The tool generates vanilla culture files, that means it creates for example a latin.txt or however is it called, in the cultures file. The file is empty, as this was how stuff worked before 1.4. Now we have replace path, thus it is no longer necessary, how can I stop this from happening ?
I've actually prepared for this and added the config setting
Setting that to false will disable the generating of empty vanilla files (in order to remove that content from the modded game:
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "common", "bookmarks");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "common", "culture", "cultures");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "common", "dynasties");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "common", "dynasty_houses");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "common", "religion", "religions");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "common", "religion", "holy_sites");
// all of history
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "history", "characters");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(false, "history", "cultures");
// blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "history", "province_mapping");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(true, "history", "provinces");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(false, "history", "titles");
blankOutTxtFilesInFolder(false, "history", "wars");
It also disables the generation of empty map masks gfx/map/terrain which might still be needed on an initial run of the map filler tool.
I will, however, remove this option in the next release as this blanking out functionality is not needed anymore with a working replace_path option.