This initiative was originally started by CatKnight. Due to is absence since 2018 I have assumed ownership. Nothing changes.
Here is some elaboration on the rules for passing this on:
a) primary responsibility for keeping these awards moving rests with the awarder. If you haven't heard from your nominee by the following sunday, then its your responsibility (& pleasure) to pick again;
b) if the award goes missing for two weeks, one of the mods will post in the thread. This might indicate that it will be passed on asap. Lets face it we all take breaks from the forum and its unfair to deny someone a chance to pick their nominee just because they are exceptionally busy or taking a holiday;
c) on the other hand, this might indicate that the award is stuck. At that stage making a nomination for a new nominee is first come, first served. The proposals around voting are too difficult to manage in reality and the delight of all these awards is they are idiosyncratic, its what an individual llkes, not, as with the ACAs, what we as an AAR community like.
Organization of Post:
1. Weekly AAR Showcase Winners (reverse chronological, by month)
2. Guidelines
3. First Nomination
Weekly AAR Showcase Winners
March 2025
1 The Andean Century by @Ajaxwindowcleaner (Vic3)
February 2025
2 Imperium Sine Fine: Within A World of Madness by Crimson Lionheart (EU4)
9 A Throne of Blood and Iron: A Throne of Lorraine AAR by goldbugbite (Vic2)
20 Sons of the Phoenix: An Iberian Tale by Killcrazy13 (CK3)
January 2025
5 Secrets of Kni'thokin by crisrko (Stellaris)
11 Crittark Saga - Agot AAR of a Vale Clansman by Ran Miller (CK3)
15 The Sons of Ragnar Lodbrok: In the Shadow of the Great Old Ones by Lord Durham (CK2)
20 God's Hand Made Wonders, God's Hand Made Me - A Norman Sicily AAR by Jojonium (CK3)
26 The Rise of House Poher - A Brittany AAR by gothique (CK3)
December 2024
7 Ex Roma ad Stellas -- I:R to Stellaris Megacampaign Part One by RedTemplar (I:R)
23 Destiny Destiny No Escaping That For Me - The Historical Sweden Challenge by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
30 Taurica Part 2: Middle Ages 450 - 1300AD by kakom (CK3)
November 2024
3 Dreams of Ptolemaios by Nikolai (I:R)
10 American Caesar: A USA Kaiserreich AAR by Bloodfelt (HoI4)
17 The Leading Spirits: the State of Moravia in the Age of Revolutions by Revan86 (Vic3)
28 Stellaris Wars: Knights of the Ancient Republic by Arithmetician (Stellaris)
October 2024
2 Rise Of Albion- Caledonia To Albion Kilocampaign by Quintus Aquilla (I:R)
19 The Legacy of Eadmund: An East Anglian AAR by Koweth (CK3)
27 The Patriots - A Hearts of Iron IV AARgentina AAR by Captured Joe (HoI4)
September 2024
7 Imperial Cheese Part 2: By Blood Alone by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
August 2024
10 Flowering upon Fields of Blood: An EU4 Anbennar Newshire AAR by Sybot (EU IV)
17 Dreams of Frisian Freedom by Bullfilter (EU IV)
July 2024
27 Life2.0 - An "Of Unity" Narrative by CBR JGWRR (Stellaris)
June 2024
11 The Last of the Achaemenids (Megacampaign Part 1) by Killcrazy13 (I:R)
30 Tales of the Geese by Crossl3ones (CK3)
May 2024
5 Jak's Game Guide: An EU4 Tutorial by jak7139 (EUIV)
12 The Red Heart of Europe - A modded Burgundian AAR by High Speed Flying Gladius (CK3)
19 The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving by LancelotRS (CK3)
April 2024
7 Siberian Prosperity - an Economic CK2 AAR by Sanvone (CK2)
14 Galactic Pacification for Dummies by Peter Ebbesen (Stellaris)
21 The Broken Gates by Macavity116 (CK3)
28 Poles Apart - an HOI4 Ahistory by Bullfilter (HoI4)
March 2024
24 Medieval Lithuanian History - Lecture Notes - University of Kaunas (a Lithuanian Megacampaign AAR) by ardsss (CK3)
31 Rex Germania - A Brandenburg to Prussia Strategy AAR by Rensslaer (EUIV)
February 2024
4 The Third Odyssey - An Elysian Tale by Crimson Lionheart (EUIV)
25 The Christian Kingdom of Sarir - the Forgotten Persian Principality by Killcrazy13 (CK3)
