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Hi, I tried that and it works, great mods :)! Can't wait for alpha release. I also enjoy the tiles stuff better then what came out after 2.2 patch, wish there be away that figure would comeback :)
Hello, are you guys sure that "The Drop becomes the Ocean" civic is supposed to give only 3 Administrative Capacity? Wasn't it supposed to be maybe 30? 3 is kinda irrelevant.

Hi, played a fresh game today as the Klingon Empire, had no problems until the mirror universe event kicked off, at that point it seemed to break the ship designer / models, deleted all my ship designs and made it impossible to design new ones (except construction ship and science ship though their models are missing). The event itself bugged out, the mirror fleet spawned at Qo'nos rather than in the Amber Maelstrom, with broken/missing ship models, hung around for a while as hostile but not aggressive then vanished with the popup window saying that having failed to defeat the vanguard then now there would be war, the rest of the event then hasn't to triggered (waited 5 years but nothing has happened yet). Everything else is still fine, but I can't design or build any new ships or reinforce existing fleets.
Hello guys.
In my Romulan game i have unlocked the Auxilia tradition in the Cunning tree but my Senators won't produce Admin Capacitiy.
The Problem solved itself a little bit by unlocking the next tradition but now i recieve only 15 adm cap with 7 senators shouldn't it be 35?
no aditional mods installed

BUr Report.png
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Great mod! It really is lots of fun. Couple things for you:

1. The second version of the Borg cutting beam is inferior to the first. It seems that the only difference is that the second version does a little less damage.
2. I'm running into crystals and pirates. Are they supposed to still be around?
Ahoi Grinsel

zu allererst chapeau, mit den neuen update, den vielen neuen veränderungen, vorallem bei dem ressourcen, romulanischen und klingonischen overhaul- das ist alles grandios:D

ich habe gleich mal mein lieblingsvolk, die romulaner, ausgepackt und nach 70 jahren spielzeit muss ich mich leider zu dem selben problem anschließen wie viele andere auch. Die KI baut keine/extrem wenig schiffe. Ich habe eine clean installation, nur main mod + submod aktiv, schwierigkeitstufe = großadmiral, Skalierung = DEAKTIVIERT, Aggresivität=hoch!
Kriege erklärt die KI (selbst mir wurde in dem spiel der krieg von den saurianer + andorianer erklärt). Nur kann man das nicht wirklich ein krieg nennen, da die gegner über flotten mit einer stärke von 200-400 verfügen (nach 60 jahren spielzeit).

Ich denke mal Bilder sagen mehr als 1000 Worteo_O
# im 1. screenshot, besitze ich selbst nur eine winzige flotte, selbst damit könnte ich alles um mich herum überrennen, außer die klingonen die machen es als einzige richtig?!?
# ich habe die Flaxianer durch ein Krieg vassalisiert (alle flaxianischen Schiffe wurden zerstört). Die Flaxianer sind seit mehr als 30 Jahren meine Vasallen und haben bis dahin nur 2 neue patrouillenschiffe gebaut.
# im 2. bild wollte ich nur fragen ob da nicht das richtige romulanische modell von der Sternenbasis fehlt?

Als kleine Randbemerkung noch: mir ist schon unter 2.2 aufgefallen das die federation KI es vor allem anderen liebt neutrale Zonen einzurichten. 2,3 neutrale Zonen gleichzeitig auf alles was um ihr herum ist, ist keine Seltenheit. Dadurch schwächt und verkrüppelt sich die federation KI selbst so sehr, dass es einen selbstmord gleichkommt. Liegt es im Bereich des möglichen der KI ein niedrigeres Prioritätsniveau beim Erstellen einer neutralen Zone zu geben und ihr Fokus mehr auf die Eingliederung anderer Koalititionen, Forschungsboni etc. zu geben?

