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There is a first map of West Africa in 1419 :


Feel free to post some comment...
Note that in the next beta ( 2 days? ) I reintroduced the CoT in Timbuktu.

Calipah already claimed Timbuktu for the Moroccans at gamestart. You'll need to negotiate with him. :p
Well... ok... Calipah was first to ask it... so he can have Timbuktu...

So... Mighty Malians will soon get back the old capital ;)

It's maybe a better choice to wait the next beta release to send you modified country files.
But remember that the Moroccans have just finished a civil war. Maybe, infact, the opposite should be true. That they lost Timbuktu during this time. Mali now has it at game start, but the rejuvenated and consolidated Morocco will now turn its attentions to recapture that wealthy city ... :)
Why not... What's your opinion Calipah ?

I'm Opened to all proposition... we can also make Timbuktu loss by Marroco in the begin of the game and move the capital of mali from Bure to Timbuktu...

When Marroco was more stable it can ask to Mali to surrender Timbuktu as Aragon does with the French for Roussillon (In ACGEEP)

Mali have the choice... avoid war and give Timbuktu or provoke a cassus belli... and maybe war
I dont mind at all to have Timbuktu under Mali rule whereby the Moroccans attempt to regain the city.

My vision for Morocco is as follows :

15th century is spent attempting to control West Africa with the lust for Gold and Ivory.Several reforms by the Wattasid regency and good relations with Cordoba.It will also need a tailored Mutazelite event followed by revolts from the Ulema of Timbuktu and the Sunni Scholars fleeing to the Almohad empire (if it exists).

16th century Morocco will have three routes (Either gets under Cordoba's sphere and has its set of events, attempts to rejuvinate the idea of a *Greater Maghreb*, and of course, colonization of the west):

#1Prominent Sunni Saint dies and gives the cryptic vision that "Islam's destiney is to the west".Thus begins the Moroccan attempts at expansion to Brazil (closer and what not).
#2Morocco is effected by events in Cordoba (so for example, a reform event in Cordoba will be similar in Morocco)
#3One of the Sultans attempts to expand his power over the rest of North Africa by the use of Military force.

17th to 18th century Morocco : Mostly concentrated around the Saadi and Alewite revolutions.

1# Brazillian colony or "Al-Murujistan" will begin having trouble as the slave revolts (Africans) rocks the colonies, Mutazelites and Sunni denziens cause trouble, and demands for independence from the mother country bring al-Murujistan to destruction.

2# Same course as Cordoba IF they remain connected.

3# Sultanate is rocked by revolutions by a new Muslim Sect similar to the Khwarij who want an even more stricter state (Berber trouble and the rise of the Kasimas).

Something like that, still writing it down.

To assist you with your design work, here are a few things you will need.


Mali is MAL
Ashanti is ASH
Oyo is COI

ID Ranges

37401 to 37450 for Mali monarchs
37451 to 37500 for Mali leaders
724000 to 724999 for Mali events

37501 to 37550 for Ashanti monarchs
37551 to 37600 for Ashanti leaders
723000 to 723999 for Ashanti events

37601 to 37650 for Oyo monarchs
37651 to 37700 for Oyo leaders
725000 to 725999 for Oyo events

Make sure you read some of the key Aberration II threads about how we build and design here.


Design Principles

Event Scripting

Then there are the editing tools, the most useful of which are:

Havards Scrioting Guide

Katica.org Event Parser

Looking forward to reading more ideas and the first core events!

Further information on Mali (Open for discussion)

1421 - 1485 : The Timbuktu affair and the Southern Pagan:

At start of game Mali recover is lost capital Timbuktu to the Marrocan. But Marrocan civil war is just ended and Malian nobility was divided chose to take Timbuktu or stay at Buré

If Timbuktu is the new capital Mali rebuild a new Sankore University.

Have rapid trouble with the Marrocan but supported by Mamluk who have good relations due of frequent Hajj (Pilgrimage) of Musa (and gold gifts).

If Mali goes in war with Marocco :

Timbuktu fall : Mali flee to Buré and loose pretention on Timbuktu.
This loss will destabilise the coutry.

Timbuktu resist : Marroco will (mid-term) Loose core at least temporary

If Mali avoid war with Marocco (pay tribute / Vassalisation / Stay in Buré) : Malian looks south and will converts lasts Pagan provinces.

The conversions provoque rebellions provoqued by some Shaman who don't want to loose their power.

1485 - 1530: The gold of Musa

Musa's prestige is largely influanced by Gold Mine. in the early 1500, a lot of people dies in the mine.

Infantery first keep order and repress for the Musa who never forget to pay them... but the young musa did the error to use the army money for they first Hajj to Mecca.

The army take the Musa's Palace and negociate best working condition a better salary when Musa's back to the country.