January 2024
14 Blood and Empire: A Clash of Civilisations by Bullfilter (CK2)
21 American Carnage - A United States Kaiserreich AAR by Tommy4ever (HoI4)
28 Roman Restoration: A Byzantine Campaign by Legosim (EUIV)
December 2023
3 Mead and Blood by The Kingmaker (CK3)
10 The Line of Alexios by Nikolai (CK3)
17 The Leicesters: History of England under the House of Dudley-Tudor by ageofadelina (EUIV)
24 King of Kings, the story of Tehrani Persia by David of Miami (CK3)
November 2023
5 The German Century (Kaiserreich AAR) by Basileus2 (HoI4)
13 Blood, Gold and Hellfire: An EU4 Anbennar, Mykx AAR by Sybot (EUIV)
26 Song of the Solitaire by Macavity116 (Stellaris)
October 2023
1 Rise and fall of the Imperium of Nova Terra by Falhxer (Stellaris)
15 Forlorn Hope - A Germany Endsieg AAR by Rolexovsky (DH)
22 Here Dwells God - A Jewish Poland AAR, Part Four by Tommy4ever (DH)
September 2023
3 Machinations of the Medici by jak7139 (EUIV)
10 Confessing Their Apostasies (A Mildly Interactive AAR) by HistoryDude (CK3)
17 The Thin Wedge of Europe by Revan86 (EUIV)
August 2023
20 The Wars of the Roses by coz1 (EUIV)
27 Shining Stars - A United States Coming of Age Saga by Rensslaer (V2)
July 2023
9 Deeper Understanding by Von Acturus (Stellaris)
16 Tomorrow Belongs To Me: A 'Democratic' Germany AAR by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
June 2023
18 The TerraGen Dominion, Volume 1 by CBR JGWRR (Stellaris)
25 The Tebadoran Citizen Union: A Military Hegemony Driven by Unity and Vengeance by Amel12 (Stellaris)
May 2023
14 The Fourth Age by Uriel Blackwing (AoW4)
21 From Pendragon to Prominence by Olden Weiss (CK3)
April 2023
2 Dreams of an Honest World - a Mexico V3 AAR by Chilango2 (V3)
30 Life2.0 - a Broken Shackles Narrative by CBR JGWRR (Stellaris)
March 2023
5 The Zenak Unity - Our awakening by danivon (Stellaris)
12 Grand Theft Stellaris by Macavity116 (Stellaris)
19 The Empire Strikes Back - Part 4 by Idhrendur (HoI4)
26 Suryavamsali - An iAAR by KiratRawr (CK2)
January 2023
8 The Kuzari or the Book of Refutation and Proof on Behalf of the Despised Religion [Alt-History Steppe AAR] by Killcrazy13 (CK3)
22 The Book of Zion (A CK3 Protocol) by TheNikus (CK3)
December 2022
4 Born to Breed: House of the Prophets by Peter Ebbesen (CK3)
25 Stellaris Wars: A Nemesis Ironman Saga II - Rebellion: The Imperium at War by Arithmetician (Stellaris)
November 2022
6 "The Dawn is Near" - A White Russian Novel AAR by Khanconette (HoI4)
October 2022
9 Imperial Cheese: The Improbably Incredible Rise of the Italian Empire by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
23 The Lions of Olomouc: a CKIII Ironman AAR (Duchy of Moravia, 867) by Revan86 (CK3)
September 2022
4 SPQR - The Senate and People of Rome by nAssailant (I:R)
August 2022
7 Tales from Saxony by Austregisel (CK2)
14 In the Shadow of the Ancients - An Assyrian AAR, Part Two by Tommy4ever (EUIV)
21 A Tale as Old as Time: Book II: The Dual Monarchy - A Paradox Mega-Campaign AAR by ibicko (EUIV)
July 2022
3 The Dragon's Realm, A House Targaryen AAR by streaker77 (CK2)
10 The Last Days of the Han (Three Kingdoms AAR) by Zamarak500 (CK2)
17 A Galaxy of Wonder by naxhi24 (Stellaris)
June 2022
12 The Butterfly Effect: A British AAR by El Pip (HoI2)
19 King of Kings - An Iran HPP AAR by RustyHunter (HoI3)
26 Poles Apart - an HOI4 Ahistory by Bullfilter (HoI4)
May 2022
1 At the Edge of the World - The Anglo-Saxon Conquest of Britain by Senior Chamoy (CK3)
15 IberiAARn Tales by Nikolai (CK3)
22 The Kingdom of Jerusalem by Werther (CK3)
29 En la Sombra de Morazan: A Central American AAR by Zeogludon (V2)
April 2022
10 Crowns of the Levant by Werther (CK3)
17 The Sea Beyond The Sky - An Aquatic AAR by Nikolai (Stellaris)
24 Annuntio Vobis: A Papal History of Italy by slothinator (V2)
March 2022
6 The Russian Path, Part 3 - Megacampaign by Gamov_Andrew (V2)
27 The Eastern Vikings, Part 4 - Baltic Megacampaign by RedTemplar (HoI4)
