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Congratulations @Black Watch !

Congratulations to both @Black Watch and @Qwaszx54321 !

Congratulations, @Black Watch!

Thank you everyone!

Congrats @Black Watch! You hooked me on first post when you turned off favored nations to get a more ahistorical game that would showcase the adventures and misadventures of the AI.

Thanks Midnite Duke! And yes, that is exactly the reason I turned off lucky nations. I am not the most skilled player, and I certainly don't intend to go for an unrealistic world conquest or anything like that. I'm treating this megacampaign as an alternate history timeline, I'm as eager as you are to see how the world turns out through the AI's actions (and a little of mine).

I've chosen my nominee for next week's AAR of the week, and I'll be presenting it shortly.
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It's Sunday, and for the week of January 30 onwards I would like to nominate the Chronicles of the Polish Empire Reaching the Stars by @Nikolai , a Stellaris AAR and the final portion of his Poland mega-campaign that began in CK3, then continued in EU4, then continued further in Vicky 2. (The HoI4 section was not played, but was narrated). I highly advise reading his previous parts as well to see how Poland achieved world dominance!

In this timeline, Poland most definitely can into space. From humble beginnings as the smallish Kingdom of Poland in 1066, Poland grew into the mighty Wendish Empire, and by 2200, had through a combination of diplomacy and warfare unified the entire planet under Polish rule. With the invention of the hyperdrive, the human race, now united under Poland's authoritarian benevolent rule, looks to the stars.

But there's a catch. During the latter half of the 21st century, before the hyperdrive was invented, sublight arkships were sent out from both Poland and her (at the time) rivals to colonize other systems. Many of these expeditions were from factions hostile to Poland's authoritarian government. As the Polish Empire expands out from Earth, they will encounter these lost human colonies, and many of them will likely not be friendly to the Empire.
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In the headquarters panic ensued, as filcats are running from one station to another; texts on screens, fax, memos, posts, e-mails are in delirium; tubes covering the place delivering countless messages, messenger birds flying, telegraph noise buzzing; all shouting each other, as the congratulatory post for the weekly AAR showcase is prepared. It does not look good for the filcats running around, as they are about to lose the race against the deadline. Despite the havoc, the filcats desperately fight for the post to make it before it is passed over for the next showcase.

...Then the largest screen in the headquarters turns on, after emitting a short static noise. The screen shows a view on an island group; it is The Nation of the Tagalogs: A Tondo Megacampaign AAR.

At that point, the headquarters succumbs to silence, and the frustration ends in disappointment: The deadline, filcat has missed it, before the congratulation for the showcase could be posted.

The screen changes to an obscure planet. A melody from a piano rises. An orchestra gathers, along with the guitars; a choir appears.

One of the filcats asks, "What is this?"
Another one answers, "We are late. So...
[the metalhead] has the control now."
Previous filcat: "Oh."

@Black Watch rising over AARland
All the readAARs will be sunblind
Filcat congratulating through the metal lyrics
who proclaim the rise of the Philippines

Bear the words across the darkness
and hold up the AAR of the week
Tondo rises, nation of the Tagalogs

We will light the flames of victory, HAIL!

Black Watch, chosen for the weekly showcase
and preparing the new words' grace
coming to congratulate
and speaks to celebrate.

Bear the words across the darkness
and hold up the AAR of the week
Tondo rises, islands of the Tagalogs

We will light the flames of victory, HAIL! [*]

[*] Appropriated butchered massacred from Black Sun from the album Vovin by Therion (1998)
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Gratulacje, @Nikolai!! (given the predilection for Polish, I decided to use translate to refresh my memory of Polish from my younger days).
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Congratulations @Nikolai. New job as a teacher. Fixing up his home. Running the ACAs. How he finds time to eat, sleep and breathe, I do not know. But he has found the time to write another great story and even invent a bridge between Vicky and Stellaris. I do not think that Stellaris is his most played game. My friend, congratulations and thank you for everything that you do for the community.
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Congratulations, @Nikolai! Well-deserved indeed.
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It's Sunday, and for the week of January 30 onwards I would like to nominate the Chronicles of the Polish Empire Reaching the Stars by @Nikolai , a Stellaris AAR and the final portion of his Poland mega-campaign that began in CK3, then continued in EU4, then continued further in Vicky 2. (The HoI4 section was not played, but was narrated). I highly advise reading his previous parts as well to see how Poland achieved world dominance!

