CSK said:
You wanted to play on, you did and now you want to return to 1092? I don't see the reason.
I didn't say I
wanted to return to 1092, I said I'd be O.K. with it. So if other players feel that it's wrong to go from 1098, I'm not gonna complain. I'm here to play CK with other people, and if going back a session helps keep the group together, well, gosh, where do my priorities lie?
CSK said:
My problem is a different though. If you have a problem with me, fight me personally. But don't take it out on an AIed player (who I should be subbing for). As I said, I still hope Shuma can get his connection working to play with you.
I don't have a problem with you personally. Yes, you make me paranoid in the game, but that's a game *shrugs*, I actually enjoy playing with you. It's not like the AI in SP can make me worry about what it's plotting. I'm a little annoyed at how personally you're taking this, but can I honestly say I'd react differently?
As I keep saying, things were a bit frantic for me towards the end of last session. I was being attacked in Tunisia, France was bearing down on me with a greedy eye, and I had a major civil war. So by the time I defeated Toulouse I was running on auto-pilot, 'cause, y'know, keeping track of a half-dozen battles does that too me. So it's about a half a minute after I've broken Toulouse that I remember, hey, that was someone's country, and I'm in an MP game... Oh heck... But then what am I supposed to do? Tell Lly, whups, sorry, I've made a mistake, and want a re-load while you fall asleep waiting for the signal to cross the great firewall, or do I take my lumps and deal with the consiquences like any decent MP player should?
So yes, I ate your duchy, but it wasn't because I don't like you, or was being nasty on purpose, it was because I was harried and distracted.