Februari 2022
6 Shattered Glass: A Narrative Stellaris AAR by Von Acturus (Stellaris)
13 Onward, Toward Perfection (Anthology of the Enclave of Eternity) WIP by Quinzal (Stellaris)
20 The Thin Wedge of Europe by Revan89 (EUIV)
January 2022
16 The Greater Central America Co-Prosperity Sphere: An Expansionist Cuba AAR (Vanilla | Ironman) by Qwaszx54321 (HoI4)
23 The Nation of the Tagalogs: A Tondo Megacampaign AAR by Black Watch (EUIV)
30 Chronicles of the Polish Empire Reaching the Stars - A CK3/EU4/Victoria2 to Stellaris Megacampaign AAR by Nikolai (Stellaris)
November 2021
7 Song of the Karlings: Karloman's Legacy by LPDK 356 (CK2)
14 Rise of Eagles - A Dream of White Russian Victory Mod AAR by Henry v. Keiper (HoI4)
October 2021
3 A Tale as Old as Time: Book II: The Dual Monarchy - A Paradox Mega-Campaign AAR by ibicko (EUIV)
10 The Secret History of the Bargas by filcat (CK3)
17 A Gentleman's War : The Middle-East Command (HoI3 TFH - UK AAR) by Eurasia (HoI3)
24 Empire for Liberty: America in the Long Nineteenth Century by volksmarschall (V2)
31 Annuntio Vobis: A Papal History of Italy by slothinator (V2)
September 2021
5 The Lions of Olomouc: a CKIII Ironman AAR (Duchy of Moravia, 867) by Revan86 (CK3)
12 The Rise of Russia by HistoryDude (V2)
26 Wings of Faith, Wings of Fury - A Slavic Pagan Revival AAR by Superstorm (CK2)
August 2021
1 Stellaris Wars: A Nemesis Ironman Saga by Arithmetician (Stellaris)
8 One World is not Enough- Normans in Space by harg (Stellaris)
15 The Eastern Vikings, Part 4 - Baltic Megacampaign by RedTemplar (HoI4)
22 Settling the Steppe - An Anti-Horselord Gothic AAR by alscon (CK2)
July 2021
4 One Heart, One Soul, One Mind, One Goal: A Republic of China HPP AAR by RustyHunter (HoI3)
11 After the Fall - A Byzantine Restoration AAR by Flinteroon (CK2)
18 Chronicles of Poland by Nikolai (CK3)
25 All Our Sins Remembered by Macavity116 (Stellaris)
June 2021
6 Bastion of the East - A de Bailleul AAR by RustyHunter (CK2)
13 "One and Indivisible" (A Russian Kaiserreich AAR) by Aussie Perun (DH)
20 Blut und Schlacht (Blood and Battle): A Learner's Saga by Bullfilter (CK2)
27 Don't Make Anas Out Of Me: The Legend Of Italian Rus by Alfred Packer (CK2)
May 2021
16 You Would Have A Queen: Gaia's Stepdaughters, redux by Cora Giantkiller (Stellaris)
23 Avon Las Observes by Midnite Duke (CK2)
30 God Willing and the Creek Do Rise by coz1 (EUIV)
April 2021
11 The White Eagle & the Knight: A Polish AAR by RossN (EUIV)
25 Urbi et Orbi - A Rome AAR by Stuckenschmidt (I:R)
March 2021
7 Alexander's Funeral Games - Epirus AAR by Argead33 (I:R)
14 The Black Eagle - A Russian History (1444-1821) by Crimson Lionheart (EUIV)
February 2021
7 The Caliphate of al-Rus: A Kievan AAR by Cora Giantkiller (CK3)
14 Haw Dywedyd "Mynydd" Na Myned Drosto - A Welsh Megacampaign Part 1 by tubplunger (CK3)
21 Echoes of A New Tomorrow: Life After Revolution in the Commonwealth of Britain by DensleyBlair (V2)
28 Mother AnAARchy Loves Her Sons: A TNO Siberian Black Army AAR by Alex Kamal (HoI4)
January 2021
3 Chronicles of Conradin: A Hohenstaufen Resurgence by Tyler96 (CK2)
17 Rend the Thorns: a Chronicle of England by Great Mantis (EUIV)
24 For All We Have and Are: Great Britain in the Great War - (1901 Series) by BigBadBob (V2)
31 Here Dwells God - A Jewish Poland AAR, Part Three by Tommy4ever (V2)
December 2020
12 For All We Have and Are: Britain in the Great War by BigBadBob (V2)
27 The Most Sublmie Porte - An Ottoman AAR by Riotkiller (V2)
November 2020
1 "The New Era of Discovery" The Republic of Concordia Stellaris AAR by Sharkrat (Stellaris)
8 Superior Arguments: A Stellaris AAR by eoncommander (Stellaris)
15 The Eastern Vikings, Part 3 - Baltic Mega-Campaign by RedTemplar (V2)
22 The Steed and the Sea: a Roderlo Megacampaign by J_Master (EUIV)
October 2020
11 Again with the Norman Invasion. Story of the Hautevilles. by hjarg (CK3)
