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Defenestration is a Bureaucrats only chance for 15 minutes of fame. That lucky fellow. :)
The deaths of so many collaborators and especially the circumstances in which they happen make me think you're not promoting the brightest people :D
Oh, they are bright in some way, they just like common sense. :p

Defenestration is a Bureaucrats only chance for 15 minutes of fame. That lucky fellow. :)
So you're hoping that one fellow citizen will throw you out of your office if you decline his application? Make sure to have a dung heap beyond your window. ;)
Act 8: Easy Prey

Sorotkin called in his military leaders: Admiral Pithorr who commanded the space fleet and General Julia Loup who was in charge of the ground troups.

“I have decided how we will hit these pacifist scum of the Gorothi Union as hard as possible. To do that, we'll start an attack on the Finu Planets, grow further and soon will outnumber Gorothi with our fleet!”


General Loup had some serious doubts about that. “We'll be barely capable to reach them with our wormhole stations. Also, taking anything from them would lead to really ugly borders. Has this plan been approved by the Fine Arts Academy for Beautiful Maps?”
And Admiral Pitthor asked: “Besides, they are a rather big empire, too. Will we be able to match their fleet? And do we have even a proper Casus Belli”

“Don't worry about that: The Finu Planets may look big, but they managed to lose most of their fleet in previous wars, and they are already involved in a war against the Neborite Confederation. We also will be able to get into their realm, and we can construct further wormhole stations while we advance. Furthermore, the Fine Arts Academy approved the idea that any new borders with more Paradoxot planets would be at least slightly more beautiful than before. Also, we have a very legitimate reason to wage war against Finu. It's not our fault they provoke us by being such an easy target.”

And so the 'War against Provocative Finu Weakness” begun. The fleet under Admiral Pithorr arrived in the Jughum System to capture the first planet – and they were surprised to find a non-hostile, massive space fortress there. It seemed that it was inhabited by a group of artists.


And while the troops advanced without major resistance, the scientist B. R. Obman made a great discovery – some bacteria which seemed to be able to produce a lot of energy.


Tricia Taylor started to do more research on earth on these and tested directly how much power they could produce. She found out that it was enough to kill an careless scientist.

In the meantime Finu Planets made peace with the Neoborite Confederation by releasing two systems as independent state. They sent the rest of their pitiful fleet against Paradoxot.

Still, Sorotkin didn't manage to see Paradoxot victorious. He decided to try the new Japanese restaurant and chose the blowfish instead. There was not much time to mourn, though. Angeline Dubrois was elected to be the new president and she continued the war.

In the end, Finu Planets couldn't resist against the overhelming odds – the fleet cleared any remaining threats in space while the ground troops under General Loup occupied the planets. Finu Planets agreed on harsh peace terms which handed over three new planets to Paradoxot.

Is one of our cruisers really called the PSN Salvage?
Is one of our cruisers really called the PSN Salvage?

Yes - I got this cruiser originally from an anomality, and it survived since then. The name was given automatically.

I also got a colonization ship called "Byzantinium" once without naming it that way. Now that is fitting. ;)
Yes - I got this cruiser originally from an anomality, and it survived since then. The name was given automatically.

I also got a colonization ship called "Byzantinium" once without naming it that way. Now that is fitting. ;)

Truly fitting. Target practice that is.
Act 9: Defend the Revolution!

After the victory, President Dubrois reorganized the administraton. Two sectors were created, one around Alpha Centauri, one around Kenjor Prime. Also the artists made an excellent offer which Dubrois quickly accepted.


She also made a surprising discovery after consulting with the science team.

“Mr. Obman, can you tell me why we still have not discovered any technologies to colonize other planet types?”

“Well, mam, we found out that there are actually no such technologies. We could have colonized tropical or oceanic planets long ago.”

“Why didn't anyone mention this like 100 years earlier?”

Overall, Paradoxot grew considerably, although there were some very ugly spots, including the protectorate of Spuxulac which still seems not be able to grasp any modern technology.


In the meantime the Bob R. Obman surveyed further systems and found more primitive cultures on some planets. This time a more aggressive approach was chosen, called project X-COM. Scientists in observation stations should not take any regard towards the native for their research.


In the next election, Dubrois had to run against a powerful opponent: General Julia Loup, hero of the war against the Finu, managed to win the election with promises for a socialist paradise and toilet paper for everyone. This sounded simply too good, so she became the new president.


From now on Loup tried to promote the “revolution” and expand Paradoxot by settling more planets. These attempts were not overseen by the neighbouring empires. In the meantime a lot of defensive pacts grew – as if the other empires were afraid of a dangerous aggressor. On the other hand, other nations approached Paradoxot in a friendly way – they even received an invitation to a federation.


“Obviously the Vool also want to embrace the revolution! Together we shall crash the pacifistic imperialists!” claimed Loup after signing the alliance with Vool.

But Paradoxot had not only success on the diplomatic front. The scientists have proven that their 'offensive observation' could yield interesting results.


As now new battleships of the Roject-class were ready, the rest of the fleet modernized and an alliance with the Vool was secured, President Loup now saw the chance: Could Paradoxot now export the revolution to these filthy imperialists?
Do I spot color thieves? I think I spotted color thieves!
Act 10: Fight against the Pacifistic Aggression!