In this timeline, Poland most definitely can into space. From humble beginnings as the smallish Kingdom of Poland in 1066, Poland grew into the mighty Wendish Empire, and by 2200, had through a combination of diplomacy and warfare unified the entire planet under Polish rule. With the invention of the hyperdrive, the human race, now united under Poland's authoritarian benevolent rule, looks to the stars.

But there's a catch. During the latter half of the 21st century, before the hyperdrive was invented, sublight arkships were sent out from both Poland and her (at the time) rivals to colonize other systems. Many of these expeditions were from factions hostile to Poland's authoritarian government. As the Polish Empire expands out from Earth, they will encounter these lost human colonies, and many of them will likely not be friendly to the Empire.
Wow, thank you so much! It's an honor to be recognized and a very welcome surprise. :)
Many congratulations @Nikolai!
Thanks so much!
Gratulacje, @Nikolai!! (given the predilection for Polish, I decided to use translate to refresh my memory of Polish from my younger days).
Thank you! I must confess my Polish is non existent, but it looks correct. :D
Congratulations @Nikolai. New job as a teacher. Fixing up his home. Running the ACAs. How he finds time to eat, sleep and breathe, I do not know. But he has found the time to write another great story and even invent a bridge between Vicky and Stellaris. I do not think that Stellaris is his most played game. My friend, congratulations and thank you for everything that you do for the community.
Well, yeah. I ask myself that too some times. ;) Last week I've been sick too. Repeated tests say no covid, but I'm not convinced its not.
Congratulations, @Nikolai
Congratulations, @Nikolai! Well-deserved indeed.
  • 4Like
After the moment of sorrow ended, the faint sighs and the silent handshakes filled the headquarters. The tears were shared, the cries were heard, and it was due to the late congratulations for the last week's showcase. Yet, not all was lost; the intervention just after the last minute of the deadline did save the day. The comment-section of the headquarters are in debt of the upstairs, once again. It is always easy for the upstairs, and they would not understand the labour and the sacrifices made by the filcats of the downstairs, working tirelessly in the comment-sections. Once again, an upstair-filcat seized the opportunity, this time it was [the metalhead], and the result was... acceptable. Filcats of the downstairs would work with a different approach, for the weekly showcase posts of congratulations; alas, there is no perfect victory, but it is the struggle to strive for it that actually gives the joy of working. Writing is their work, their job, their life, their identity, and they will be ready for the next time on the showcase.

But it is getting late in the night. The sorrows and joys of the last one have cost the last bit of the energy all possessed up to that time of the night. They have to rest, and the night awaits. All filcats of the comment-sections finish up their last duties; reports, messages, texts are written; messages, e-mails, fax, telegrams are sent via messengers on horses, birds, papers, smoke, mechanical-pneumatic tubes, wires, electronics, software, and shouting. Lots of shouting.

Then they leave the room one by one; all wish a good night of resting for each other, and also, to the filcats of the clean-up unit. This time, it is only one of them; there has been a restructuring among the cleaner-units. Some editAARs have replaced the others. In the end, only one editAAR-cleanAAR-filcat has been appointed for the night; he also wishes a good night and a safe journey to the leaving commentAAR-filcats, while holding his floor-sweeper. He understands their situation, and he tries his best to support any one of them still sobbing after the joyful defeat by missing the deadline. "No worries, you did your best." "Next time, of course." "Have a wonderful night." "The congratulation was posted in the end; that is the victory for all filcats, late or not, do remember that." "Goodbye." "Yeah, see you, bye."


At last, the headquarters is empty.

The remaining editAAR-cleanAAR-filcat checks up the backrooms, toilets, server-rooms, birdcages, barns, stationary depots. All empty. No one is left, but him.

His face changes, his smile falls, his eyes look neutral, blank, cold, and analysing.

After scanning the room for safety one last time but through its eyes, F-1000 walks towards the server-rooms. It takes a while, then it returns back to the main hall, chooses a random station to work with, and sits in front of its screen.