18 The Carolingian Renaissance by The Kingmaker (CK3)
25 Watching From Afar by Nikolai (CK3)
September 2020
6 The Chronicle of Black and Gold by Twighlight Array 17 (CK3)
20 A Most Forgiving Land: A Nigerian Coast AAR by Cora Giantkiller (CK3)
27 The White Eagle & the Knight: A Polish AAR by RossN (EUIV)
August 2020
9 No Love, No Comfort - A Stellaris Fanfiction by Methone (Stellaris)
30 Empire of the Bear: A History-Book After the End AAR by GangsterSynod (CK2)
July 2020
5 Shōwa Democracy - A Darkest Hour Kaiserreich Cold War AAR (Japan) by Heath (DH)
June 2020
7 The Thorn of the Rose by stnylan (HoI4)
14 The Azure Dragon Soars Again by vyshan (HoI4)
21 May the Sun Never Set: A British AAR by Jape (V2)
28 Here Dwells God - A Jewish Poland AAR, Part Two by Tommy4ever (EUIV)
May 2020
7 Historical French AAR, 1936 by makif130289 (HoI4)
17 Give 'em the Ol' Basel Razzle-Dazzle - A Habsburg AAR by Green Rice (CK2)
24 The Quest for the amulet of Malik Bahram Lodi - A Sirhind AAR by DukeOfNorfolk (EUIV)
31 Songs of the Saiiban - A Poetic AAR by Chilango2 (Stellaris)
April 2020
5 "A wehraboo and a hat in charge of Ital" A story AAR by Farsky (HoI3)
12 Patria, Justicia, y Libertad -- Synarchist Mexico AAR by RedTemplar (HoI4)
19 Stardancers - A Federations AAR by RossN (Stellaris)
26 Pax Astra - A Stellaris AAR by Rawghi (Stellaris)
March 2020
15 Read All About It! - A Community NewspapAAR by El Pip & friends (V2)
29 A Royal Prerogative - A UK AAR by Le Jones (HoI4)
February 2020
2 Roman Restoration: A Byzatine Campaign by Legosim (EUIV)
9 Echoes of A New Tomorrow: Life after Revolution in the Commonwealth of Britain by DensleyBlair (V2)
16 Rainbow Butterfly Paradise by Chipbeam (Stellaris)
January 2020
12 The Fox on the Frontier: A CK2 Sindh AAR by mad orc (CK2)
19 The Times of Strife - A A.U.S. Kaiserreich 4 AAR by cosmelll (HoI4)
Breakdown by Game (Grand Total) [Fully Updated as of Dec 8, 2024]
Stellaris (59)
For the Glory (2)
Imperator: Rome (12)
Europa Universalis IV (90)
Europa Universalis III (68)
Europa Universalis II (30)
Europa Universalis: Rome (10)
Crusader Kings (41)
Crusader Kings II (109)
Crusader Kings III (35)
Victoria (57)
Victoria II (111)
Victoria III (4)
Hearts of Iron I (8)
Hearts of Iron II (76)
Hearts of Iron III (58)
Hearts of Iron IV (33)
Age of Wonders 4 (1)
Arsenal of Democracy (0)
Darkest Hour (42)
Diplomacy (1)
Galactic Civilizations II (1)
Knights of Honor (1)
Revolution Under Siege (2)
Rise of Prussia (1)
Wars in America (1)
Sengoku (1)
March of Eagles (2)
The Weekly Showcase was and is designed for all of AARland, from HoI 4 to Imperator: Rome to Stellaris. The idea is to select a single AAR (as opposed to a writer, that's covered under 'WritAAR of the Week') that deserves everyone's attention and focus on it. The only way this will work is with your participation.
1. Your AAR is selected! Congratulations! Please take a moment to say 'Hi' to your admirers!
2. After one week, please choose your successor. It can be any AAR for a Paradox published or created game on these forums, within the following guidelines:
A. Try not to select an AAR whose writer recently received another award. If the awards start parroting each other we've defeated the purpose.
B. Try to select an AAR in a different game/category than yours. This award is for all AARland and if people don't like game x, then they'll lose interest in participating.
3. Please add a comment or two about the AAR *and a link* when you reply nominating your successor.
4. Please post in the winning AAR's thread and/or PM the author letting him know he's won.
First Nomination:
Now I mentioned in my last article, singling out one of many great AARs out there now is difficult. However, for our first Showcase I'd like to point out 54 - 40' or... by Machiavellian. This Victoria AAR relates the story of Columbia, a former British dominion located in what's now Washington and British Columbia from 1836.
