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That cluster looks like a tall empire's paradise, not to mention a perfect place for a ringworld.
Ringworld... in ring stars. Brilliant... a ringworld spanning interstellar space all around Chor's Compass.
Reminds me of that time in Synthetic Dawn when I found a moon with a modifier giving a huge bonus to machine output (courtesy of Guilli's Planet Modifiers). I terraformed it into a Machine World for even more machine output and made it my capital. I'll see if I can find a few old pics.
can't wait for :DI remember to get this after event extraordinary planet or something,

@Harlot as it shud be :D it made a unique and epic playthrough

Substance abuser? What substances? Oil?
This maybe the strongest non-existent empire you have ever seen (410 Points for systems, Economic Strength 1). :confused:

Do starbases wiggle to evade fire? o_O (Reminder you can't change the templates of starbases, outpost)

Beta 2.2.5 Ironman
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That's awesome, I didn't know there was an alternate text for a robotic leader you sent!
It's not because it's a robotic leader, but because his empire has materialist ethic
That's awesome, I didn't know there was an alternate text for a robotic leader you sent!

It's not because it's a robotic leader, but because his empire has materialist ethic
It's because it's that damaged Warform AI suddenly speaking like a normal person.
psionic latent psionic.jpg

This psionics have latent psionic abilities, i wonder how they will develop ;)
FPs can flip out of F.Xeno and back again later to reactivate it. Happens relatively often for Democratic purgers.
Except this wasn't a Fanatic Purifier. It was a Devouring Swarm - Ravenous Hive - that can never stop killing.
Im... 95% sure this is a bug, but its still somehow funny:


The colonists were pissed while building colony shelter. Just because xD Maybe they was put into colonization ship by force :v
This rebels declare rivalry over their former empire. Then they declare an offensive war just to humilliate them. Most important thing, they only received external aid in the latest stages of the war. Truly marvellous.
Since my post-nuclear Untied Nations can't settle every planet, I have decided to do the next best thing; celebrate my nation's impending moon landing by spreading Zionism across the galaxy!

The repugnant trait used to semulate space anti-semitism, because it had a diplomatic penalty. It is a rather silly trait at the moment, which I might replace, though none of the replacements make much RP sense.

I might wip-up an AAR about how the defenders of Masada where actually kidnapped by aliens for some reason.

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