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Sorry! A few hours later than it should have been up, but I'd like to nominate @DensleyBlair's Echoes of a New Tomorrow: Life after Revolution in the Commonwealth of Britain. It's been chugging along for like nine months already, but the way he presents the updates as excerpts of in-universe history books and other media is pretty cool. Also, shout out for playing a mod (in this case the New Era mod for Vicky II) that changes the dates of the game. :)

Oh man, thank you so much! I'm probably having more fun with EOANT than I've ever have writing an AAR, so to receive this sort of recognition for what I'm doing really is just the icing on the cake. Thank you all! :)

I'll be back with a new nominee on Sunday. :)
Many congratulations
Congratulations @DensleyBlair . It is nice when work you have enjoyed writing proves popular, so in some ways this is a double congratulations. :)
Congratulations @DensleyBlair . It is nice when work you have enjoyed writing proves popular, so in some ways this is a double congratulations. :)

that’s a really nice way of putting it, thank you! :)

and thank you to everyone who has offered their congratulations. Very gratefully appreciated!
Sunday's rolled around again, and in between all of the festivity surrounding the year-end awards it's time for me to pass this on. Having not been entirely active as a commenter in the last few months, I'm a little out of the loop with what new delights have sprung up since the new year. No better excuse to get a little bit of reading done! In this spirit, I've chosen to pass the nomination onto an AAR that I've only just stumbled across this afternoon. Indeed, it only actually started last week, so the perfect time to get on board with its unique vision.

As off the wall an AAR as I've ever come across, this promises to be a lot of fun indeed. Please join me in offering your warmest congratulations to @Chipbeam for their fantastically unhinged Rainbow Butterfly Paradise! :D
Well done!
An excellent nomination @DensleyBlair and well timed so I can (for once) get in at the start.

Congratulations @Chipbeam for a wonderfully amusing world of magic, rainbows, gas addiction, terrible names and death.
In that case, I'd like to nominate Read All About It! - A Community NewspapAAR. Given the nature of the AAR as a multi-author work, I of course want to give recognition to everyone who's contributed so far (@coz1, @SibCDC, @Tom D., @mad orc, @Nikolai, @TheButterflyComposer, @GangsterSynod, @Kazanov, @slothinator -- you all are amazing folks!), but I mainly want to recognize @El Pip, both for his special role in undertaking and coordinating the project and for the sake of keeping the AwAARd bookkeeping nice and neat.

So congrats El Pip, and everyone else! :D
Indeed. Congratulations @El Pip et al
Congratulations to @El Pip and all who sail with him! :)

(Maybe now that I’m staying in my room social distancing I’ll finally get around to contributing an article or two. :D)