Loup inspected the Paradoxotian Space Navy. It has grown significantly and included now even powerful battleships. It was a force to be reckoned with.


And it will have to prove its combat power soon. Loup called in Admiral Pithorr and the newly promoted General Wixit.

“These pacifists from Gor grew to be a serious threat for our security. They deny us their toilet paper, and they don't support our right to clean our borders. They must be crushed! Together with our comrades from Vool, we should have no problem to teach them a lesson.”

Admiral Pithorr agreed on that. “We surely can defeat their fleet. It is powerful, but if we strike at the right time, it can be destroyed.”

“And once their fleet is removed, our troops can land safely and take over their planets”, Gerneal Wixit added. “But that is the aim of this war? Shall we annex, I mean administrate some of their planets for the greater good?”

“Unfortunately, our allies only agree on releasing planets as independent state. But that alone should be good for Paradoxot. We weaken Gor and it will be easy to bring our revolution to a small released nation which is dependent from our protection.“

And so the 'War against Pacifistic Aggression” began.


Admiral Pithorr tried to hunt down the main fleet of Gor, and it turned out to be a long chase. The fleet of Gor thought fully according to the Pacifistic mindset, i.e. they fled once the stronger Paradoxot fleet arrived.

In the meantime, the scientists managed to pull another stunt at one of the primitive planets – they successfully infiltrated one (even if they needed several attempts as spies were often detected for talking about the glory of the Eastern Roman Empire) and integrated the planet and its populace into the Paradoxot realm.


And finally also the fleet of Gor was caught and destroyed. This allowed the ground troops under General Wixit's command to assault several planets.


In the end, Gor was defeated and three planets created a new state very friendly to Paradoxot, the Council of Guhur.
Just caught up! I wasn't expecting to go from general to the first female president of Paradoxot (I didn't expect to be a woman either, but it fits perfectly!). Long live the revolution! Everyone will have toilet paper in the socialist paradise of Paradoxot and the welfare will prevent anyone from dying of heart attacks. ;)
Just caught up! I wasn't expecting to go from general to the first female president of Paradoxot (I didn't expect to be a woman either, but it fits perfectly!). Long live the revolution! Everyone will have toilet paper in the socialist paradise of Paradoxot and the welfare will prevent anyone from dying of heart attacks. ;)

How about resurrecting those who died in the pursuit of SCIENCE!?
Just caught up! I wasn't expecting to go from general to the first female president of Paradoxot (I didn't expect to be a woman either, but it fits perfectly!). Long live the revolution! Everyone will have toilet paper in the socialist paradise of Paradoxot and the welfare will prevent anyone from dying of heart attacks. ;)
You were not the first female president, your predecessor was female, too. ;) But once you appeared as candidate in the election screen, I decided to spend some influence to get a Paradox OT member to the post.

And while I'm not entirely sure about the toilet paper, at least the life expectancy has increased (at least for the important people :p) by 35 years. Now that's at least some success!

How about resurrecting those who died in the pursuit of SCIENCE!?
Perhaps I'll do that once the waiting list is empty. :)
Act 11: New Research and Evil Colour Thiefs

After successfully showing those nasty pacifists the purpose of a good war, Paradxot took care for internal matters again.
The science team from the observation post of the primitive world Ilast Mog had problems with some brain implants they have placed in several natives. It seemed that those with these implants stood out in their society by beginning linguistic discussions. In the end those implants were removed in time, though, and the primitives did not uncover the meddling of the Paradoxotian.


Also, the research team on earth had a potential idea, which they saw potentially risky. The leading scientist Lulama Bamgboshe talked to President Loup.

“We could improve our AI to make it sentient. But this could have catastrophic consequences.”

“So, what is the potential problem, with that?”

“Machines could start to rebel and try to wipe out all humans and other sentient species.”

“Hm, that sounds bad, but do we gain something from that research?”

“We would be able to do research 10% faster.”

“Now that sounds like it worth the risk, to be slightly faster at research. Start the project immediately!”


There was also trouble on the diplomatic front. The Hegemony of Heze did use the same colour than Paradoxot. This was unacceptable. Several solution were discussed, like changing their colour in Pardoxot maps or suing them for a trade mark breach. In the end, Loup decided to go for a more pragmatic solution, which was also supported by the Vool Confederation:


The hegemony of Heze could not withstand the power of Paradoxot's fleet and was utterly crushed, even if Paradoxot lost most of her corvettes.


In the end, they had to give away two planets to Paradoxot, leading to an even more confusing map.


What will Paradoxot do to clean up this messy situation in the future?
Perhaps I'll do that once the waiting list is empty. :)

Maybe you can explain along the lines of offspring or something like that. Although I do wonder what kind of legacies some of the families would have to deal with. :p
Of course all dangers or risks are worth it if we get some additional research speed! You managed to perfectly reflect my views in that answer.
I approve of researching sentients AI ! What coud possibly go wrong :p

It's also good to crush evil colour thiefs, but not to turn the map into... this unholy horror of space border gore :eek: Exclaves are evil