If Musa accept the deal, he stop to send money to Alexandria and Mecca loosing most of influance in north Africa

If Musa refuse the revolt turn mad... The Musa must flee to the south and the army take the power.
Further information on Mali (Part 2)

1530- 1560: The Restoration

If Musa flee to the south he want to return to the throne. He search help in Oyo and Ashanti. The Ashantehe or Oyo can accept or refuse help. But all have a cost !

The current Musa dies and his son take the throne.

Here : Two really different path ->

- He was born in south and will have more contact with southern country.
Mali look for expansion and Trade with South Africa and later Asia (South-East Path)
- He was born in Timbuktu and learn in Muslim University.
He will fight Christian Colonies in the West African coast
Later Mali maybe choose to go west with Marrocan Traders and explorers (Must see this with Calipah)
(North-West Path )

1560- 1630: The Malian Traders

S-E Path : Ashantehe toll on the south caravane always irritate the Musa.
Mali can try to take one of the Coastal province to build an harbour and begin expedition to join the South Africa coast.
If he succeed the economic activity of the country change radically and a new axe Timbuktu/Buré -> Senegal/Dakar is created

N-W Path : Mali just focus on trade with North Africa and protecting West Coast from Christian influance / Try to Convert the province maybe
Ok, i read some of the events form Calipah for Marocco

I First take the embassy event created for Songhai and create a event for the rebuild of Madrassa in Timbuktu

event = {
        id = 724001
	random = no
	country = MAL
	trigger = { event = 703020 } #Morocco
	name = "The Moor Ambassador"
	desc = "With Timbuktu firmly under the grip of the Sultanate, the Moroccans attempted to project and exert their influence over the rest of the Sahel. The Sultan sent an embassy in 1438 to Buré demanding that the Musa pay a yearly tribute of around two mithkals of gold."
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1435 }
	offset = 120
	deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1442 }

	action_a = {
		name = "Send back his head"
		command = { type = relation which = MOR value = -150 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 703021 }
	action_b = {
		name = "Pay the tribute"
		command = { type = provincetax which = 1496 value = -2 }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = ASH } #just in case
		command = { type = breakvassal which = COI} #just in case
		command = { type = trigger which = 703022 }

event = {
	id = 724002
	random = no
	province = 1496
	trigger = { 
		event = 703022 #to register that the tribute was chosen
		OR = {
			NOT = { owned = { province = 1495 data = MOR } } #no longer owned by Morrocco
			NOT = { vassal = { country = MOR country = MAL} }
	name = "The end of the Tribute to Morocco"
	desc = "With the Sultanate now dispersed from the Sahel and Timbuktu no longer in their control, the tribute to the Sultan of Morocco need no longer be paid."
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1440 }
	offset = 120

	action_a = {
		name = "OK"
		command = { type = provincetax which = 1496 value = 2 }

event = {
	id = 724003
	random = no
	trigger = { 
        control   = { province = 1495 data = MAL}
	name = "The rebuild of Madrassa in Timbuktu"
	desc = "The nobility of Mali always be fascinated by Timbuktu. Malian rebuilt the old and famous Madrassa and rapidly craftsmen and islamic scholars came from all over the Muslim world  "
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1451}
	offset = 200
	action_a = {
		name = "Good"
		command = { type = infra   value = 150 } 
                command = { type = missionaries   value = 1 }
Crio, just to let you know, Im still with you all the way.Im just working on Tlemscen and Almujadids , leaving Morocco until you work out West Africa.
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Calipah said:
Crio, just to let you know, Im still with you all the way.Im just working on Tlemscen and Almujadids , leaving Morocco until you work out West Africa.If you have events to share with me my email is saracenknight2003@hotmail.com .

Tank you Calipah... i'm still working on it but the next week is very busy...
Malian events :

event = {
	# Action B added
	id = 724003
	random = no
	trigger = { 
        control   = { province = 1495 data = MAL}
	name = "The rebuild of Madrassa in Timbuktu"
	desc = "The nobility of Mali always be fascinated by Timbuktu. Malian rebuilt the old and famous Madrassa and rapidly craftsmen and islamic scholars came from all over the Muslim world  "
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1451}
	offset = 200
	action_a = {
		name = "Good"
		command = { type = infra value = 150 } 
                command = { type = missionaries   value = 1 }
                command = { type = gold walue= -50}
	action_b = {
		name = "We need to keep our money"
		command = { type = infra value = -50 } 
                command = { type = stability value = -1 } 

event = {
	id = 724005
	random = no
	trigger = { 
        control   = { province = 1495 data = MOR}
	name = "The loose of Timbuktu"
	desc = "The Maroccan finally assault the capital and the government flees to Bure... again."
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1431}
	offset = 200
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = october year = 1485 } # After this date Malian must be anihilated to loose Timbuktu
	action_a = {
		name = "It's a shame"
		command = { type = capital   which = xxx } 
		command = { type = secedeprovince   which = 1495 value = MOR }
                command = { type = stability   value = -1 }

event = {
	id = 724006
	random = no
	trigger = { 
        control   = { province = 1495 data = MOR}
	name = "The First Hajj in Alexandria"
	desc = "The Musa do it's first Hajj to Alexandria and the Malian gold fascinate the whole muslim world 
	date = { day = 10 month = may year = 1424}
	offset = 20
	action_a = {
		name = "I want to please to Allah"
                command = { type = gold walue= -20}
                command = { type = relation which = xxx value = 25 } // Mamluk

Some nice little events. Here are some comments.