Here is some elaboration on the rules for passing this on:
a) primary responsibility for keeping these awards moving rests with the awarder. If you haven't heard from your nominee by the following sunday, then its your responsibility (& pleasure) to pick again;
b) if the award goes missing for two weeks, one of the mods will post in the thread. This might indicate that it will be passed on asap. Lets face it we all take breaks from the forum and its unfair to deny someone a chance to pick their nominee just because they are exceptionally busy or taking a holiday;
c) on the other hand, this might indicate that the award is stuck. At that stage making a nomination for a new nominee is first come, first served. The proposals around voting are too difficult to manage in reality and the delight of all these awards is they are idiosyncratic, its what an individual llkes, not, as with the ACAs, what we as an AAR community like.
Organization of Post:
1. Weekly AAR Showcase Winners (reverse chronological, by month)
2. Guidelines
3. First Nomination
Weekly AAR Showcase Winners
March 2025
1 The Andean Century by @Ajaxwindowcleaner (Vic3)
February 2025
2 Imperium Sine Fine: Within A World of Madness by Crimson Lionheart (EU4)
9 A Throne of Blood and Iron: A Throne of Lorraine AAR by goldbugbite (Vic2)
20 Sons of the Phoenix: An Iberian Tale by Killcrazy13 (CK3)
January 2025
5 Secrets of Kni'thokin by crisrko (Stellaris)
11 Crittark Saga - Agot AAR of a Vale Clansman by Ran Miller (CK3)
15 The Sons of Ragnar Lodbrok: In the Shadow of the Great Old Ones by Lord Durham (CK2)
20 God's Hand Made Wonders, God's Hand Made Me - A Norman Sicily AAR by Jojonium (CK3)
26 The Rise of House Poher - A Brittany AAR by gothique (CK3)
December 2024
7 Ex Roma ad Stellas -- I:R to Stellaris Megacampaign Part One by RedTemplar (I:R)
23 Destiny Destiny No Escaping That For Me - The Historical Sweden Challenge by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
30 Taurica Part 2: Middle Ages 450 - 1300AD by kakom (CK3)
November 2024
3 Dreams of Ptolemaios by Nikolai (I:R)
10 American Caesar: A USA Kaiserreich AAR by Bloodfelt (HoI4)
17 The Leading Spirits: the State of Moravia in the Age of Revolutions by Revan86 (Vic3)
28 Stellaris Wars: Knights of the Ancient Republic by Arithmetician (Stellaris)
October 2024
2 Rise Of Albion- Caledonia To Albion Kilocampaign by Quintus Aquilla (I:R)
19 The Legacy of Eadmund: An East Anglian AAR by Koweth (CK3)
27 The Patriots - A Hearts of Iron IV AARgentina AAR by Captured Joe (HoI4)
September 2024
7 Imperial Cheese Part 2: By Blood Alone by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
August 2024
10 Flowering upon Fields of Blood: An EU4 Anbennar Newshire AAR by Sybot (EU IV)
17 Dreams of Frisian Freedom by Bullfilter (EU IV)
July 2024
27 Life2.0 - An "Of Unity" Narrative by CBR JGWRR (Stellaris)
June 2024
11 The Last of the Achaemenids (Megacampaign Part 1) by Killcrazy13 (I:R)
30 Tales of the Geese by Crossl3ones (CK3)
May 2024
5 Jak's Game Guide: An EU4 Tutorial by jak7139 (EUIV)
12 The Red Heart of Europe - A modded Burgundian AAR by High Speed Flying Gladius (CK3)
19 The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving by LancelotRS (CK3)
April 2024
7 Siberian Prosperity - an Economic CK2 AAR by Sanvone (CK2)
14 Galactic Pacification for Dummies by Peter Ebbesen (Stellaris)
21 The Broken Gates by Macavity116 (CK3)
28 Poles Apart - an HOI4 Ahistory by Bullfilter (HoI4)
March 2024
24 Medieval Lithuanian History - Lecture Notes - University of Kaunas (a Lithuanian Megacampaign AAR) by ardsss (CK3)
31 Rex Germania - A Brandenburg to Prussia Strategy AAR by Rensslaer (EUIV)
February 2024
4 The Third Odyssey - An Elysian Tale by Crimson Lionheart (EUIV)
25 The Christian Kingdom of Sarir - the Forgotten Persian Principality by Killcrazy13 (CK3)
January 2024
14 Blood and Empire: A Clash of Civilisations by Bullfilter (CK2)
