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Congrats to everyone involved!
Where else can you find die-hard Marxists shouting for the workers to break their chains in Belgium, other somewhat confusing Marxist/democratic Belgians and Dutch demanding reform, reformed Robert E. Lee talking smack about his own Confederacy, and editorials from Pip about the made-up economics of a world gone mad? All poltically charged, often dry-wittedly amusing and biting about the grim and dark game of Vicky 2.

...also my newspaper is about Winnie the Pooh!

I'm so glad this won the award, its exactly the sort of project we should be highlighting on the forum.
My colleague and co-contributor @TheButterflyComposer has covered the many excellent reasons you should all be reading the project and indeed becoming contributors yourselves. The latest save for the next round is going up tonight so now is an excellent time to join.

On behalf of all the writers I thank @Specialist290 for the nomination and I will add the personal note saying how pleased I am that this idea has turned out so well.

Taking organisers privilege I will sneak in and nominate this weeks winner, because while it is a very new work (just started last week) it is one that I have been looking forward to ever since the author teased it as 'coming soon'. The early signs are exceptionally promising so my nomination for this week is; A Royal Prerogative - A UK AAR by @Le Jones.

One update in and an award already, no pressure hey? :D
Congrats @Le Jones - looking forward to the next chapter.
Well goodness me - this is a surprise, and a humbling one. It is always so heartening to receive a comment, anything, that shows an AAR is being read. This is something else indeed, and it is incredible to be placed alongside some of the giants of these forums. Wow.

The early signs are exceptionally promising so my nomination for this week is; A Royal Prerogative - A UK AAR by @Le Jones.

Thank you, mon brave, for the encouragement as well as your comments on the AAR itself...

Many congratulations @Le Jones

Thank you, for our comments here and on the AAR - you were the first to comment...

Thank you, I hope that you enjoy the AAR

Congrats @Le Jones - looking forward to the next chapter.

Thank you, the next chapter has just been posted. ;)


Thank you, for your support here and at the AAR.
So, it's time to pass this on. I do love the irony that an AAR that was active for over two years was never mentioned in this showcase, yet my new AAR was noticed after only a prologue!

And I therefore have to pass the honour of announcing this award to Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax.


"Good, evening, evewybody. The authowisation for the nomination and announcement for the aforementioned 'Weekly AAR Showcase' has fallen to me as His Bwitannic Majesty's emmisawy." We have selected an AAR that is plucky, amusing, and has entertained us gweatly in these dark times. And so, I hereby declare and affirm that "A wehraboo and a hat in charge of Italy" is this week's nomination".

My congratulations, @Farsky and thank you for your real world public service at this awful time. You have an overlooked gem of an AAR.
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A rare bit of good judgement from Lord Halifax there. :p

Congratulations @Farsky very well deserved. We are all looking forward to your return from serving the Greek Motherland and restarting your excellent AAR. :)
Congratulations @Farsky. Hope the toilet paper supply convoy eventually made its way through enemy lines to get to you! Sounds like the kind of problem your AAR Italy would have. ;)