Beste Grüße


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Before I formed The UFP, I had Research Agreements and Commercial Pacts with some of the Founder Worlds. After I formed The UFP, those agreements are still in place but there doesn't seem to be any way to cancel them and they are draining my Influence. Since it seems that being a Member World provides some degree of both agreements, it would make sense, to me, that the Member World should cancel the agreements upon joining The UFP.
I'm playing as the borg and apparently the ascendancies get -1000 modifiers that prompt a war every 10 years (At least from the isolationist one)
- There was a case of an assimilated colony not removing the administrative array to replace with the borg one.
- Borg have access to some normal civics that should make no sense.
- I got the planet eater worm but have not any event popin when I moved a ship in, it's bugged or?
- There seems to be abig number of pirate and privateeers that don't seem to attack or do nothing but take space and the AI does not take care of them
I got the Augmented Realities event and decided to try becoming the Augment Khanate. I'm not sure what they're supposed to start with. I had no resources, buildings, warships, or any ability to build warships. I thought they might get the remaining stolen ships from the two previous events, but I'm not sure if that's possible.

Also, I brought the Humans and Skagarans from North Star to my worlds. The Demon events started targeting the Skagarans but didn't quite work since there wasn't an origin empire.

First of all I like the Mod very much. Played Earth and recently UFP was founded. I built several Feet supply depots all over my "empire" but all of a sudden they disappear while playing

2019-03-06 13_35_35-Greenshot.png

Here you can see one on mars

2019-03-06 13_55_40-Greenshot.png

You can see that i have a fleet capacity of 1493, Buildings supply 720 which means there have to be 18 supply Depots

2019-03-06 13_36_37-Greenshot.png

Only a few days later the building disappeared in game not only on mars but on all planets and supply drops to 591.

Can anybody tell me why the building disappeared?

Game Version 2.2.4
Hi, ihr habt wieder einmal einen großartigen Job gemacht mit dem Update! :)
Zusätzlich zu einigen hier genannten Bugs ist mir bis jetzt eine fehlende Tech-Beschreibung aufgefallen:
(Rasse: Mensch/UFP, Sprache: deutsch)
Problem: Scientists change leader profession after events.
In the screenshot you'll see two scientists that became an admiral and a general after events, and their traits are rather useless in their new profession.
Syvar was one of my starting scientists and sucessfully underwent Kohlinar, ending up as Admiral. He would be still great at discovering Anomalies, he just won't ever find or study one again.
Mestral on the other hand was not really from my staff before the event, yet he is the time travelling Scientist, whose shuttles time drive was ruined and who offered his service subsequently. His Spark of Genius is a nice trait to have, no matter which century you come from. But since it doesn't seem to transform into any strategic or tactical advantages in ground-combat, his choice to become a General in my ranks is at least questionable.


  • STNH 2.2 Scientists go Admiral and General.JPG
    STNH 2.2 Scientists go Admiral and General.JPG
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Hi there,

thanks for the great mod, I really enjoy it.

I encountered a repeatable CTD in the attached savegame on the 26.10. that persists even after a complete reinstall. I used the Klingon UI mod and the Horizon mods only. Perhaps you can find out what is happening here. Thanks!


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Hi all,

I've encountered a problem with the last update and can't find anything about it..

The policy section has had an upgrade so it includes 'trade policy' for example. I've seen printscreens on how the new policy screen should look like. Now the problem is, my policy screen/options are those from an earlier version before the update. So no new layout, no trade policy option, just the same old policy options as we're used to..
Anyone any idea what i'm doing wrong or what is going on?

Grtz Dec
I am encountering a repeatable CTD in this save game, happening just two days after the save.

Playing on linux, using only ST:New Horizon, Content Submod, Horizons Music & Federation UI. Playing as Kazon Sects, if it matters.

Nothing is happening on the crash date of my own cause (as far as I can tell, anyway), no research, no building finished, etc.

If you find the cause of this and there's a way for me to continue that save somehow (console command?), please do tell.

Added a .zip of all the logs right after the crash.


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