21 American Carnage - A United States Kaiserreich AAR by Tommy4ever (HoI4)
28 Roman Restoration: A Byzantine Campaign by Legosim (EUIV)
December 2023
3 Mead and Blood by The Kingmaker (CK3)
10 The Line of Alexios by Nikolai (CK3)
17 The Leicesters: History of England under the House of Dudley-Tudor by ageofadelina (EUIV)
24 King of Kings, the story of Tehrani Persia by David of Miami (CK3)
November 2023
5 The German Century (Kaiserreich AAR) by Basileus2 (HoI4)
13 Blood, Gold and Hellfire: An EU4 Anbennar, Mykx AAR by Sybot (EUIV)
26 Song of the Solitaire by Macavity116 (Stellaris)
October 2023
1 Rise and fall of the Imperium of Nova Terra by Falhxer (Stellaris)
15 Forlorn Hope - A Germany Endsieg AAR by Rolexovsky (DH)
22 Here Dwells God - A Jewish Poland AAR, Part Four by Tommy4ever (DH)
September 2023
3 Machinations of the Medici by jak7139 (EUIV)
10 Confessing Their Apostasies (A Mildly Interactive AAR) by HistoryDude (CK3)
17 The Thin Wedge of Europe by Revan86 (EUIV)
August 2023
20 The Wars of the Roses by coz1 (EUIV)
27 Shining Stars - A United States Coming of Age Saga by Rensslaer (V2)
July 2023
9 Deeper Understanding by Von Acturus (Stellaris)
16 Tomorrow Belongs To Me: A 'Democratic' Germany AAR by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
June 2023
18 The TerraGen Dominion, Volume 1 by CBR JGWRR (Stellaris)
25 The Tebadoran Citizen Union: A Military Hegemony Driven by Unity and Vengeance by Amel12 (Stellaris)
May 2023
14 The Fourth Age by Uriel Blackwing (AoW4)
21 From Pendragon to Prominence by Olden Weiss (CK3)
April 2023
2 Dreams of an Honest World - a Mexico V3 AAR by Chilango2 (V3)
30 Life2.0 - a Broken Shackles Narrative by CBR JGWRR (Stellaris)
March 2023
5 The Zenak Unity - Our awakening by danivon (Stellaris)
12 Grand Theft Stellaris by Macavity116 (Stellaris)
19 The Empire Strikes Back - Part 4 by Idhrendur (HoI4)
26 Suryavamsali - An iAAR by KiratRawr (CK2)
January 2023
8 The Kuzari or the Book of Refutation and Proof on Behalf of the Despised Religion [Alt-History Steppe AAR] by Killcrazy13 (CK3)
22 The Book of Zion (A CK3 Protocol) by TheNikus (CK3)
December 2022
4 Born to Breed: House of the Prophets by Peter Ebbesen (CK3)
25 Stellaris Wars: A Nemesis Ironman Saga II - Rebellion: The Imperium at War by Arithmetician (Stellaris)
November 2022
6 "The Dawn is Near" - A White Russian Novel AAR by Khanconette (HoI4)
October 2022
9 Imperial Cheese: The Improbably Incredible Rise of the Italian Empire by TheButterflyComposer (HoI4)
23 The Lions of Olomouc: a CKIII Ironman AAR (Duchy of Moravia, 867) by Revan86 (CK3)
September 2022
4 SPQR - The Senate and People of Rome by nAssailant (I:R)
August 2022
7 Tales from Saxony by Austregisel (CK2)
14 In the Shadow of the Ancients - An Assyrian AAR, Part Two by Tommy4ever (EUIV)
21 A Tale as Old as Time: Book II: The Dual Monarchy - A Paradox Mega-Campaign AAR by ibicko (EUIV)
July 2022
3 The Dragon's Realm, A House Targaryen AAR by streaker77 (CK2)
10 The Last Days of the Han (Three Kingdoms AAR) by Zamarak500 (CK2)
17 A Galaxy of Wonder by naxhi24 (Stellaris)
June 2022
12 The Butterfly Effect: A British AAR by El Pip (HoI2)
19 King of Kings - An Iran HPP AAR by RustyHunter (HoI3)
26 Poles Apart - an HOI4 Ahistory by Bullfilter (HoI4)
May 2022
1 At the Edge of the World - The Anglo-Saxon Conquest of Britain by Senior Chamoy (CK3)
15 IberiAARn Tales by Nikolai (CK3)
22 The Kingdom of Jerusalem by Werther (CK3)
29 En la Sombra de Morazan: A Central American AAR by Zeogludon (V2)
April 2022
10 Crowns of the Levant by Werther (CK3)
17 The Sea Beyond The Sky - An Aquatic AAR by Nikolai (Stellaris)
24 Annuntio Vobis: A Papal History of Italy by slothinator (V2)
March 2022
6 The Russian Path, Part 3 - Megacampaign by Gamov_Andrew (V2)
27 The Eastern Vikings, Part 4 - Baltic Megacampaign by RedTemplar (HoI4)
Februari 2022
6 Shattered Glass: A Narrative Stellaris AAR by Von Acturus (Stellaris)
