Act 4: Sweet Revenge
After the early demise of Celine Franconian, Paradoxot was in uproar – the people demanded satisfaction. So Premu ordered Admiral Yvanoff to send out the 1st Fleet to deal with the space amoebas once and for all. Yvanoff happily obliged.
Premu also ordered to build a new science ship, this time lead by the promising young scientist Sizwe Barsoom. Barsoom also did research on the remains of the space amoebas, and had some surprising results.
“The remains of the amoebas show mostly one thing: They really look shifty – just like our neighbouring nation, the Kenjodans. I don't think this is a coincidence! The Kenjodans are surely behind these Space Amoebas!”
Premu was not completely convinced by this theory. “That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard! That sounds like an obvious way to fabricate a flimsy Casus Belli!”
Prime minister Stuckenschmidt did not care much about that, though. “According to the 'Verordnung für an den Haaren herbeigezogenen Casus Belli' it doesn't matter if they are flimsy. Actually, any Casus Belli has to be taken seriously and lead to the appropriate response. I'll immediately prepare the necessary paperwork, so that Admiral Yvanoff can venture out against these shifty Kenjodans.”
While preparing these papers, Stuckenschmidt discovered that a file has not been properly classified. This shock was too much for his already elderly heart, so that happened to be his last act of paperwork.
Still Admiral Yvanoff perpared everything for the attack on the Kenjodans. He studied the map:
The Kenjodans controlled only two planets and had a rather weak fleet. Their strongest point were their space ports, though – these had plenty of firepower and could lead to severe damages to the attacking fleet. Behind the Kenjodans there was the large empire of the Gorothi Union and their protectorate. They were also not very friendly with Paradoxot, but fortunately they were fantical Pacifists, so they would probably not intervene.
The war itself went rather swiftly at the beginning. The corvettes of the Cherokee Class and the destroyers of the Liberalism Class destroyed the first space port and started a bombardment. This bombardment caused not only millions of deaths for the Kenjodans, but lead also to a regrettable loss. Admiral Yvanoff personally tried to fix a nuke which was stuck in his flagship. He ended up sitting on that bomb when it finally dropped down to the planet, with Yvanoff riding on top of it. So he had to be replaced by a new Admiral, Theodor N. Nine.
After the first planet Kradoneth has been assaulted by ground troops, Admiral Nine took the fleet and attacked the main planet, Kenjor Prime. While the attack was mostly successful and the bombardment of Kenjor Prime lead to the surrender of the Kenjodans, it lead to the loss of many ships.
Premu now had to not only deal with two liberated planets full of rather hostile inhabitants, but also increase the fleet again to prevent any opportunistic neighbour to use the chance to attack Paradoxot. Also, in the meantime some well meaning scientist apparently have “enlightened” a race into the space age, which meant that now Paradoxot had a protectorate of their own in the middle of their territory. This obviously didn't please anyone who preferred clean borders.