What about a Napoleon III type scenario, with the conditions being such that if a certain party is in power, and a specific number of provinces controlled (presuming at least some expansion has taken place), it is possible to create a constitutional monarchy, obtaining relations bonus at the cost of increased POP militancy? The scenario could be something like presuming a descendant of the former ruling family playing the politics game and ascending to the leading role in the republic - president, prime minister, consul, or whatever the name of the role is. At that stage, with sufficient popular support, such a leader could press the point that constitutional monarchy is rather acceptable, and with good track record there is little reason why the Empire cannot be restored peacefully (although should a liberal party come to power, there should be a choice to go back to old republican government).
yourworstnightm said:I never said anything about a massive civil war, just some aristocratic coup attempts, and small revolts, and perhaps an event, where there is a possibility an emperor is crowned, a gesture especially against still moslem turks in eastern Anatolia. Most greek probably do not care if they share power with slavs, turks and armenians, but there probably will be a small group of nationalists that could ally with the aristocrats in their coup attempts. If the empire is re-established there should be attempts to re-establish the republic too, and perhaps a military threat from the imperial army in the early 1900s to establish a military dictature, with perhaps an emperor and perhaps not an emperor as symbolic leader.