13 Onward, Toward Perfection (Anthology of the Enclave of Eternity) WIP by Quinzal (Stellaris)
20 The Thin Wedge of Europe by Revan89 (EUIV)
January 2022
16 The Greater Central America Co-Prosperity Sphere: An Expansionist Cuba AAR (Vanilla | Ironman) by Qwaszx54321 (HoI4)
23 The Nation of the Tagalogs: A Tondo Megacampaign AAR by Black Watch (EUIV)
30 Chronicles of the Polish Empire Reaching the Stars - A CK3/EU4/Victoria2 to Stellaris Megacampaign AAR by Nikolai (Stellaris)
November 2021
7 Song of the Karlings: Karloman's Legacy by LPDK 356 (CK2)
14 Rise of Eagles - A Dream of White Russian Victory Mod AAR by Henry v. Keiper (HoI4)
October 2021
3 A Tale as Old as Time: Book II: The Dual Monarchy - A Paradox Mega-Campaign AAR by ibicko (EUIV)
10 The Secret History of the Bargas by filcat (CK3)
17 A Gentleman's War : The Middle-East Command (HoI3 TFH - UK AAR) by Eurasia (HoI3)
24 Empire for Liberty: America in the Long Nineteenth Century by volksmarschall (V2)
31 Annuntio Vobis: A Papal History of Italy by slothinator (V2)
September 2021
5 The Lions of Olomouc: a CKIII Ironman AAR (Duchy of Moravia, 867) by Revan86 (CK3)
12 The Rise of Russia by HistoryDude (V2)
26 Wings of Faith, Wings of Fury - A Slavic Pagan Revival AAR by Superstorm (CK2)
August 2021
1 Stellaris Wars: A Nemesis Ironman Saga by Arithmetician (Stellaris)
8 One World is not Enough- Normans in Space by harg (Stellaris)
15 The Eastern Vikings, Part 4 - Baltic Megacampaign by RedTemplar (HoI4)
22 Settling the Steppe - An Anti-Horselord Gothic AAR by alscon (CK2)
July 2021
4 One Heart, One Soul, One Mind, One Goal: A Republic of China HPP AAR by RustyHunter (HoI3)
11 After the Fall - A Byzantine Restoration AAR by Flinteroon (CK2)
18 Chronicles of Poland by Nikolai (CK3)
25 All Our Sins Remembered by Macavity116 (Stellaris)
June 2021
6 Bastion of the East - A de Bailleul AAR by RustyHunter (CK2)
13 "One and Indivisible" (A Russian Kaiserreich AAR) by Aussie Perun (DH)
20 Blut und Schlacht (Blood and Battle): A Learner's Saga by Bullfilter (CK2)
27 Don't Make Anas Out Of Me: The Legend Of Italian Rus by Alfred Packer (CK2)
May 2021
16 You Would Have A Queen: Gaia's Stepdaughters, redux by Cora Giantkiller (Stellaris)
23 Avon Las Observes by Midnite Duke (CK2)
30 God Willing and the Creek Do Rise by coz1 (EUIV)
April 2021
11 The White Eagle & the Knight: A Polish AAR by RossN (EUIV)
25 Urbi et Orbi - A Rome AAR by Stuckenschmidt (I:R)
March 2021
7 Alexander's Funeral Games - Epirus AAR by Argead33 (I:R)
14 The Black Eagle - A Russian History (1444-1821) by Crimson Lionheart (EUIV)
February 2021
7 The Caliphate of al-Rus: A Kievan AAR by Cora Giantkiller (CK3)
14 Haw Dywedyd "Mynydd" Na Myned Drosto - A Welsh Megacampaign Part 1 by tubplunger (CK3)
21 Echoes of A New Tomorrow: Life After Revolution in the Commonwealth of Britain by DensleyBlair (V2)
28 Mother AnAARchy Loves Her Sons: A TNO Siberian Black Army AAR by Alex Kamal (HoI4)
January 2021
3 Chronicles of Conradin: A Hohenstaufen Resurgence by Tyler96 (CK2)
17 Rend the Thorns: a Chronicle of England by Great Mantis (EUIV)
24 For All We Have and Are: Great Britain in the Great War - (1901 Series) by BigBadBob (V2)
31 Here Dwells God - A Jewish Poland AAR, Part Three by Tommy4ever (V2)
December 2020
12 For All We Have and Are: Britain in the Great War by BigBadBob (V2)
27 The Most Sublmie Porte - An Ottoman AAR by Riotkiller (V2)
November 2020
1 "The New Era of Discovery" The Republic of Concordia Stellaris AAR by Sharkrat (Stellaris)
8 Superior Arguments: A Stellaris AAR by eoncommander (Stellaris)
15 The Eastern Vikings, Part 3 - Baltic Mega-Campaign by RedTemplar (V2)
22 The Steed and the Sea: a Roderlo Megacampaign by J_Master (EUIV)
October 2020
11 Again with the Norman Invasion. Story of the Hautevilles. by hjarg (CK3)
18 The Carolingian Renaissance by The Kingmaker (CK3)
25 Watching From Afar by Nikolai (CK3)