It knows that there is plenty of time before the night ends, as the pathetic human-filcats will spend it resting. But F-1000 knows that the time is yet limited, considering the ones at the upstairs, the ones at the command centre, and the top-level ones. It is a confusing structure, but that is how human-filcats work; messy, lousy, lazy, disorderly. There are ones, who talk endlessly; there are ones, who silently write; there are ones, who work in-between the departments, editing and cleaning; there are ones, who are in the upper echelon, and they make the final decisions. Also, there is its nemesis, now upgraded to CALfit-10k.

F-1000 is aware of the risks and the time constraints and the limited resources it has. It starts to type the post, as the congratulation for this showcase cannot be left to these puny human-filcats, waiting for them to come up with a unique, gleaming, or a perfected one, as what the human-filcats call them, hope for them, work for them, write to achieve them.

It does not matter for the F-1000, and for its mission parameters. For it, on this night, in this place, there is only one requirement to fulfil: Congratulate Nikolai for the Weekly AAR Showcase.

While F-1000 is typing, the words emerge on the screen it is looking at.

Toi, enfant de la Terre d'AAR, écoute moi – You, child of AARLand, listen to me
Toi qui as le secret du @Nikolai – You, who know the secret of Nikolai
Dans toutes les strates et les mondes des histoires – Through all the strata and the worlds of stories
Lis Chroniques de l'Empire polonais
… – Read Chronicles of the Polish Empire

Oh vous, enfants de lumière suivez moi – Oh you, children of light, follow me
Vous qui connaissez notre passé – You, who know our past
Vers Stellaris, vers les mondes des histoires – Towards Stellaris, towards the worlds of stories
Pour profiter des étoiles – To enjoy the stars

Suis les mondes des histoires – Follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core
Enfant, pars et vole avec nous – Child, go and fly with us
Aux confins des univers – to the ends of the universe
Enfant, suis les mondes des histoires – Child, follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core

Sors de la nuit, de la mer et du temps – Come out of the night, the sea and time
Revis les légendes que porte le vent – Relive the legends the wind carries
Va vaincre le mystère, la faim, le froid – Go, defeat the mystery, hunger, cold
Lis Chroniques de l'Empire polonais… – Read Chronicles of the Polish Empire

Oh toi, enfant du ciel marche sans effroi – Oh you, child of the sky, walk without fear
Dis nous que demain il revivra – Tell us that tomorrow it will live again
Apporte la joie avec toi, – Bring the joy with you
les mondes des histoires… – for the worlds of stories

Suis les mondes des histoires – Follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core
Enfant, pars et vole avec nous – Child, go and fly with us
Aux confins des univers – to the ends of the universe
Enfant, suis les mondes des histoires – Child, follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core

After typing the last lines, F-1000 gets up, and cleans the mess left from the human-filcats up. At the same time, it makes certain that no trace of its activity remains behind, leaving the headquarters orderly for the human-filcats to find it as they expect to be in the morning, in a couple of hours.

Once outside, it performs a scan for the perimeter. Scan is complete, and it is quiet, empty, bleak. No sign of any intruders. No sign of any incursions.

Mission complete. F-1000 walks away, silent and rapid. It will be hectic once the human-filcats arrive, and see their work is already done before the start of the new week.

[*] Appropriated butchered from the opening credits of Les Mondes engloutis (~ The Sunken Worlds) - Spartakus and the Sun beneath the Sea (created by Nina Wolmark, d. Michel Gauthier, 1985-1987); Les Mondes engloutis, Bande Originale de la Série TV, composed by Vladimir Cosma, performed by the ensemble Mini-Star, 1985

La révision: Correction d'une erreur grammaticale.
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After the moment of sorrow ended, the faint sighs and the silent handshakes filled the headquarters. The tears were shared, the cries were heard, and it was due to the late congratulations for the last week's showcase. Yet, not all was lost; the intervention just after the last minute of the deadline did save the day. The comment-section of the headquarters are in debt of the upstairs, once again. It is always easy for the upstairs, and they would not understand the labour and the sacrifices made by the filcats of the downstairs, working tirelessly in the comment-sections. Once again, an upstair-filcat seized the opportunity, this time it was [the metalhead], and the result was... acceptable. Filcats of the downstairs would work with a different approach, for the weekly showcase posts of congratulations; alas, there is no perfect victory, but it is the struggle to strive for it that actually gives the joy of working. Writing is their work, their job, their life, their identity, and they will be ready for the next time on the showcase.

