!" However, if that is the decision made by the Axis, it doesn't seem to do a great job making allies and getting VPs. The Commintern, aside for fighting in china (and not getting many, if any, VPS), seems to be doing even less, as USSR as three friends, and two of them are puppets. IF the AI is going to do this, can you at least make things interesting and have it start massive fundraising so that it can buy new allies (Is this no war thing a strategy? Seems a bit clever to do, as a democracy can't declare war on a non-belligrent state
Germany should demand her colonies back, that was fun in Core1.
I mean to say this in a friendly and appropiate fashion (but this is not a friendly thing). German occupication policies in occupied nations would, never, ever,ever let the dissent indicator reach 2%, and in many cases, %20 is also too low.
I don't know if this possible, but having events like the meetings at Yalta and Casablanca (Potsdam questionable) where your input can change the AI attack plan (like you could get the Allies to focus on an Italian Campaign, rather than Normandy would be highly cool and be a perfect addition of strategy in diplomacy for CORE, if it could be done.
Getting late, be back again, good night all.