For the Madrassa, I presume that this was a religious building of some sort. Nice little event. Perhaps each choice could be further tied to religious issues in the future.

For the loss of Timbuktu, it needs to have a country designated for it to occur to. You ought also to consider whether Timbuktu should even retain a CoT. Just because the Moroccans own that one province/city, why should all of the trade south, west and east of there still flow through it? Couldn't Mali force trade through another city?

I think there ought to be a follow-up event about the loss of Timbuktu as a CoT and its potential move to another location.

The First Hajj event is a great idea except that the effects (for the cost) are too small. Give them a boost in missionaries and boosts to relations with the Caliphate and Hedjaz (who might still control Mecca at that point). A gain in stability would be appropriate. Why does the event only trigger if Morocco owns 1495? Shouldn't it trigger only if Mali is sunni?

For the loss of Timbuktu, it needs to have a country designated for it to occur to. You ought also to consider whether Timbuktu should even retain a CoT. Just because the Moroccans own that one province/city, why should all of the trade south, west and east of there still flow through it? Couldn't Mali force trade through another city?

Well, Timbuktu had been a center of culture and civilization in Africa for a long while - I mean, in game terms, by 1419, it should be in the pinnacle of her glory and not on the verge of decay.Though perhaps that my be changed due to the fact that the city was conquered by the Moroccans earlier...

There is really no other viable city in Western Africa unless say....the Christian colonies are flourishing and trade moves to the coasts or the cot moves to the north.We can only fanthom where trade would go without Timbuktu (being central and on the direct trade routes through the Sahara , linking her to the rest of islam).
The First Hajj event is a great idea except that the effects (for the cost) are too small. Give them a boost in missionaries and boosts to relations with the Caliphate and Hedjaz (who might still control Mecca at that point). A gain in stability would be appropriate. Why does the event only trigger if Morocco owns 1495? Shouldn't it trigger only if Mali is sunni?

I agree, and I noticed one thing, most Muslim nations in the game dont know where Medina or Mekka are! :D Im going to add that knowledge before I send u the fix up for the Central Asian nations, dont you worry!
Thanks for the comments on Timbuktu.

As for Mecca, why would muslim nations know about it? What's so special?

Yeah, that was a joke. Like the old chestnut here:

Man 1: So, my wife left me last night.

Man 2: That's not good, what happened?

Man 1: Ah, I made a joke about the Pope.

Man 2: That was stupid, you knew she was catholic.

Man 1: Yeah, but I didn't know the Pope was ...

Ta dum.
Thanks for comment... sorry for not adding new materials but a lot of things i do was delete by error ;(

I will add a monarch file for the first years...

For The loss of Timbuktu and Maroccan occupation i agree with Calipah... The merchants was majoritary marrocan traders... The COT must stay in Timbuktu

For The First Hajj in Alexandria : This only a copy/paste error... the real trigger must be religion=sunni ... Ok for the changes

For the Madrassa it's a Muslim University... i have a plan for it... a "Pagan Musa" if the Madrassa wasn't build.
# Mali Monarchs for Interregium by Crio
# ID range is 37401- 37450

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 37401 }
startdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
deathdate = { day = 25 month = december year = 1430}
name = "Musa III"
DIP = 5
MIL = 8
ADM = 3

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 37402 }
startdate = { day = 26 month = december year = 1430}
deathdate = { day = 12 month = march year = 1448}
name = "Maghan II"
DIP = 8
MIL = 4
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 37403 }
startdate = { day = 13 month = march year = 1448}
deathdate = { day = 17 month = october year = 1492}
name = "Maghan III"
DIP = 6
MIL = 6
ADM = 6
dormant = no

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 37404 }
startdate = { day = 13 month = march year = 1448}
deathdate = { day = 17 month = october year = 1449}
name = "Maghan III"
DIP = 7
MIL = 3
ADM = 4
dormant = yes
remark = "Killed by Sakura Keita the Pagan Mansa"

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 37405 }
startdate = { day = 18 month = october year = 1449}
deathdate = { day = 17 month = october year = 1492}
name = "Sakura Keita"
DIP = 4
MIL = 6
ADM = 7
dormant = yes
remark = "The Pagan Mansa"

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 37406 }
startdate = { day = 18 month = october year = 1492}
deathdate = { day = 2 month = january year = 1541}
name = "Mohammed"
DIP = 8
MIL = 5
ADM = 5
dormant = no
remark = "The restauration"
Last edited:
Looks good.

Mostly above-average quality, which is OK as long as mali gets some less-than-good monarchs later on.

Good work.