The only thing that this does to simplify the set up is remove the seer scan, which is not a difficult order to handle in a lite where they either scan a pack member (and thus get wolf) or they get a villager result. It should take 30 seconds at most to handle the seer order. From a set up and night order perspective, a lite is simple. My notes for a lite look something like this:
Wolf Pack:
Dead Players:
*put a running list of dead players here in case the seer or wolves accidentally target a dead person*
When deadline hits, I count the votes, look at the wolves and seer and if the player with the most votes aren't them, I put so and so the villager is lynched. If it's the seer or a wolf that has the most votes, then I put their role. Then I look at the hunt and if they are targeting any living player but the seer, I put so and so the villager is hunted, and if they hunt the seer then I put DNFC the seer (or whoever the seer is in that game) is hunted. Finally I look at the seer's scan if they are alive. If they are scanning anyone in the pack, I return wolf. Otherwise, I return villager. If I've been regularly doing vote counts throughout the day and thus I only need to count a few additional votes, that entire process can be done in a few minutes with the votes usually being the thing that makes it take a while if there was a lot of sniping or other activity at deadline. And deadline activity isn't affected that much by lite set up.
The things that take time in a lite are being active in the thread and providing timely votecounts and writing good flavor text for the updates, which aren't affected by set up.