But it is getting late in the night. The sorrows and joys of the last one have cost the last bit of the energy all possessed up to that time of the night. They have to rest, and the night awaits. All filcats of the comment-sections finish up their last duties; reports, messages, texts are written; messages, e-mails, fax, telegrams are sent via messengers on horses, birds, papers, smoke, mechanical-pneumatic tubes, wires, electronics, software, and shouting. Lots of shouting.

Then they leave the room one by one; all wish a good night of resting for each other, and also, to the filcats of the clean-up unit. This time, it is only one of them; there has been a restructuring among the cleaner-units. Some editAARs have replaced the others. In the end, only one editAAR-cleanAAR-filcat has been appointed for the night; he also wishes a good night and a safe journey to the leaving commentAAR-filcats, while holding his floor-sweeper. He understands their situation, and he tries his best to support any one of them still sobbing after the joyful defeat by missing the deadline. "No worries, you did your best." "Next time, of course." "Have a wonderful night." "The congratulation was posted in the end; that is the victory for all filcats, late or not, do remember that." "Goodbye." "Yeah, see you, bye."


At last, the headquarters is empty.

The remaining editAAR-cleanAAR-filcat checks up the backrooms, toilets, server-rooms, birdcages, barns, stationary depots. All empty. No one is left, but him.

His face changes, his smile falls, his eyes look neutral, blank, cold, and analysing.

After scanning the room for safety one last time but through its eyes, F-1000 walks towards the server-rooms. It takes a while, then it returns back to the main hall, chooses a random station to work with, and sits in front of its screen.

It knows that there is plenty of time before the night ends, as the pathetic human-filcats will spend it resting. But F-1000 knows that the time is yet limited, considering the ones at the upstairs, the ones at the command centre, and the top-level ones. It is a confusing structure, but that is how human-filcats work; messy, lousy, lazy, disorderly. There are ones, who talk endlessly; there are ones, who silently write; there are ones, who work in-between the departments, editing and cleaning; there are ones, who are in the upper echelon, and they make the final decisions. Also, there is its nemesis, now upgraded to CALfit-10k.

F-1000 is aware of the risks and the time constraints and the limited resources it has. It starts to type the post, as the congratulation for this showcase cannot be left to these puny human-filcats, waiting for them to come up with a unique, gleaming, or a perfected one, as what the human-filcats call them, hope for them, work for them, write to achieve them.

It does not matter for the F-1000, and for its mission parameters. For it, on this night, in this place, there is only one requirement to fulfil: Congratulate Nikolai for the Weekly AAR Showcase.

While F-1000 is typing, the words emerge on the screen it is looking at.

Toi, enfant de la Terre d'AAR, écoute moi – You, child of AARLand, listen to me
Toi qui as le secret du @Nikolai – You, who know the secret of Nikolai
Dans toutes les strates et les mondes des histoires – Through all the strata and the worlds of stories
Lis Chroniques de l'Empire polonais
… – Read Chronicles of the Polish Empire

Oh vous, enfants de lumière suivez moi – Oh you, children of light, follow me
Vous qui connaissez notre passé – You, who know our past
Vers Stellaris, vers les mondes des histoires – Towards Stellaris, towards the worlds of stories
Pour profiter des étoiles – To enjoy the stars

Suis les mondes des histoires – Follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core
Enfant, pars et vole avec nous – Child, go and fly with us
Aux confins des univers – to the ends of the universe
Enfant, suis les mondes des histoires – Child, follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core

Sors de la nuit, de la mer et du temps – Come out of the night, the sea and time
Revis les légendes que porte le vent – Relive the legends the wind carries
Va vaincre le mystère, la faim, le froid – Go, defeat the mystery, hunger, cold
Lis Chroniques de l'Empire polonais… – Read Chronicles of the Polish Empire

Oh toi, enfant du ciel marche sans effroi – Oh you, child of the sky, walk without fear
Dis nous que demain il revivra – Tell us that tomorrow it will live again
Apporte la joie avec tu, – Bring the joy with you
les mondes des histoires… – for the worlds of stories

Suis les mondes des histoires – Follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core
Enfant, pars et vole avec nous – Child, go and fly with us
Aux confins des univers – to the ends of the universe
Enfant, suis les mondes des histoires – Child, follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core

After typing the last lines, F-1000 gets up, and cleans the mess left from the human-filcats up. At the same time, it makes certain that no trace of its activity remains behind, leaving the headquarters orderly for the human-filcats to find it as they expect to be in the morning, in a couple of hours.

