Ahmed writes:
Wellin my Champa scenario there was Mallaca as importants and with minor
importance Brunei, Atjeh and Mataram. (Makassar not important)
Emptiness there and possibilities to colonise (Champa would be coloniser there
too) was explained that at 14C there was very long and exausting war (and
plagues that followed) in which everybody against everybody. So only stronger
nations left - Atjeh, Mallaca and Brunei has better conncetions with other
world so they could survive easer. From Mataram empire left only some Java
provinces. All other small states depopulated, people left cities and towns to
rural areas, economy was destroyed, etc..
And say that Champa was not done becouse of some extremely minor importance of
Bengal and Delhi sultunate, but becouse that region was too underdeveloped that
Champa could be like out of place all events in region would be only as
interaction with Champa.
But Champa is still aplieable with some editions...
But I would like that some Fiji country (I proposed Ternete if You remember)
would fill Australia and New Zealand, cons nobody else will do it...
He als suggests Tonga
Please note that I won't be personally working on any of this material. Those of you who want to see it in the mod will need to get it all done and submit the ready-to-run files. Thanks, and good luck!
Wellin my Champa scenario there was Mallaca as importants and with minor
importance Brunei, Atjeh and Mataram. (Makassar not important)
Emptiness there and possibilities to colonise (Champa would be coloniser there
too) was explained that at 14C there was very long and exausting war (and
plagues that followed) in which everybody against everybody. So only stronger
nations left - Atjeh, Mallaca and Brunei has better conncetions with other
world so they could survive easer. From Mataram empire left only some Java
provinces. All other small states depopulated, people left cities and towns to
rural areas, economy was destroyed, etc..
And say that Champa was not done becouse of some extremely minor importance of
Bengal and Delhi sultunate, but becouse that region was too underdeveloped that
Champa could be like out of place all events in region would be only as
interaction with Champa.
But Champa is still aplieable with some editions...
But I would like that some Fiji country (I proposed Ternete if You remember)
would fill Australia and New Zealand, cons nobody else will do it...
He als suggests Tonga
Please note that I won't be personally working on any of this material. Those of you who want to see it in the mod will need to get it all done and submit the ready-to-run files. Thanks, and good luck!