September 2020
6 The Chronicle of Black and Gold by Twighlight Array 17 (CK3)
20 A Most Forgiving Land: A Nigerian Coast AAR by Cora Giantkiller (CK3)
27 The White Eagle & the Knight: A Polish AAR by RossN (EUIV)
August 2020
9 No Love, No Comfort - A Stellaris Fanfiction by Methone (Stellaris)
30 Empire of the Bear: A History-Book After the End AAR by GangsterSynod (CK2)
July 2020
5 Shōwa Democracy - A Darkest Hour Kaiserreich Cold War AAR (Japan) by Heath (DH)
June 2020
7 The Thorn of the Rose by stnylan (HoI4)
14 The Azure Dragon Soars Again by vyshan (HoI4)
21 May the Sun Never Set: A British AAR by Jape (V2)
28 Here Dwells God - A Jewish Poland AAR, Part Two by Tommy4ever (EUIV)
May 2020
7 Historical French AAR, 1936 by makif130289 (HoI4)
17 Give 'em the Ol' Basel Razzle-Dazzle - A Habsburg AAR by Green Rice (CK2)
24 The Quest for the amulet of Malik Bahram Lodi - A Sirhind AAR by DukeOfNorfolk (EUIV)
31 Songs of the Saiiban - A Poetic AAR by Chilango2 (Stellaris)
April 2020
5 "A wehraboo and a hat in charge of Ital" A story AAR by Farsky (HoI3)
12 Patria, Justicia, y Libertad -- Synarchist Mexico AAR by RedTemplar (HoI4)
19 Stardancers - A Federations AAR by RossN (Stellaris)
26 Pax Astra - A Stellaris AAR by Rawghi (Stellaris)
March 2020
15 Read All About It! - A Community NewspapAAR by El Pip & friends (V2)
29 A Royal Prerogative - A UK AAR by Le Jones (HoI4)
February 2020
2 Roman Restoration: A Byzatine Campaign by Legosim (EUIV)
9 Echoes of A New Tomorrow: Life after Revolution in the Commonwealth of Britain by DensleyBlair (V2)
16 Rainbow Butterfly Paradise by Chipbeam (Stellaris)
January 2020
12 The Fox on the Frontier: A CK2 Sindh AAR by mad orc (CK2)
19 The Times of Strife - A A.U.S. Kaiserreich 4 AAR by cosmelll (HoI4)
Breakdown by Game (Grand Total) [Fully Updated as of Dec 8, 2024]
Stellaris (59)
For the Glory (2)
Imperator: Rome (12)
Europa Universalis IV (90)
Europa Universalis III (68)
Europa Universalis II (30)
Europa Universalis: Rome (10)
Crusader Kings (41)
Crusader Kings II (109)
Crusader Kings III (35)
Victoria (57)
Victoria II (111)
Victoria III (4)
Hearts of Iron I (8)
Hearts of Iron II (76)
Hearts of Iron III (58)
Hearts of Iron IV (33)
Age of Wonders 4 (1)
Arsenal of Democracy (0)
Darkest Hour (42)
Diplomacy (1)
Galactic Civilizations II (1)
Knights of Honor (1)
Revolution Under Siege (2)
Rise of Prussia (1)
Wars in America (1)
Sengoku (1)
March of Eagles (2)
The Weekly Showcase was and is designed for all of AARland, from HoI 4 to Imperator: Rome to Stellaris. The idea is to select a single AAR (as opposed to a writer, that's covered under 'WritAAR of the Week') that deserves everyone's attention and focus on it. The only way this will work is with your participation.
1. Your AAR is selected! Congratulations! Please take a moment to say 'Hi' to your admirers!
2. After one week, please choose your successor. It can be any AAR for a Paradox published or created game on these forums, within the following guidelines:
A. Try not to select an AAR whose writer recently received another award. If the awards start parroting each other we've defeated the purpose.
B. Try to select an AAR in a different game/category than yours. This award is for all AARland and if people don't like game x, then they'll lose interest in participating.
3. Please add a comment or two about the AAR *and a link* when you reply nominating your successor.
4. Please post in the winning AAR's thread and/or PM the author letting him know he's won.
First Nomination:
Now I mentioned in my last article, singling out one of many great AARs out there now is difficult. However, for our first Showcase I'd like to point out 54 - 40' or... by Machiavellian. This Victoria AAR relates the story of Columbia, a former British dominion located in what's now Washington and British Columbia from 1836.
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