yourworstnightm said:
Byzantium also should have interrestsin Georgia, which is in the game, and try to get the georgians in the byzantine influence zone instead of the ukrainean. I still think Byzantiums biggest problems shouldn't be national diversity, but greek princes trying to restore the monarchy and the aristocratic rule.
Yes, but Byzantium would have been a Republic since the 1740s, 1742-1743 if I read the files right, that means they would have been a democratic republic for almost 100 years at the start of the game. While there might be some trouble with the monarchy and those want to restore it, the general population is very likely to be of a democratic mind set now. It's kind of like arguing that Germany should still be having issues with the Hohenzollern family trying to make Germany into a Monarchy again. Or the Habsburgs attempting to make Austria into their own little Empire again.
At best you'd see a Constitutional Monarchy, probably like the ones the British have. Plus there should be a lot of Bulgarians and Turks as well, and they're certainly not going to support a monarchy if that means losing their rights. There's been roughly four generations since Byzantium became a republic, and most of the people who were children then would have died. There's not going to be some great Byzantine Civil War, because the monarchists would lack support. The Republic has not only survived for almost a hundred years, but it's obviously strong enough to keep Hungary and the Caliphate from snaching up parts of it, so that means it's been relatively successful.
If the Monarchy is reestablished, it's going to be, at best, a Constitutional Monarchy with a Senate holding the real power. Remember, the Reactionary party in game terms would be the one seeking to restore the Emperor and his power, Conservatives favor the Status Quo, and the Liberals are the trouble makers, pressing for reforms and the like.
Now, I know that there's some king of "Screw Byzantium" groupthink on the forums, but seriously, is it so hard to believe that you could create a stable democratic Byzantium? There needs to be a center of the Liberal movement, and it needs to be a Democracy, and the events in Abe leaves us with few options there. This makes Byzantium the logical choice to be the center of Liberalism, at least in Eastern Europe. They should have enough trouble with their neighbors, but that they've survived this long means there is internal strength there.
As for Georgia, that would be a good idea, although Byzantium lacks a border with them. Perhaps, if Byzantium absorbs Armenia, then they could me given the option, otherwise Ukraine makes more sense, as Georgia and Ukraine share a border. Unless Georgia and Ukraine have poor relations.
Although I'd argue that Ukraine and Byzantium should have good relations, because they've no territory to fight over, and the Ukraine would need good relations to keep the Black Sea open to trade. Romania should be an issue, because the Ukraine is looking to the east for expansion.