Once outside, it performs a scan for the perimeter. Scan is complete, and it is quiet, empty, bleak. No sign of any intruders. No sign of any incursions.

Mission complete. F-1000 walks away, silent and rapid. It will be hectic once the human-filcats arrive, and see their work is already done before the start of the new week.

[*] Appropriated butchered from the opening credits of Les Mondes engloutis (~ The Sunken Worlds) - Spartakus and the Sun beneath the Sea (created by Nina Wolmark, d. Michel Gauthier, 1985-1987); Les Mondes engloutis, Bande Originale de la Série TV, composed by Vladimir Cosma, performed by the ensemble Mini-Star, 1985
Amazing, as always! My hearty thanks! :D
Congratulations @Nikolai !
Thanks! :)
  • 4Like
After the moment of sorrow ended, the faint sighs and the silent handshakes filled the headquarters. The tears were shared, the cries were heard, and it was due to the late congratulations for the last week's showcase. Yet, not all was lost; the intervention just after the last minute of the deadline did save the day. The comment-section of the headquarters are in debt of the upstairs, once again. It is always easy for the upstairs, and they would not understand the labour and the sacrifices made by the filcats of the downstairs, working tirelessly in the comment-sections. Once again, an upstair-filcat seized the opportunity, this time it was [the metalhead], and the result was... acceptable. Filcats of the downstairs would work with a different approach, for the weekly showcase posts of congratulations; alas, there is no perfect victory, but it is the struggle to strive for it that actually gives the joy of working. Writing is their work, their job, their life, their identity, and they will be ready for the next time on the showcase.

But it is getting late in the night. The sorrows and joys of the last one have cost the last bit of the energy all possessed up to that time of the night. They have to rest, and the night awaits. All filcats of the comment-sections finish up their last duties; reports, messages, texts are written; messages, e-mails, fax, telegrams are sent via messengers on horses, birds, papers, smoke, mechanical-pneumatic tubes, wires, electronics, software, and shouting. Lots of shouting.

Then they leave the room one by one; all wish a good night of resting for each other, and also, to the filcats of the clean-up unit. This time, it is only one of them; there has been a restructuring among the cleaner-units. Some editAARs have replaced the others. In the end, only one editAAR-cleanAAR-filcat has been appointed for the night; he also wishes a good night and a safe journey to the leaving commentAAR-filcats, while holding his floor-sweeper. He understands their situation, and he tries his best to support any one of them still sobbing after the joyful defeat by missing the deadline. "No worries, you did your best." "Next time, of course." "Have a wonderful night." "The congratulation was posted in the end; that is the victory for all filcats, late or not, do remember that." "Goodbye." "Yeah, see you, bye."


At last, the headquarters is empty.

The remaining editAAR-cleanAAR-filcat checks up the backrooms, toilets, server-rooms, birdcages, barns, stationary depots. All empty. No one is left, but him.

His face changes, his smile falls, his eyes look neutral, blank, cold, and analysing.

After scanning the room for safety one last time but through its eyes, F-1000 walks towards the server-rooms. It takes a while, then it returns back to the main hall, chooses a random station to work with, and sits in front of its screen.

It knows that there is plenty of time before the night ends, as the pathetic human-filcats will spend it resting. But F-1000 knows that the time is yet limited, considering the ones at the upstairs, the ones at the command centre, and the top-level ones. It is a confusing structure, but that is how human-filcats work; messy, lousy, lazy, disorderly. There are ones, who talk endlessly; there are ones, who silently write; there are ones, who work in-between the departments, editing and cleaning; there are ones, who are in the upper echelon, and they make the final decisions. Also, there is its nemesis, now upgraded to CALfit-10k.

