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I have all the DLC as well- but that doesn't mean something couldn't be misfiring!

I have Megacorp, but I still sometimes run across "megacorporations" that are actually just oligarchies with the Corporate Dominion civic.

That's fine by me! A large amount of the enjoyment I get from this game is from seeing something new or unexpected, whether by game design or not.

Another example!

Brown Dwarf Gaia World.png

I'm no scientist, but what are the odds of having two habitable worlds orbiting a brown dwarf? (Beta Caeli I is a Tundra world btw)
That's fine by me! A large amount of the enjoyment I get from this game is from seeing something new or unexpected, whether by game design or not.
Personally I'd rather that the mechanics worked properly- Megacorp was supposed to replace "Megacorporations" with actual megacorporations with unique mechanics. The "Corporate Dominion" civic is just a fallback for non-Megacorp owners.

So Its disappointing to see the Civic popping up, because it means I'm missing content that should be in my game.
Personally I'd rather that the mechanics worked properly- Megacorp was supposed to replace "Megacorporations" with actual megacorporations with unique mechanics. The "Corporate Dominion" civic is just a fallback for non-Megacorp owners.

So Its disappointing to see the Civic popping up, because it means I'm missing content that should be in my game.

Fair, bugs aren't fun. Still, if the game isn't critically crashing, I tend to find ways to have fun regardless. After all, it's not like I'm smart enough to make a game, let alone one like this.
That's fine by me! A large amount of the enjoyment I get from this game is from seeing something new or unexpected, whether by game design or not.

Another example!

View attachment 463431

I'm no scientist, but what are the odds of having two habitable worlds orbiting a brown dwarf? (Beta Caeli I is a Tundra world btw)

I'm a space/astronomy buff, so I looked it up online. Brown dwarfs are pretty unlikely to host even one planet in the habitable zone, because the HZ for brown dwarfs is narrow and extremely close to the star, likely causing extreme tidal heating. (Basically, what the Moon does to Earth except on a much greater scale).
There's also the problem that brown dwarves cool as they age, meaning the HZ would move inwards and cause any habitable worlds to freeze solid. They also emit extreme amounts of UV radiation that would sterilize any planets as they age. As a result, planets like Venus are likelier to be found around brown dwarves than Earthlike planets. I suppose there are ways for that to happen, but for now the only explanation is...
S T E L L A R I T E D E V O U R E R !

Still, that's nothing compared to the time I found a Gaia planet around a PULSAR in 2016. :p
S T E L L A R I T E D E V O U R E R !

I'm a space/astronomy buff, so I looked it up online. Brown dwarfs are pretty unlikely to host even one planet in the habitable zone, because the HZ for brown dwarfs is narrow and extremely close to the star, likely causing extreme tidal heating. (Basically, what the Moon does to Earth except on a much greater scale).
There's also the problem that brown dwarves cool as they age, meaning the HZ would move inwards and cause any habitable worlds to freeze solid. They also emit extreme amounts of UV radiation that would sterilize any planets as they age. As a result, planets like Venus are likelier to be found around brown dwarves than Earthlike planets.

That is precisely what happened. Initially entered this star system with my hive mind empire, and it was a Brown Dwarf, gave me the alert that something was amiss; fast forward 180 years and I'm reigniting the star. But instead of having the Brown Dwarf turn into literally any other habitable star (A, B, F, K, M), it stays as a dwarf...

I was so disappointed, but now it's just funny. Thanks for the science info though Vilhelm. I thought something was wrong with that picture.
Still, that's nothing compared to the time I found a Gaia planet around a PULSAR in 2016. :p
Hey, Pulsar Planets are a thing!

*cough cough* Paradox please give us Pulsar Planet start I don't want my empire to have Post-Apocalyptic that's not who they are!
Hey, Pulsar Planets are a thing!

*cough cough* Paradox please give us Pulsar Planet start I don't want my empire to have Post-Apocalyptic that's not who they are!

As I said, that was waaaay back in 2016; I'm sure Paradox has fixed that by now...
As I said, that was waaaay back in 2016; I'm sure Paradox has fixed that by now...
There's nothing to fix! It's a beautiful story of life thriving against all odds and damn it I promised myself I wouldn't cry!
What are the odds of these events occurring together in the same star system?

Drill Rampage Adrift.PNG

For the record, both Drill Rampage and Adrift Special projects come from anomalies and the projects must be completed by construction ships before 1080 days pass by.
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A few Strange stuff (mostly small bugs) I found in a few games :
If only I had more engineering to make those armies !


When you are so strong, you overflow the game


for a "sterile" planet, it looks pretty nice


How do you still exist ?
By sheer force of will!
I knew spiritualists didn't play fair....

I'm not sure it just happens with Spiritualists. I had a game where the Horde broke down into four unequal successor states:

Horde Fragments.png

There are three different empire icons shown here, but four different empire borders. The last one was this one:

Horde Successor State.png

T'is an odd glitch, but clearly if they are occupying some outposts, they hold some form of sovereignty.