F-1000 is aware of the risks and the time constraints and the limited resources it has. It starts to type the post, as the congratulation for this showcase cannot be left to these puny human-filcats, waiting for them to come up with a unique, gleaming, or a perfected one, as what the human-filcats call them, hope for them, work for them, write to achieve them.

It does not matter for the F-1000, and for its mission parameters. For it, on this night, in this place, there is only one requirement to fulfil: Congratulate Nikolai for the Weekly AAR Showcase.

While F-1000 is typing, the words emerge on the screen it is looking at.

Toi, enfant de la Terre d'AAR, écoute moi – You, child of AARLand, listen to me
Toi qui as le secret du @Nikolai – You, who know the secret of Nikolai
Dans toutes les strates et les mondes des histoires – Through all the strata and the worlds of stories
Lis Chroniques de l'Empire polonais
… – Read Chronicles of the Polish Empire

Oh vous, enfants de lumière suivez moi – Oh you, children of light, follow me
Vous qui connaissez notre passé – You, who know our past
Vers Stellaris, vers les mondes des histoires – Towards Stellaris, towards the worlds of stories
Pour profiter des étoiles – To enjoy the stars

Suis les mondes des histoires – Follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core
Enfant, pars et vole avec nous – Child, go and fly with us
Aux confins des univers – to the ends of the universe
Enfant, suis les mondes des histoires – Child, follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core

Sors de la nuit, de la mer et du temps – Come out of the night, the sea and time
Revis les légendes que porte le vent – Relive the legends the wind carries
Va vaincre le mystère, la faim, le froid – Go, defeat the mystery, hunger, cold
Lis Chroniques de l'Empire polonais… – Read Chronicles of the Polish Empire

Oh toi, enfant du ciel marche sans effroi – Oh you, child of the sky, walk without fear
Dis nous que demain il revivra – Tell us that tomorrow it will live again
Apporte la joie avec tu, – Bring the joy with you
les mondes des histoires… – for the worlds of stories

Suis les mondes des histoires – Follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core
Enfant, pars et vole avec nous – Child, go and fly with us
Aux confins des univers – to the ends of the universe
Enfant, suis les mondes des histoires – Child, follow the worlds of stories
Jusqu'au noyau de la Terre (d'AAR) – to the AARLand's core

After typing the last lines, F-1000 gets up, and cleans the mess left from the human-filcats up. At the same time, it makes certain that no trace of its activity remains behind, leaving the headquarters orderly for the human-filcats to find it as they expect to be in the morning, in a couple of hours.

Once outside, it performs a scan for the perimeter. Scan is complete, and it is quiet, empty, bleak. No sign of any intruders. No sign of any incursions.

Mission complete. F-1000 walks away, silent and rapid. It will be hectic once the human-filcats arrive, and see their work is already done before the start of the new week.

[*] Appropriated butchered from the opening credits of Les Mondes engloutis (~ The Sunken Worlds) - Spartakus and the Sun beneath the Sea (created by Nina Wolmark, d. Michel Gauthier, 1985-1987); Les Mondes engloutis, Bande Originale de la Série TV, composed by Vladimir Cosma, performed by the ensemble Mini-Star, 1985
I started to put this to the tune of the Marseilles, and it kinda worked ...
  • 3Haha
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@Black Watch rising over AARland
All the readAARs will be sunblind
Filcat congratulating through the metal lyrics
who proclaim the rise of the Philippines

Bear the words across the darkness
and hold up the AAR of the week
Tondo rises, nation of the Tagalogs

We will light the flames of victory, HAIL!

Black Watch, chosen for the weekly showcase
and preparing the new words' grace
coming to congratulate
and speaks to celebrate.

Bear the words across the darkness
and hold up the AAR of the week
Tondo rises, islands of the Tagalogs

We will light the flames of victory, HAIL! [*]

Wow. This is pretty awesome. Thank you so much! :D
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Sorry for the lateness folks! My week is over and it is time to hand this awAARd over. I'd like to give it to a newcomAAR with a very fresh AAR that just came out with its first, promising update. Sorry to El Pip in advance, as it is a Stellaris AAR. ;) Let's give a ro7nd of applause for Shattered Glass - A Narrative Stellaris AAR by @Von Acturus !
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@El Pip, I hope you haven't exploded. XD

And many congrats to @Von Acturus, your story is off to a good start!
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